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A.R.M.S. Vs. LaRue

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So, I have an ACOG with an A.R.M.S. QD mount from Trijicon.  The A.R.M.S. mount seems to be REALLY stiff folding the levers in, and you need a loop you can hold on to around the levers to get them to release.  This seems a bit over the top in force for something that's supposed to be quick release.  Am I wrong?  And would a LaRue be more operator friendly?

I totally understand that this is a piece of equipment that's supposed to hold up in the field, but if I need to fumble with another tool to get it off quickly............

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

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Everybody is probably afraid of getting sued by ARMS. I have not used or even seen an ARMS mount in person. Nearly all my mounts are Larue. The levers move freely for 3/4 of the travel but you know they are biting hard for the remainder. There's quite a bit of effort to release them. It's supposed to be that way.

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I used all kinds of ARMS mount in the military - I won't buy them for myself, for a couple reasons. 

1.  I've used enough of them before.  'Nuff said on that.

2.  Purely personal reasons.

I'll pick up some LaRue mounts in the future, as I don't have any right now.  I've used American Defense mounts in the past, I own two now, and I'll buy another one in the near future, before I try out a LaRue.  I've used and owned GG&G mounts before, and I like them alot.  My favorite particular GG&G mount is their QD EOTech mount - that thing is badass.  I'll definitely be buying one of those, as I can prioritize it. 

My personal $0.02...  <thumbsup>

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For purely personal reasons, I could never support a person or a company (through my personal purchases) that would do something like this:

Man Kills Self On Dick Swan's Property



Family obeys order to remove memorial

By Christine Legere

Globe Correspondent / October 23, 2008

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A family grieving over the recent suicide of a father of three was dealt another blow last week, when the owner of the property in East Bridgewater where the man took his life ordered the relatives to take down a small memorial they had set up.

The family remains bitter, while the owner says they unfairly criticized police for the man's death and doesn't want his property used for a memorial.

On Sept. 23, 35-year-old Chad Hirtle Jr. shot himself deep in 80 acres of woods owned by Richard Swan, a local businessman who runs a weapons-manufacturing company.

East Bridgewater Police Chief John Cowan had closed schools on the morning of Hirtle's suicide as a safety measure, and sent a public warning via an automated phone program, reporting an armed man loose in the woods off Spring Street. As a result of the warnings, Hirtle's suicide drew quite a bit of media attention, both in newspapers and on television.

Hirtle's wife, Barbara, said she and her husband had a late-evening argument on Sept. 22, and he had stormed outside. She was awakened hours later by a phone call from her husband, asking her to come get him because he was lost. He had ridden his daughter's bicycle to a wooded area off Spring Street and had a gun.

Barbara drove to the edge of the woods and shined her car lights to guide her husband out. She also continued talking to her husband on the phone. A passing police officer called in help.

Police from several towns searched the woods and tried to persuade Hirtle to surrender his gun and come with them. Police tried to knock him down by shooting bean bags at him, but were unsuccessful, and Hirtle eventually shot himself.

The Hirtles have three children: a teenage daughter, an 11-year-old son, and an 8-year-old son with Down syndrome.

After the funeral, the family went into the woods to the spot where Hirtle shot himself and set up a memorial with a wooden cross, flowers, and a picture of him. Barbara Hirtle also brought pictures of the children.

"We asked permission to set up the memorial, but the problem was we asked the wrong place," Hirtle said. "We thought a different company owned the land."

Last week, Swan knocked on Hirtle's door, angry about comments she made in a Brockton Enterprise story, raising the question of whether her husband could have been saved.

Barbara Hirtle's father, Ray Edwards, answered the door and took the letter from Swan, assuming it was a letter of condolence. The family was shocked by its contents.

In his letter, Swan criticized Hirtle for her quotes in the newspaper. Swan has donated large sums of money to the police and fire departments for equipment.

"After reading your comments, I find not one word of Thank You for those police officers . . .," Swan wrote. "For you to attack the heroic efforts of those officers only trying to save your husband's life is disgusting."

The letter demanded the memorial be removed by 5 p.m. that day. The family complied.

"It's his land, so he has the right to order it, but it was the wording he used in the letter," Edwards said. "Barbara was in tears."

In a phone call, Swan told the Globe he blames Hirtle for her husband's death. "He was out there with a gun, and she didn't call the police," he said. "And now she's maligning their efforts. I wasn't going to have my property become part of the show."

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I don't know any thing about the suicide story ,but there is always two sides to it & I don't believe too much in the propaganda print any more.

I will say ,I don't & have not ever used a QR mount , I have no use for them . Not saying there's any thing wrong with them ,I just don't have a need for them .

I will say that from what I have heard about the various manufacturers making them , that A.R.M.S. has a patent on them ,they were the first & they will fight to keep others from copying there product.

The other mounts are just a copy's , maybe better ,maybe not, I wouldn't know .

I do know a lot of PD's & such use them . The fun shop I frequent , uses them ( and he teaches SWAT )& explained the differences between them & why he uses the A.R.M.S. mount  over the others.

Just saying .

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This one goes hand-in-hand with what you just posted:


Additionally, Dick Swan applied for a patent as the inventor of spring-loaded back-up sights.  MagPul saw the writing on the wall with that one, and promptly filed a lawsuit against him - before he filed against them.  MagPul was smart, on that one, big time.  That's what the ARMS -n- MagPul suit is about, right there.

There's many reasons I won't run ARMS mounts, the biggest being I've used them in the past because they were issued to me, and it's all I had or could use - I have experience with them.  Many of the other reasons I won't run them now, when I pay for my own stuff, has already been mentioned in this thread. 

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Well try to use the number "15" in making or an "AR" on a rifle & see if you get sued.

I have no hand in this circus & ya this guy may be a butt head ,but this is the way most of these co. work .

Yes his stuff may be scrap & some one came up with a better mouse trap , but co.'s sue for infringement all the time ,because this one is about products we use ,its big news .

I'm not defending any one or product ,I'm just a bystander watching the show .

Its not about a bad product  , we all know you can have bad runs on any massed produced product & I don't even need to post any examples .

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Well, I guess my original post was in thinking the ARMS was a bad product.  "Quick Release" and the ARMS mount seem to be an oxymoron.  And therefore, in my mind, a bad product.  Sure, it returns to zero well, but if I have to carry something else to get "thumb levers" open, then it's not "quick release."  And I might as well carry a small wrench or screwdriver and use the Trijicon mount.  Some sort of push button lock or something on the thumb lever, and a cam to pull it down and return the mount as close to zero must be out there.

I understand some may think I'm crabbing, or that I want my cake and eat it too. But in a hurry trying to get a broken optic off and go to iron sights shouldn't require fumbling with a tool or improvised prying device to get the "Quick Release" mount off.

On my AR10 I have Dueck Defense RTS system, so it's not an issue.  But on my wives M4 it is.  And I know you can use RTS backwards (according to them) for a lefty, but I don't buy it.  And until they start making them lefty (not sure why they wouldn't, it's all CNC, so it's just mirroring the program for the bases) it's a QD mount for her.

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Some sort of push button lock or something on the thumb lever, and a cam to pull it down and return the mount as close to zero must be out there.

American Defense mounts.  Their AutoLock levers are exactly what you're describing.  <thumbsup>  I've got two of these mounts, and love them.  Check those guys out:


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I like how they give dimensions of the mount .

I sometimes go through a couple of ring sets to get the right height for my cheek weld , even with a measurement( & all the ring sets I have laying around ).

With some manufacturers you have to do a lot of searching for a good measurement of scope height of a ring .

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