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bedded action


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Well, I just spent all day inletting my stock and bedding the action on my old Ruger 7mm mag. I' let you guys know how everthing worked out, I may have f_kd up a perfectly good rifle. <dontknow> One thing I'm pretty sure about is that I will never use acra glas gel bedding material again the stuff is a pain in the arse to work with.

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I have some pillars and adjustable comb attachments around here somewhere.

They need to be bedded though.  <laughs>


gee thanx Jon sure wish you were clairvoyant and had thought of that when I was planning this last hunting season <laughs>

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  I don't understand your problems with AG gel.

    I'v used it for over 20 years, and never had any problems..

    And, I'v used it to pillar bed.



Well, Terry this is the first I've used this type of material I was expecting something more akin to resin or bondo/west systems epoxy.This stuff was so thick and  sticky I could hardly mix it. I'm not knocking the product I just think that next go around I will try something that I'm more familiar with. BTW the action came back out of the stock easier than I thought it would.  Dave
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The Gunsmith Kinks series of books offered by Brownell's have all sorts of good tips for using Acra-Glas.

Some of the contributors went about fixing broken stuff of their wive's and now their wives love it. Right on flyer I may have to look into those


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  As far as I'm concerned, thats one of the nice things about the gel!  Put it where you want it, it dosen't move except to squeeze out when you put the metal in the stock.

  I used to use the regular acc=glass. and THAT was a PITA.  Stuff was so thin, it would  run all over the place.  You had to bed stocks in "sections" so the stuff didn't run where you didn't want it.



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