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What lead to 'Project Gunwalker'?

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Then read this:


Having been outed on their prior "90% of guns used in crimes In Mexico come from the US" mantra, a cynical individual could conclude that the program was intended to turn that into a legitimate statistic.  The battle for public policy shifts is a struggle, and it generally takes a number of events or findings to begin to sway the public's view.  Certainly, a significant increase in homicides from "illegally sold" weapons would get the public's attention.  Were they going to disclose this program to the public at some point, it let it remain concealed and let the public draw its own conclusions?

It is illegal to sell to straw buyers.  The feds have prosecuted dealers for this very issue.  So if it is illegal, does a federal agency have the power to direct others to break the law?  What if, instead of illegal gun sales, it was murder?  "We want you to kill someone so we can see who shows up at the funeral"? 

Last time I checked, federal employees were also subject to the laws of the US and the states.

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  • 1 month later...

Back in the news agaain - with some pretty shocking (or, not really shocking...) discoveries.

Public money was spent for Gun Walker firearms purchases, and an ATF agent was put in a bad position in purchases, himself... 

"Not only did U.S. officials approve, allow and assist in the sale of more than 2,000 guns to the Sinaloa cartel -- the federal government used taxpayer money to buy semi-automatic weapons, sold them to criminals and then watched as the guns disappeared."

Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2011/09/26/us-government-bought-and-sold-weapons-during-fast-and-furious-documents-show/?test=latestnews#ixzz1Z7BDLgIf




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It's amazing but not surprising this stuff is buried in the news.

I'm very positive that there are many high-up administration officials that don't want this info to see the light of day.  Too bad there are news organizations out there that don't care about reporting important stuff, only kissing ass.  >:(  I'm happy that someone has the sack to put this info out there, otherwise, we'd all be mushrooms - kept in the dark and fed bullpoopy.

Here's an interesting read on some of that ATF agent's side of the story, or at least what was happening to him...

I don't understand how this could already be in the "archives" section of this website, when it's dated today - gotta dig for this stuff now, for some strange reason...  <dontknow>


Read some of this blog, if you really want to feel like a mushroom - why isn't this stuff all over printed and electronic news media?... 


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