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308 3 gun?


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Do any of y'all have any experience shooting 308 in 3 gun competition? I've never attended or tried a 3 gun, but I was googling around earlier and saw that there is a class that consists of 308, 12ga, and .45acp limited to 8rd mags. Well I've got all those!

     Also found a 3 gun "league" I'd guess you call it in the metro Atlanta area.

    So any input? I wouldn't expect to be fiercely competitive or even marginally competitive in the beginning, but who knows?!? Are 3 gun folks generally friendly or a bunch of snobs? I guess I should go mingle sometime and see what it's all about.  

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I know some folks who do regular 3 gun competition, and they say its pretty expensive. I'm looking into doing some kind of long range competitive shooting, maybe once or twice a year, just for kicks. To compete is $100 entry and ya need 100 rounds. That's more my price range.

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2 minutes ago, Exhail said:

I know some folks who do regular 3 gun competition, and they say its pretty expensive. I'm looking into doing some kind of long range competitive shooting, maybe once or twice a year, just for kicks. To compete is $100 entry and ya need 100 rounds. That's more my price range.

Yeah, I'm kinda afraid of the expense too. I think I'm going to plan us a weekend bike trip and make a event our main stop. Just kinda spectate and mingle. See what it's all about in person. Westgadad has a desire for cowboy action shooting, so maybe we can see both and see where we'd fit in.

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Best thing you can do for your shooting is buy a shot timer.  I'm not joking. If you're every going to do anything where you work on time, you have to measure it so you can see results.  I've been using a shot timer since 2011(?), and it changes everything.  Once you can SEE improvements, you can think back about what you did different to GET those improvements.  For years, I'd shoot, and say, "Yeah, that felt better..." but it might have been 2/10ths off what I just did.  Seeing is believing, and seeing improvement keeps you motivated. 

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