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Anti-Gun/Parts Credit Card Processing F%(ing!

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SITREP - Finally got on board with the correct processing company after ALLOT of searching and dicking around with some FUBAR libtards. First off, in case anyone in the gun parts business remains unaware, they are soon to get the same treatment from whoever is cultivating their sales. The word is, all but a very few banks and credit card merchant service providers will be moving forward with anyone even remotely related to this industry, which NOW will include body armor, so now I have to move my OuterArmor Tactical website over to this company as well. 

As I said, I have spoken to and vetted a poop pile of these assholes over the last seven or so days of having my sales checkout highjacked by commy liberal collaborators, and as far as overall costs per sale and monthly costs, all of them are about the same as this company. So don't bother shopping price to save fifty cents, they will all hang you eventually, and it is NOT worth the aggravation. The fact that I did not find myself on a roof with a rifle this week, is a testament to my still lingering training and patience. But ALL these people gotz to go! Not sure how long I can hold out. 

The place to call is a long established merchant services company that I believe is the only one that is directly affiliated with the NRA and SHOT. - (Clearent Intelligent Processing - http://www.clearent.com/ ). CONTACT - Michele Ogburn at 866.205.4721 or 561-253-1062 or mogburn@clearent.com 

I was asked to and was going to make a long ass list of the companies and banks that shot me down for having a "Negative Business Model", but after all the time I lost dealing with this, this past week, I just can't take the time right now. Just suffices to say again; if your company is working with an institution that will not openly admit in writing that they do not and will not in the future decide to consider your business model negative or inappropriate, or that they will grandfather you in, then get the hell out now. This entire industry needs to wake up and start pulling $$$ from all these anti-American scumbags at every single turn, because these libtard scum know and learn from only two things, the loss of money and physical pain. 

Hope this helped someone down the line. 



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1 hour ago, MechArmor Defense Systems said:

SITREP - Finally got on board with the correct processing company after ALLOT of searching and dicking around with some FUBAR libtards. First off, in case anyone in the gun parts business remains unaware, they are soon to get the same treatment from whoever is cultivating their sales.

I'm damn glad you got this sorted out, Rick  damn glad.  The part bolded above is scary, though - banks/CC companies hold us by the balls!!!  As I said earlier, I can't believe this isn't bigger news yet, but it sure looks like it's going to be...

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Well, this poop got kicked around a bit a few yrs back, which is about the time that McMillan decided to do their own thing with credit card clearing. So the people I gave above are the people that McMillan evidently work through. LikeI said, this company is locked in with the NRA and say they do most of the gun related industry, whatever "most" means. I highly suggest people/companies begin moving over to that companies asap. From the way all these libtards sounded, this is a priority for them and they sounded quite smug about it. Believe me, I kicked them all in the balls before they got off the ph with me - X-3rd Batt from Brooklyn NY..lol Gloves were off! I had one woman start crying..lol . Fuckers will do all manner of porn and fake meds, etc., but guns and related poop are EVIL! 

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Not only this type of control is their hands, but also total control if the powers that be decide to get rid of "cash" like I saw on the Fox News app (and cannot find now).....the gist was that electronic money/payments were going to replace cash as the going system basis.

 I know this has been a threat for years, but the more spending that is done electronically,  the more available controls there are over the what and how we buy and spend.

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2 minutes ago, bubbas4570 said:

Not only this type of control is their hands, but also total control if the powers that be decide to get rid of "cash" like I saw on the Fox News app (and cannot find now).....the gist was that electronic money/payments were going to replace cash as the going system basis.

 I know this has been a threat for years, but the more spending that is done electronically,  the more available controls there are over the what and how we buy and spend.


And it's WAY more than that, but it may actually return to the precious metals system soon from the whispers I am hearing. I have a family member who is a top dog at one of the top three Wallst Banks/trading firms. He recently told me, as I have now later heard from other top economists, that the Fed has lost control - (Trumped), and that the Fed actually, publicly told them that soon there will be a new gold "Redeemable" dollar. Now THAT is huge news, because a gold backed system, meaning paper that is "alleged" to be backed by some amt of gold that is "alleged" to be stored somewhere, can be manipulated and Ponzied exactly like the fiat system we have had since they did exactly that after 1929. BUT, having the Fed people tell the banks that a new system is coming (not theirs), that is gold "redeemable?", that's a different story altogether because you cannot Ponzi that system if its "redeemable." And just yesterday I hear other news from him that the Fed just told all regional banks to either sell off or die off. Not exactly sure what that means, but I do know that most all Federal reserve related banks have been buying up and hoarding gold and silver for a couple of yrs now. Which means they knew what was coming. Couple that with the fact that in the last 2 months, 2 times, the big shots sold off billions of their useless SILVER metals "paper", NOT physical SILVER! My guy told me then that the super rich and banks etc. are doing this because they of course also know what's coming, and obviously paper anything will soon be 100% worthless. And that they are now, after yrs of scamming all the idiots in the markets who bought fake paper rather than stacking REAL gold and silver, that these big shots and banks are now cashing out so that they can spend those "ones & zeros" on physical gold, but mostly for silver. Which of course I had the same reaction you just did, WHY SILVER over gold? Now this blew my mind; he said, that the scuttlebutt is, that Trump, as he actually said if you all recall, is going to and has already started letting out many of the long hidden Patents for free energy, levitation and frequency healing technology, AND, that all of this technology is highly dependent on SILVER!  AND, he tells me, that there is WAY less silver on the planet than gold. So, of course, I asked, why is silver so important. Because I thought in electronics they used gold more than anything else. Turns out silver has 2 free isotopes and gold has only one. And that soon, silver is going to go through the roof like no one will ever believe because it will be required for said tech. So, of course, being a Wallst guru he told me to go out and buy all the silver of any kind as long as its 999% and hide it. To which I answered saying that if all this is correct and does happen, that I in no way see all that transpiring without some MAJOR upheavals nationwide and that having a lot of silver or gold is one thing, but first he had to be alive on the other side to use it. To which he answered; 'of course, I know that, which is why my girlfriend and I are coming to live with you in Montana soon to wait it out...'  Of course he going to come where all the bullets and body armor are..Lol 

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 Well , I deal in Lead , I can pretty much get anything from anyone I want , if it comes down to that !  :fullauto: :lmao:

(on a side note :)

 There was a Post on a Survival Forum somewhere & I think it was me or someone else who posted it here , that a guy that immigrated ( legally ) from Kosovo or something like that, that went into civil war & he basically said , money, Gold or other precious metals , lasted about a week after law enforcement disappeared . Roving gangs took what ever they wanted & only groups that survived had AK's & plenty of ammo .

Edited by survivalshop
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20 minutes ago, survivalshop said:

 Well , I deal in Lead , I can pretty much get anything from anyone I want , if it comes down to that !  :fullauto: :lmao:

(on a side note :)

 There was a Post on a Survival Forum somewhere & I think it was me or someone else who posted it here , that a guy that immigrated ( legally ) from Kosovo or something like that, that went into civil war & he basically said , money, Gold or other precious metals , lasted about a week after law enforcement disappeared . Roving gangs took what ever they wanted & only groups that survived had AK's & plenty of ammo .

I think this is the story you are talking about.  It's very long or I would post it.  It is definitely worth reading though.


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