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Any aquarium guys here?


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Just got into this hobby and I like  it. Gives me something else to do during the day. Finally got rid of my high nitrite problem. I have a 20 gallon tank but I'm looking to up grade to 55  gallons. I have diffent kinds of molly and Cory catfish. And one little baby molly :).

I also did a diy filter system. Seems to be working good, we'll I think it is lol. Let's see this aquarium  pictures.   


Right now I have black gravel but when I get a bigger tank I think I'm gonna go with sand.


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Cichlids are a large group of fish and beyond that, all fish have they're own personality. But you could do a community tank of cichlids and other fish like your mollies. 

With everything that seems like a decent price. Welcome to another very expensive hobby

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I was heavy into African Cichlids up to when the '94 Northridge Quake hit - the flood was epic, many tanks let go - had the entire back blow out of a 300
 gallon breeding tank full of mature wild caught Frontosa - also remember hearing the sound of a 60 gallon setup being hurled into the air and landing on
 top of another 60 exploding both upon impact - pretty well ended my days of fishkeeping!

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I have just a 29 gal tall now, with just goldfish in it, most of who came from state fair or carnivals :) . Have had tanks as big as 80 gal and bigger, used to have a good bit of saltwater fish too. A huge lionfish (over a foot long), dwarf seahorses (maybe the size of a dime) all kinds of stuff. It was way too much effort to maintain :D I had a 20 gal freshwater tank with natural light bulbs on a timer that I got to be self sustaining for at least 3 months before I ended up moving and having to dismantle it. Live plants, mollys and swordtails. The mollys even bred and had babies in the tank during that time.

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I use to have a 50gal tank with over a dozen tropical fish in it.

One of my friends older brother builds the larger size tanks for a living. Mainly for office buildings,corporate offices and upscale homes. He has shown me pictures of the half wall units in houses he installed in Scottsdale. I'll try to get some of those layer.

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  On 7/18/2016 at 5:02 PM, guruofhotrod said:

I was heavy into African Cichlids up to when the '94 Northridge Quake hit - the flood was epic, many tanks let go - had the entire back blow out of a 300
 gallon breeding tank full of mature wild caught Frontosa - also remember hearing the sound of a 60 gallon setup being hurled into the air and landing on
 top of another 60 exploding both upon impact - pretty well ended my days of fishkeeping!


That's sucks!!!!!

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Never had much luck. I can catch fish but I suck at keeping them alive, until I threw some 29 cent goldfish into a small aerated pond I have outside. Did they prosper! and breed! The adults after five years were 9-10 inches and every year I would end up with 30 or so babies, even after cannibalization. We have three ponds and they all got very crowded, and I kept on buying 20 gallon tanks to keep them inside during the winter. Ended up with four tanks and the fish separated by size. Finally a family of Otters put me out of my misery and ate them all in one night. Next garage sale I put the tanks up for sale and never looked back.

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My folks share your goldfish hobby. After feeding several expensive koi to the raccoons, birds, and other fish hunters....they stock the courtyard pond with goldfish. Got a few big ones still going, but everytime they get a good batch....another fish-eater rolls along. 

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  On 7/21/2016 at 9:50 PM, Sisco said:

Sea Lampreys are a jawless fish whose predecessors predate the dinosaurs. Might be distant relatives.


These guys are more like a bowfin that sit on the bottom, they also breath air by gulping it from the surface.







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  On 7/18/2016 at 5:19 PM, MikedaddyH said:

I use to have a 50gal tank with over a dozen tropical fish in it.

One of my friends older brother builds the larger size tanks for a living. Mainly for office buildings,corporate offices and upscale homes. He has shown me pictures of the half wall units in houses he installed in Scottsdale. I'll try to get some of those layer.





This is the place my friends brother works for. 

BTW if the link doesn't work just look it up .lol

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Love aquariums   As a young boy had many tanks scattered all over my room...loved cichlids  I like their aggressive behavior,but back then we didnt have the pretty african varieties...I bred the cichlid called the 8 stripe and the Egyptian mouthbreeders...crazy to see the babies run back into the open mouth of mommy .Also bred the  three spot gourami that blew bubble nests for the eggs ,,,but my fav was breeding angel fish...they did their business on a piece of slate laying against the glass... I had those piston pumps rather than the vibrator type ...although I remember I had check valves on em every so often I would wake up and one of my tanks would be siphoning onto the floor/rug....clean up the mess  in the night ,and then get an ass whippen the next morning...daaamn seems like I was always getting an azz whippen  Had salt water fish when you had to shellac your metal framed tank so the saltwater didnt rust it out or kill the fish...good seawater was the problem back then...your fish had numbered days..1969 or so I managed a pet department  part time while going to college...it was a big nursery that had a pet dept...one day this guy walks in with a tank that had no frame...wow..so i asked him what the deal was...said he works for Texas Instruments and I think he said DOW has this new glue called silicone thats real strong and would hold water,so hes selling this new fangled tank...got with store manager and he said yes lets replace our store tanks and also sell this new tank and we will put them in the newspaper ad....well game on got all the tropicals fixed up then ordered saltwater fish after the salt water tanks settled down... remember going to the airport in the middle of the night to pick up the fish....when the add came out we had a bonanza load of folks buying tanks and saltwater stuff...  so anyway the store manager was into plants and fertilizers...and the other peeps that worked the pet dept didnt give a crap..so I got to do whatever I think I was 20.....well there had to be more fun stuff to order than fish...so I ordered a spider monkey...well crap it was a baby that had to be bottle fed so I took it home with me, then it died and the zoo took it and did an autopsy...and it had hepatitis and every muther fokker in the store had to get  a series of hepatitis shots think it was called  gamma globulin ?     and so did my parents...and yes another azz whippen ...hell for all I know I could be patient zero for AIDS?                pretty loquacious  huh?      monkey smiley    Wash


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  On 7/22/2016 at 12:25 AM, washguy said:

Love aquariums   As a young boy had many tanks scattered all over my room...loved cichlids  I like their aggressive behavior,but back then we didnt have the pretty african varieties...I bred the cichlid called the 8 stripe and the Egyptian mouthbreeders...crazy to see the babies run back into the open mouth of mommy .Also bred the  three spot gourami that blew bubble nests for the eggs ,,,but my fav was breeding angel fish...they did their business on a piece of slate laying against the glass... I had those piston pumps rather than the vibrator type ...although I remember I had check valves on em every so often I would wake up and one of my tanks would be siphoning onto the floor/rug....clean up the mess  in the night ,and then get an ass whippen the next morning...daaamn seems like I was always getting an azz whippen  Had salt water fish when you had to shellac your metal framed tank so the saltwater didnt rust it out or kill the fish...good seawater was the problem back then...your fish had numbered days..1969 or so I managed a pet department  part time while going to college...it was a big nursery that had a pet dept...one day this guy walks in with a tank that had no frame...wow..so i asked him what the deal was...said he works for Texas Instruments and I think he said DOW has this new glue called silicone thats real strong and would hold water,so hes selling this new fangled tank...got with store manager and he said yes lets replace our store tanks and also sell this new tank and we will put them in the newspaper ad....well game on got all the tropicals fixed up then ordered saltwater fish after the salt water tanks settled down... remember going to the airport in the middle of the night to pick up the fish....when the add came out we had a bonanza load of folks buying tanks and saltwater stuff...  so anyway the store manager was into plants and fertilizers...and the other peeps that worked the pet dept didnt give a crap..so I got to do whatever I think I was 20.....well there had to be more fun stuff to order than fish...so I ordered a spider monkey...well crap it was a baby that had to be bottle fed so I took it home with me, then it died and the zoo took it and did an autopsy...and it had hepatitis and every muther fokker in the store had to get  a series of hepatitis shots think it was called  gamma globulin ?     and so did my parents...and yes another azz whippen ...hell for all I know I could be patient zero for AIDS?                pretty loquacious  huh?      monkey smiley    Wash



That's crazy wash, I worked for a LFS in college too. the guy I worked for had been in business since 1956 the manager bought it and with in 6 years she ran it into the ground. I never got into salt water, I was just starting to learn it before I quit. We're the 8 line cichlids frontosa's? Big white and black fish.


here are some pictures from the American cichlids associations meeting in Milwaukee a few years back. 


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Shepp  neat pics......ive been thinkin bout getting back into it..but I dunno?   the 8 stripes are called convict cichlids ....they were bad mama jamas

loved they way they did the mating thing.. the mouth to mouth lockup wrestling match they beat the crap out of each other,but they never ate their young


found the pic of em...they wernt as pretty back then...these must be a later strain...no wait...I didnt have the great lighting that yall have now


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  On 7/22/2016 at 2:51 AM, washguy said:

Shepp  neat pics......ive been thinkin bout getting back into it..but I dunno?   the 8 stripes are called convict cichlids ....they were bad mama jamas

loved they way they did the mating thing.. the mouth to mouth lockup wrestling match they beat the crap out of each other,but they never ate their young


found the pic of em...they wernt as pretty back then...these must be a later strain...no wait...I didnt have the great lighting that yall have now



Ah yes convicts, they are fisty little sob's. Between selective breeding and finding new strains of them in different areas they have changed, even in the 20 years I've been keeping fish. I kept a cousin of there's calls sajica, they stay the same size but the Male gets a big old hump on his head. Another cool thing I've liked is how they change colors when they're going to breed "put on their breeding dress"

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