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5 Dead Giveaways that Out Concealed Carry


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Now I'm going to play devils advocate here with this article and suggest that those signs (vest, beard, walking billboard shirt and hat) might be a benefit rather than opening you up to be the first target.  Criminals I would think don't want to risk being shot any more than anyone else.  If they are going to carry out say an armed robbery or mugging, would it be worth the risk to take on a target that looks like he can take care of himself and is likely carrying or would it be a better choice to wait until he leaves before robbing the 7-11 or maybe mug the hipster wearing a "Feel the Bern" shirt that is likely not carrying or even owns a gun?  I base this theory along the same lines we do in the military with threatcons.  When the threatcon goes up to say Bravo or Charlie, this is where you see M4s being carried out there on the gates and maybe an M-240 providing overwatch.  It's an overt sign that yes, we know the threat is out there and we're possibly being targeted but it's also painfully obvious that we are prepared for an attack.  I agree that the more discrete dress styles does provide a far better level of surprise in that the bad guy has no idea you're armed until it's too late for them as you are drawing.  However, does a more provocative appearance provide a deterrence and a preference for attacking another target that does not appear to be carrying?  I suppose it could be argued either way but you never know which way it will go, provocative styles can be avoided or targeted first or a more discrete style that has the element of surprise but could be seen as a softer target ripe for the picking. 

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First welcome from Indiana brother and THANK YOU for you'r service.It's possible that I might be construed as a "softer target ripe for the picking" then it would be Darwin moment for the motherfuker that think's "this is going to be a piece of cake". My muzzle flash would be his last sight.

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  On 4/18/2016 at 4:14 AM, unforgiven said:

First welcome from Indiana brother and THANK YOU for you'r service.It's possible that I might be construed as a "softer target ripe for the picking" then it would be Darwin moment for the motherfuker that think's "this is going to be a piece of cake". My muzzle flash would be his last sight.


I agree.  Creaky-kneed old fart like me may not look like a threat, may not be worth the bad guy's concern.  Maybe so, maybe not.  I choose to be discreet, as a result may indeed look like a soft target.  Whether my .40S&W and I are effective awaits the judgment of history.  I will certainly not go quietly.  I can only hope to hear the comment:  "Damn, that wrinkled old son of a bitch shot him!"

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Yeah, and the warning shot will be the one right after the one to the center of body mass, so don't worry about shouting out "Drop that pea-shooter a-hole".......... just concentrate on getting the first shot off!

Don't forget to make a regular trip to the range and practice, practice and practice some more!


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  On 4/18/2016 at 4:54 PM, mrmackc said:

Yeah, and the warning shot will be the one right after the one to the center of body mass, so don't worry about shouting out "Drop that pea-shooter a-hole".......... just concentrate on getting the first shot off!

Don't forget to make a regular trip to the range and practice, practice and practice some more!



Excellent point of view.  Being a cheap bastard, I'm wondering if I could combine center-of-mass and warning shots into one shot??  Perhaps subsequently yelling, "I warned you!" and in the confusion maybe most people will assume I did?  And before the next shot, perhaps a "Get this through your head!"  comment would be appropriate.

Seriously, excellent reminder on the range practice.  I can always use more of that.

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  On 4/18/2016 at 5:47 PM, slugger43 said:

Excellent point of view.  Being a cheap bastard, I'm wondering if I could combine center-of-mass and warning shots into one shot??  Perhaps subsequently yelling, "I warned you!" and in the confusion maybe most people will assume I did?  And before the next shot, perhaps a "Get this through your head!"  comment would be appropriate.

Seriously, excellent reminder on the range practice.  I can always use more of that.


We always have to think about the rizeing cost of ammo, good point!

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I got this:http://www.cabelas.com/product/LaserLyte-Trainer-Target/1341943.uts?searchPath=%2Fbrowse.cmd%3FcategoryId%3D734095080%26CQ_search%3Dlaserlyte%252520trainer and this:http://www.opticsplanet.com/laserlyte-premium-pistol-laser-trainer-35-45-caliber.html?utm_source=bing&utm_medium=PLA&utm_term=%7Bkeyword%7D&utm_campaign=%7BOrderItemID%7D an up graded version with an on off button.It fits my S&W bodyguard revolver w/1.8" barrel.I didn't pay those prices either,got them on sale for quite a bit less.Nice piece of kit for indoor practice.

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