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    On the Rez
  • Interests
    Fishing Hunting Fishing did I mention Hunting?

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  1. I like to beat a v shape in my bag and get my bag rider to stay in it it seems to work I can fire and stay right on target it is a amazing simple bag but does take some getting used to but after you do it really works well.
  2. I like this guy he has common sense and he is smart that is a awesome combo.
  3. I sold all my striker fired guns a few years ago it is just my personal opinion I do not like them....wife does own and carry a 365 but it is a different firearm from a 320.
  4. Or do you shoot both .....LOL many of us have indeed done both and a little farther... the bug bites hard as soon as you hit that magic mile you want to go further and further and it is a fun time the comradery amongst the shooters is like a secret team of people all wanting the same thing and when one hits everyone is happy for that person just good clean fun with your clothes on....
  5. here is my advice you know and love great Glass I tip my hat to you for that NOW for the advice Never Ever look at "NO COMPROMISE OPTICS!" Never!!!!!!!! don't do it ! Don't think about it! for get I mentioned it! Oh they are made by the man who started Night Force they are better bigger stronger amazing BUT just forget I wrote this.......!
  6. Magwa


    Or in other words you want to put your meat in her bun! I know I do LOL
  7. Awesome Data and my hats off to all the snipers it is not easy to do and IMO is a skill you first learn then put in the practice and keep learning every day.... wow thanks for that article great stuff...
  8. 5 4 3 2 1 !!! done ordered now I have a 4 to 6 week wait Ivey presicion 200MOA scope mount for Operation Next Zip code
  9. I come here every morning unless i am sick or out of town which is almost never ,I stirred the pot last year about ELR and thought we had it going but no one talks about it WTF am I the only one who really fell down that rabbit hole? I will talk about anything music, movies , flint knapping Fuking Grizzly bears anything . I know there are some builds going on let's hear about them!!!!!!! I am maybe a week from pulling the trigger on my Ivey Presicion mount for ELR and I am fuking excited!
  10. I wonder if he would want to help build a trebuchet
  11. You need to check them out old dogs learn new trick every day.....
  12. Magwa

    Heavy Equipment

    LNAO well that brings a whole new meaning to mechanized......
  13. I agree 100% you get a feel for each piece of brass, good idea on the tumbler having a timer....
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