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Hello from TN


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Hello everyone thought I would introduce myself.

Name is Scott, originally from Florida with the assistance of the military I have found a new home in TN. I've had weapons all my life, started first when I was about three with a little red plastic pistol that shot suction cups, in the living room my father would call the firing line status, however I'm relatively new to black rifles, recently bought my first ar-15 back in Oct, and just recently ordered LAR-8.

Glad I found this forum, it seems I have been spending a lot of time on here lately.

Wanted to ask, does anyone ever get to a point where they are satisfied with the collection they have? or does this cycle of new rifle, new build, new load, oh yeah old rifles... more ammo, new optic, new safe, etc... continue for ever?

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but do get some leeway because we shoot together

Been trying to get her to understand shooting is something we both can enjoy with no luck - got any advice?


I used to be 34  ::)

I hear ya, originally I planned on living forever but I cannot seem to get this aging thing under control.

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Been trying to get her to understand shooting is something we both can enjoy with no luck

start with a .22lr , at least there won't be the intimidating bullet,bang, and ouch. that would be my best choice. also see if there is a womans only safety course, that might help too. my fiance has shot her whole life, her father started her young, so i have him to thank for that.

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Hi Scott, and welcome! As a female shooter (of whom edgecrusher was speaking above), I concur with his suggestion of starting with a .22 or something "light" like that. Although I started with shotguns and black powder, loving every minute of it, I realize I may be an anomaly (or perhaps its the Russian in me, huh MaDeuce?) ;D You could also approach the personal/home safety angle to get her out there, because we all know poop happens, and she should be prepared to defend herself in the event that it does.

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