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Suppressed 243 Win AR


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Posted a while ago my 243 upper build, finally got my crap together and got a suppressor for it, had a play this afternoon, most happy

Suppressor is a DPT modular unit, you can add or remove the end baffle sections to suit your application, weighs 8 oz. is 8" long and 1.625" in dia, 4 inches is over barrel and the rest, (basically all the baffle sections) in front of the muzzle so it doesn't add too much to overall length. The over barrel section is sleeved so the gases in the rear section don't come into contact with the barrel.

Made in New Zealand, cost me $350 NZ, ($240 US).

Short video link at under the bottom pic, enjoy:thumbup:

Damn I wish you I could send you guys these things.

243 suppressor.jpg

243 AR.jpg

243 AR suppressor.mp4Fetching info...

Edited by 308kiwi
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Suppressors have gotten a lot cheaper here over the last year or so, there are lots of manufacturers all competing, coupled with the manufacturers tooling up with CNC centres has upped the production rate and reduced the costs.

I think the prices you guys pay will come down once/if your law makers see sense and stop being so F..ing juvenile.

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I know I'm preaching to the choir here but FFS, it just makes sense, suppressed firearms make for safer, ie less hearing damage,  hunting/shooting for all involved including your best four legged friends, (for those who hunt with them), and as for range use, well F..K, like I said to Sketch, it's almost considered rude here to turn up to a range and shoot without suppression, and when you consider the proximity of some ranges to other facilities, be they residential or commercial or whatever, the net effect is less noise complaints, less aggravation to your neighbours, less cost to clubs having to not install expensive, and for most intents, useless sound baffling.

Man I could go on and on, Who's making noises on your behalf over there????, whoever it is they need a F...in shake up, The NRA???, Who pays their wages???.

Just as well I don't live in the USA, I'd be down these F...kers necks boots and all, F...in bureaucrats give me the screaming shits.

Edited by 308kiwi
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:thumbup: thank you bro! simply amazing from NZ.. and we have bs laws against it? pour money at the puppets and get nothing but stage freight performance.. bs! i hope your friend gets his can togeather and we can share it here in a friendly fashion at the range.. :fullauto:suppressed emoji is lacking here..thanks again for your insite.

Edited by sketch
good shits
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