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Tell me about your best/favorite .308 subsonic recipes.


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  On 4/26/2015 at 11:41 PM, washguy said:

White not to get off subject...but hell every post goes south here in a short time....lemme ask you...you ever been up to Top Gun Shooting in Leonard TX?  :) Wash


Hey, Wash "but hell every post goes south here in a short time"  ....... I'm sorry to see that :(  I always have high hopes. I thought I might get some good thoughts, there is a good bit of information available via "GOOGLE". I should of been happy with that. Never been to TG, I'm a member of Parker County Gun Club in Poolville, I try to make it up there several times a month. For the most part I'm a semi-auto pistol guy :)


Here's one box of my shoot'n buddies...



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Nope, not at all - you definitely need to stick around.  Don't leave just because of this thread you made - not many people load subsonic .308 Win. 


People here already like you because you've got a parrott on your shoulder.  That's badass.


Stick around, man.  <thumbsup>

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Dew's thanks :)  That's my bird "BIRD" ......my wife calls her "Chip" 


  On 4/27/2015 at 12:22 AM, StainTrain said:

What type of gun (action/barrel configuration) are you going to push these through?


A DPMS MEGA buildnickel boron BCG  with WMD coating, Criterion 20", stainless, match quality barrel,  M110, 1x10 with Silencerco OMEGA suppressor.

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Are you trying to get the thing QUIET?!  Like, no noise but the cycling of the action?  I can come up with something that's under 1,100fps for you to try out.  Shooting supersonic ammo through the suppressor will still give you a "crack," but it'll take alot out of it, overall.


Hunting with this thing?  Texas piglets?  Please tell me this is for "quiet wild hog eradication in the neighborhood..."   <lmao>

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As NTX said, there are indeed several off the shelf sources. I do realize the actions of semi/full auto weapons cycling are noisy. Truth being that supersonic .308 can be suppressed significantly and subsonic all you basically here is the action. The range being limited to 200 yds +/-  


Here's a  bolt gun example :   

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I have personally never seen a 308AR cycle a subsonic load.  I am sure it can be done, but I haven't seen it successfully pulled off with either COTS or Homebrew.  If I recall, the M110 barrel has a rifle length gas port which will work against you in the cycling department as well.  

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One thing to notice on the video is the amount of recol between those two loads. Ide imagine to pull off what yourr looking for it will be tough to get a consistant group (even tho im sure it can be done). Just about any powder you use will leave so much space inside of the case that ignition differences will show. I may be wrong but just my guess.

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Comparing a bolt 308 to a 308AR is like comparing apple to hammers...


This isn't apples and oranges - it's completely different worlds.


Spill your expectations, up front, be honest, and we'll straight tell you if you're searching for a unicorn...

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  On 4/27/2015 at 10:32 PM, Robocop1051 said:

Where are the big 200+gr loads? I can get 220gr .300Blk, why not .308?

Stability and twist rates I suspect. The 300blks have 1/7 and 1/8 which manages the slower moving longer bullets better. We experimented with some subs for special applications and when I asked why they were so light I was told because our weapons are 1/11 and 1/12.

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