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Newbie question


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So I am new to the forums and the caliber, and am excited to get the build together.  I will most likely have a series of questions, but would like to start with my first regarding and rifle stock.  I did a search but am not seeing anything specific, so if this has been answered, could someone link the info, and if not, any help is appreciated.


I am awaiting delivery of an Armalite AR10 upper, Lower, and BCG.  Barrel is JP 18" supermatch.  What I need help with is compatibility of an ACE M4 SOCOM stock that I already own with this combination of upper/lower/BCG from Armalite.  The SOCOM stock I have is the shorter version (7.5" - 9.5") for carbine buffer and spring.  There is also a longer version (9.5" - 11.5") for rifle buffer and spring.  Midway has these described for AR15 and LR308.


Does anyone own an AR10 with this type of stock, and if so, what length stock, buffer type, and spring would you be using?  Some internet searching says that the Armalite BCG is longer and and collapsible stock needs to be able to accomodate the length.  I only and familiar with more of the AR15 sized parts, and have not had any build issues, but this caliber seems to present many questions for me.


Any help for this newb is appreciated.



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First, with me being THE Armalite pusher.......welcome to the club of AR-10's my man.


Jumping in the deep end with a JP barrel huh? I like your style.


It sounds like you're gonna need an Armalite carbine buffer tube. They're their own size compared to the DPMS/SR25 patterned rifles. I (and many others around here) will suggest getting a heavybuffer from heavybuffers.com. A lot of us run those. I use them in most of my AR's (especially the 10's). They alone, affect recoil a fair amount. That and along with a good muzzle device will make that thing shoot as smooth as an AR-15.


Keep throwing questions out dude. We're not gonna  make you feel stupid or bust you balls (well....maybe some light ball bustin). We're all here to help each other with ideas and fixes when needed.

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Thanks for the quick response....I was reading the heavy buffer info on the "what you need to know" section, and have visited heavybuffers.com.  Do you know if I would be OK with the M4 SOCOM stock (carbine length) or should I go to the rifle length?


No problem with hazing...its all good!!!



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You're good either way. If you use the Carbine version of the stock, you can use the Armalite Carbine Tube with a standard-length Carbine Buffer or if you end up using a run-of-the-mill carbine stock for an AR15, you will have to use the shorter 1.5" buffer (aka DPMS 308 length).

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Roger that Shibiwan...


The SOCOM stock is the one with the integral buffer tube, so no need for another tube.  Based on what I gathered here and at heavybuffers.com, either stock is acceptable, with difference being the buffer.  Both carbine and rifle buffers are the same weight, and only the length changes, and will accomodate the differing length of the adjustable stock.


Anyone on board with one of these stocks?



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Thanks washguy....I did just that and already have my order in!!!  Thanks for the suggestion!!!!  I will order a new SOCOM stock (rifle length) and already placed the order for the buffer parts.  The recommended buffer is the AR10R-XH buffer and the AR10 buffer spring!!!



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