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Range report after 168 Amax and CFE 223 / chrono


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About time  <thumbsup> Just got done loading 20 rounds at the 2.815 seating depth. Had to make a trip to Cabela's for more powder and bullets so I'm good for now too. Still contemplating on whether or not I want to

go and shoot in 102* temp tomorrow.

I wish I had a Cabela's.

So I prepped some of the new stuff and loaded a ladder test starting at 46.6 and ending 48.7. This time my charge weight increments are .3 grains and the groups are 3 rounds each, I took seasprite's advise on that.

I think I'll load something else with CFE so I can pre test the chrony. It occurred to me load up a few groups with the 178 Amax I have, just a few on the low pressure end, would you chaps like that? Hopefully chrony isn't stupid again. I'll probably go to range on Monday. Monday ain't many peeps there so it's much easier to set up chrony and concentrate.

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That's nice cool shootin' weather here in Arizona!  <thumbsup>  Make sure to get all hot and sweaty before you shoot prone w/o a mat.


The weather guy told us this is dry desert heat were having in Missouri :cookoo:. I wish you guy's would take it back along with your sand cookies <laughs>

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I wish I had a Cabela's.

So I prepped some of the new stuff and loaded a ladder test starting at 46.6 and ending 48.7. This time my charge weight increments are .3 grains and the groups are 3 rounds each, I took seasprite's advise on that.

I think I'll load something else with CFE so I can pre test the chrony. It occurred to me load up a few groups with the 178 Amax I have, just a few on the low pressure end, would you chaps like that? Hopefully chrony isn't stupid again. I'll probably go to range on Monday. Monday ain't many peeps there so it's much easier to set up chrony and concentrate.

Good luck NoFail,  <thumbsup> hope you find a good load I just got back from the range myself I'll post my results in my thread but I will tell you I was disappointed.

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Good luck NoFail,  <thumbsup> hope you find a good load I just got back from the range myself I'll post my results in my thread but I will tell you I was disappointed.

Yeah I know that sucks.... Like my last time with my problems it wasn't even close to worth taking pics and posting data, a spoiled day.

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Ooooookay so this weekend I spent alot of time at the loading station. I have loaded up a spread of groups with the 168 Amax and CFE223. My starting group is 46.6 gns CFE and ending group is 48.7 gns. The increments of charge weight is .3 grains this time. The brass was all weight sorted into 3 round groups. Actually that was very easy weight sorting them as this new batch of Winchester brass was very good with a tight weight variable, like 158.# to 161.4 gns. I was able to sort groups of 3 with extremely minimal compromise.

All bullets are sunk to an OAL of 2.800" all verified and perfect.

Neck tension is .004" (thanks for that calc seasprite  <thumbsup> )

Remington #9 1/2 LRP

The one deviant this time is trim lengths are mostly how I got them. 2.004", a few at 2.0035" & some at 2.005".

I trimmed a couple that were over 2.005".

I loaded another ladder test using the 178 gn Amax's I have. Same specs as above only the bullet is different.

Starting charge weight of CFE223 for this test is 44.4 gns and ending at 46.2 gns. .3 gn increments.

I thought I might bring it all to the range tomorrow, Monday, but I just ordered something that will be very useful from now on and I think I would be better to wait for it to arrive  <munch>

When I do make it to the range we'll see if I shoot the 178 gn Amax loads. I will have a lot to do anyway so I'll see how I feel when I get to that point. But I am very looking forward to those 178's too.

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Although I haven't started reloading, I look forward to your progress reports, and they are always detailed and informative.  Thank you Nofail!

This is an "awe shucks" moment  <lmao>

Thanks, brother edgecrusher!! And i have a great deal of fun providing it too. I know seasprite must feel the same way, in fact he inspired me, so I thought what the heck I want to join in the fun  <thumbsup>

And you just made it all that much more worth it to me, thanks again, brother....

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