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Buffer suggestion for PSA mid length upper


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If I wanted to get the correct ejection from my 16" PSA upper (mid length gas system) and it is ejecting brass into that 1:30-3:00 area on the pie charts, will a heavier buffer change this correctly without harming flawless performance from the carbine as is?


The parts:

PSA 16"  barrelled upper

PSA mid length gas system

carbine length buffer tube

3.7 oz buffer

standard carbine spring that came in the carbine tube  (don't remember manufacturer) which contained the buffer also



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2 hours ago, bubbas4570 said:

The parts:

PSA 16"  barrelled upper

PSA mid length gas system

carbine length buffer tube

3.7 oz buffer

standard carbine spring that came in the carbine tube  (don't remember manufacturer) which contained the buffer also

Need mpre info on this stuff.

First and foremost, measure the internal depth of that extension.  PSA fuks that up often.  It should be 7.000" internal depth, but don't be surprised if it's more than that - that's how they roll.

Your 3.7oz buffer is 2.500 long, it has an aluminum body, and 2 tungsten insert (weights) in it.  That's how they do it.

The spring will be shiit. 

Get the info back on that stuff, and that gives me the data to fix the recoil system.  After that, we may be looking at the gas port diameter that it SHOULD have - PSA isn't famous for gas port diameters, either - DC Machine makes all their barrels (PSA owns DC Machine).  DC Machine does what they're told to do. 

It's fixable, no matter what. 

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11 hours ago, 98Z5V said:

Need mpre info on this stuff.

First and foremost, measure the internal depth of that extension.  PSA fuks that up often.  It should be 7.000" internal depth, but don't be surprised if it's more than that - that's how they roll.

Your 3.7oz buffer is 2.500 long, it has an aluminum body, and 2 tungsten insert (weights) in it.  That's how they do it.

The spring will be shiit. 

Get the info back on that stuff, and that gives me the data to fix the recoil system.  After that, we may be looking at the gas port diameter that it SHOULD have - PSA isn't famous for gas port diameters, either - DC Machine makes all their barrels (PSA owns DC Machine).  DC Machine does what they're told to do. 

It's fixable, no matter what. 


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Buffer tube depth:  6 15/16" or 6 31/32" according to my Stanley tape measure.....(however accurate that is)  😉


Buffer is 2.5inch long according to same tape, just like you said.  I can take it apart if it really matters.....


If a buffer can get me close without pulling the barrel, I will be happy.

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As a side note, my son has an H3 buffer from his 6.5 Grendel that he is going to borrow me for testing also.  


I am thinking that a H2 with the proper spring will be the ticket.....but the H3 will allow me to see if the 100% functionality will stop with the H2 or I can go all the way with the H3.


My memory tells me that buffer system that I am using came from a LGS in town that sells parts from LBE.  https://www.lbeunlimited.com/product/milbufkt/

I may be wrong, but that is what I had on hand, and this was one of those builds for me.....parts on hand. 🥸

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1 hour ago, bubbas4570 said:

Buffer tube depth:  6 15/16" or 6 31/32" according to my Stanley tape measure.....(however accurate that is)  😉


Okay, you can convert that 3.7oz buffer to 5.15oz, and that's gonna be good enough.

DSG Arms sells a cheap shorty buffer that's got a stainless steel body.  It has regular steel weights in it.  Take YOUR buffer weights now, because they're tungsten, and replace them into that DSG stainless-bodied buffer.  The combo will give you 5.15oz, close enough for testing and operation, and it's around $20.

Next, Sprinco Orange spring.  That's the spring you need, and the only one on the  market that's made specifically for .308s with AR-15 carbine receiver extensions, running shorty 2.500" buffers.

Here's the buffer you'll need from DSG Arms - it's out of stock at the moment, but calling them might give you an idea of when they might become available again...



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2 hours ago, bubbas4570 said:



That should make it run 100% without getting into the realm of 100% paranoia about parts.😎👊

If DSG has no info on when that buffer will be available, then KAK has a great solution as well.  The DSG-route is just $20 and shipping.  The KAK buffer will run you around $55.

Here's the KAK buffer:



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OK, so I tried an H3 buffer that weighs in at 5.4 oz and I used its spring, and there was zero difference in ejection patterning between the original and the H3.


The H3 buffer and spring came out of my sons' 6.5 Grendel build, for what it is worth.  And I do not know the manufacturer.  Spring looks pretty much same as mine, so.....


The only difference that I could tell was a bit more of a "solid" bump on the end of the recoil impulse, nothing else changed that I noticed.

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Would just getting a set of blue, red, and orange buffer springs from Springco be the easiest way to play some FAFO with the 2 buffers that I have on hand?  


In my mind this would give me the largest range of "adjustments" available between the springs and the 2 buffer weights I have to try out.


If none of this works, then I will tear apart the gas system to look at just how oversized that port may be on the PSA barrel on the upper.......

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5 hours ago, bubbas4570 said:

Would just getting a set of blue, red, and orange buffer springs from Springco

That'll work, too.  They do spec the Orange for highly-overgassed small-frame guns.  Not designed for it, but works just as well for them.

I'll say this much - when I've changed buffers during testing, and it makes zero difference - it's a gas system issue, not a recoil system issue.  That's exactly the process I used to narrow down the gas block that wasn't drilled all the way through...  

"H3 buffer, and it won't cycle?  But should?   Let's take ALL the weights out of it and see what happens!"   Same functional issue, with an unweighted buffer body.  That means gas system, and detailed teardown inspection...  

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Will a pistol buffer work in a carbine system?  Especially considering that even a H3 buffer did nothing for the ejection pattern?  Maybe I am not understanding the timing part of the buffer/spring/everything,  but I got to thinking......and that kind of stuff happens.


This, of course, is only if the orange spring doesn't help with the upper.

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Schitz!!!   I never thought of the differences here.......


And the short one is what I had in the gun, the longer one is the H3 buffer out of my son's 6.5 Grendel.


Me dumbass,  never noticed the difference......



What does this mean now?


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27 minutes ago, bubbas4570 said:



For the informational purposes, this is what I was wondering if it would work for something this over gassed.

Yeah, this won't work either..... I just found the specs on it:  length is 4.125" long.  No go there.

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