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BEER, Reviews and Opinions


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I titled the thread the way I did because some of us here are knowledgeable enough to give a review, like @shepp , and then there are many like me that are only giving opinions.

Black Dome Stout from Catawba Valley Brewing Co. in Morganton, NC. A heavy roast flavor but the chocolate caramel sweetness tames it a bit. Like all their beers I have tried to date it has a good creamy feel but at the same time is nice and light, an easy drinking beer. These guys know how to brew a good beer!



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Ended up at some kind of festival in downtown Asheville while questing for the Peanut Butter Jelly Time beer. Thank god for Interns that like to drive! Lots of tie die, people making bongs, live bands, and girls in garters doing the hula hoop to go with numerous micro breweries.

Peanut Butter Jelly Time, sucked, sour grapes, a hint of stale peanut, then a pine cone finish.


Coffee Session Porter, a malty iced espresso with creamer. So good, smooth and silky, strong coffee taste but no bitterness.


I have a few more to try at the Catawba Brewery!


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Twin Leaf Brewery, very cool place. bartender asked what flavors I liked then brought three small glasses for me to try. She said I picked an oatmeal based porter but didn't say the name, not sure which one it is on the menu but it was very good, smooth and creamy, a hint of a roasty taste and a little sweet. Full bodied, stick to your ribs like a bowl of oatmeal.





Tried a couple more but that warm fuzzy feeling along with all the garter belts distracted me from keeping track.........

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HOPPYUM by Foothills brewing in Winston-Salem NC. Now this is dank, a strong but pleasant weed flavor for sure, bitter but it doesn't hang there long. A really complex flavor that keeps changing from front to back, the dank, a little malty, a little sweet but leaves with a clean hint of citrus. I will get more of this one for sure.


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Been a great weekend for sitting on the deck and drinking beer.

Pipeworks is one of my favorite Midwest brewers, make a quality beer for a good price. First is spotted puffer tart fruity and hazy with alil hoppy bite, galaxy unicorn and sure bet both more traditional IPAs I really enjoyed them, mango mongo was of drinkable but I was expecting more. Thro plank’d from Avery’s in there. They have an amazing barrel aging program 16% abv yet smooth as silk






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Hurricane, and Alter Ego from Tree House Brewing in Monson Mass. are two great beers. A nice citrusy hop flavor with just a hint of sweetness. Alter Ego has a bit stronger hop flavor, a bit of that green weed taste, but both are similar in their complexity and full bodied flavors. The fruitiness is subdued in the flavor but prominent in the aroma, not fruity beer but a beer with just a hint of fruit. Goes down smooth and leaves you wanting more. Thanks to a new England Brother for turning me on to these IPA's, I have not been an IPA fan but these have converted me, got one more to try, Haze. I will be watching for Tree House on the shelves for sure!


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3 hours ago, jtallen83 said:

Hurricane, and Alter Ego from Tree House Brewing in Monson Mass. are two great beers. A nice citrusy hop flavor with just a hint of sweetness. Alter Ego has a bit stronger hop flavor, a bit of that DANK taste, but both are similar in their complexity and full bodied flavors. The fruitiness is subdued in the flavor but prominent in the aroma, not fruity beer but a beer with just a hint of fruit. Goes down smooth and leaves you wanting more. Thanks to a new England Brother for turning me on to these IPA's, I have not been an IPA fan but these have converted me, got one more to try, Haze. I will be watching for Tree House on the shelves for sure!




hurricane was by far my fave


i was at a birthday party today, lots of pseudo sue and Pompeii, when I ran out I resorted to commie wis beer aka new glarus brewery

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 The local store was out of Sir Mocha Lot today so I'm scanning the shelves in the Iowa brews section and see Pseudo Sue from Toppling Goliath brewing in Dechora Iowa, knowing @ shepp is a fan I sprung for a 4 pack. The master is correct, fantastic beer, much like those Tree House IPA's. A bit of a fruity note but not a fruity beer, a great hop flavor but not the dank one just a citrusy taste, super smooth and super refreshing. Pricey but now I can have something very similar to those great New England IPA's on a regular basis. Thank you @shepp!



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2 hours ago, jtallen83 said:

 The local store was out of Sir Mocha Lot today so I'm scanning the shelves in the Iowa brews section and see Pseudo Sue from Toppling Goliath brewing in Dechora Iowa, knowing @ shepp is a fan I sprung for a 4 pack. The master is correct, fantastic beer, much like those Tree House IPA's. A bit of a fruity note but not a fruity beer, a great hop flavor but not the dank one just a citrusy taste, super smooth and super refreshing. Pricey but now I can have something very similar to those great New England IPA's on a regular basis. Thank you @shepp!



Good call! Glad you liked it ?

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Haze, another of the Tree House IPA's, this one is a double and I can tell! This might be the most complex of the three I have tried, has about every flavor I can think of in an IPA but none of them are overbearing, just transitions from one to another. A bit spicy bitterness but at the same time there is some sweetness and a light hint of fruit, has a fruity/citrusy aroma. These guys know how to brew a tasty beer!


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Polygamy Nitro Porter from Wasatch Brewery in....wait for it......... Utah! Smooth, sweet, creamy, chocolate, chocolate, and more chocolate. A hint of that roasted flavor but that seems to just add a dark chocolate flavor, did I mention the chocolate flavor? This is an outstanding porter, watch out cause it goes down quick!


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12 minutes ago, jtallen83 said:

Polygamy Nitro Porter from Wasatch Brewery in....wait for it......... Utah! Smooth, sweet, creamy, chocolate, chocolate, and more chocolate. A hint of that roasted flavor but that seems to just add a dark chocolate flavor, did I mention the chocolate flavor? This is an outstanding porter, watch out cause it goes down quick!


If you see the barrel aged version it’s a must

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18 hours ago, jtallen83 said:

Polygamy Nitro Porter from Wasatch Brewery in....wait for it......... Utah! Smooth, sweet, creamy, chocolate, chocolate, and more chocolate. A hint of that roasted flavor but that seems to just add a dark chocolate flavor, did I mention the chocolate flavor? This is an outstanding porter, watch out cause it goes down quick!


I've had this one. Excellent porter!:thumbup:

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