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Gunpowder plant explosion

Armed Eye Doc

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I saw this on another forum I visit.  This looks like it may further damage an already anemic ammo and powder supply.




There is a follow up report as well.







It doesn’t sound like that big of a deal on the surface. A company in Europe has an explosion that barely makes the news, even there.


But when you start looking at who partners with PB Clermont , and who the company supplies with gunpowder, and things start getting much more interesting. PB Clermont supplies powder under their own name, and also apparently supplies powder for Barnual, Bofors, and Vihtavuori (Bofors and Vihtavuori are both part of EURENCO).


How soon the company will be able to replace the lost production capability, and what this may mean to the already stretched-thin U.S. ammo market, is unknown at this time.


ATK’s Tim Brandt (maker of Federal Premium,  CCI, Fusion, Speer Ammo, Estate Catridge, and Blazer lines of ammunition, as well as supplier of Alliant Powder) confirms that ATK does not purchase powder from PB Clermont. Bearing Arms is attempting to contact other manufacturers to discuss who uses PB Clermont propellants.


Barnual (marketed in the U.S. under Golden Bear, Silver Bear, and Brown Bear lines) does use PB Clermont powders for two loads, but took shipment of an order shortly before the blast. We’ll report back once we discover which loads this might affect.


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The strain that this WILL impart on the US market is clear, when you look at it.


You have a Euro powder supplier down, for who knows how long...


They need to stay in business, so during the rebuild/reconstruction, they WILL buy comparale powders from somewhere... 


Which could be the US powder market.  Money talks.  When you're in danger of losing your company due to lost revenue, you WILL spend ALOT of money to stay in the game.  US markets WILL NOT IGNORE that money.


So, to think this is something going on in Eupore and doesn't affect us - it very well could affect us.  It all depends on the money level we're talking about here...

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