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Boerboel guy

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  1. I won't buy from Smith for personal reasons. The PWS Triad also works really well and actually does a pretty decent job of counteracting muzzle climb compared to an A2 or AAC. I believe it will also accept a couple cans. I currently have one of these on my 308 and like it. The AAC Blackout works really well and if you plan on using their can in the future go that route. Just be prepared to listen to a tuning fork ring after every shot. I had one on my 300blk for a short while and it was hilarious to listen to. It really does perform great as a flash hider though. The ring isn't horrible or anything, just funny. I never had issues with mine getting caught on things. If you plan on getting a suppressor, or are even semi serious about it I would figure out which can you will go with and use it's flash hider mount from the get go. Definitely look at the Saker762 and it's mounting system, I was really happy with how that can sounded when I tested it. Once you have a can, it's not like you'll be shooting much without it anyways so the flash hider shoved inside it won't matter much anymore.
  2. Didn't look like a Nuke to me either, just one hell of a big fireball. As far as that "Nato Satellite Image" goes, that could be a sunrise, a sunset, a solar reflection or any number of things not even related to any kind of explosion. I seriously hate the BS channels on youtube that are nothing but fake hyped up garbage "News" spoken in a cryptic gravel voice. Ooooh scary.... Did yawl also know that the earth is hollow and an advanced civilization lives inside it? If you have never checked out this site before definitely do so. Besides keeping fairly up to date on major things happening over there she also used to do a bunch of awesome posts on old war sites, Chernobyl etc. http://elenafilatova.com I think she had the first video up when the Buk launcher bailed back to russia immediately after that passenger plane was shot down.
  3. I would have loved to see him deuce his pants when that one passed!
  4. There is no re engraving for a transfer. It is simply the Makers name that must be engraved. If you are an FFl it is your name. Private form 1, your name. Trust form 1, Trusts name. Nothing after that. As far as leaving it at home when only your wife is there that is a non issue. My toys were all done before the trust thing really took off and I have no issues with it. All future toys will be through a trust though with my wife's name included. It's a whole lot less hassle down the line if I die. Derek over at AZEX Arms can set you up with a trust. He's great to work with and very fair in pricing.
  5. Welcome from Az! Definitely read through Calguns as much as possible, I'm sure you probably already have been. The rule with navigating calguns I have found is to stick to the legal section only and avoid all other nonsense. Who's 80% lower or plans did you use? Do they state which uppers its compatible with?
  6. That thing looks like my sister. Chunky and poorly thought out.
  7. The Aero blems we've used have been in spec and worked great.
  8. Without a doubt I would buy the PWS if it was my money. I currently own a PWS Mk216 Mod 0 and will be getting a mod 1 upper sometime next year for the adjustable gas system. When I was shopping for a 308 rifle I put my hands on everything I could including the scar 17. When it came to the scar, it didn't feel anywhere near the quality that it should for the price. It ran fine and everything, it just didn't feel like its build quality justified the wallet rape. It also just didn't feel like it became a part of me when running it. Some guns feel like a body part you've always had, some don't. The scar 17 felt like I had a slightly odd implant on my shoulder. I also see a lot of Scar 17's come up on the used market, I don't often see a pws 308 for sale used if that says anything about what other owners think as well. I was more accurate with an AR platform rifle, and of all of them the PWS had what I wanted in recoil behavior due to being a long stroke piston. Stock it was softer and more fluid feeling than the other rifles I shot, and after adding a heavy buffer to it its just nice to shoot. That is without a muzzle break either. It currently just has a Triad flash hider on it because my old shooting partner bitched all the time about the concussion from the FSC30. Even without a brake it's a very pleasant rifle to shoot whether I am prone, bench or running carbine drills with it. My only gripes have been cured with the new Mod1 versions adjustable gas and new keypad rail system. What state are you in? If you are in az and want to shoot a PWS let me know and I'll take you out with it.
  9. Damn! Glad no one was hurt in that. 2015 can't possibly be worse than 2014 was... No F'ing way that's possible.
  10. Feed his ass to Rosie O'donnel. Feet first, spoons only.
  11. Phase 5 buffer tubes are perfect for the Sig brace.
  12. I used to hear gunfire all the time out here. Then they made crappy sparkler type fireworks legal and every one for the most part seems to have taken that as a fair game signal to buy bad ass mortars and rockets and shoot those off instead of guns. Thank God! My old hood in chandler we always found bullets laying around after new years and the fourth. Now I find pieces of fireworks instead. I think I only heard one mag get dumped on the mesa side of the freeway and that was it.
  13. Welcome from Az. Thanks for building one more doomsday device out there in lala land and pissing in some dickhead politicians cheerios with it. Every one that gets built out there brings a smile to my face. Keep up the good fight man.
  14. I have a friend looking at them too. It'll be his first 308. I was hoping to see a midlength gas system on them but it really looks like a carbine gas, at least on the model he's looking at.
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