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Buffer modification


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Messing around with the latest 308 build.  Bolt doesn't lock on the hold back manually.

Aero Precision A2 tube, spring and buffer combo.

Buffer measures 5.4 inches long.  Spec is 5.18 (I believe)  I'm betting .2" would get the catch.

I didn't weigh this buffer,  but the catalog suggests 5.3 oz

Should I just pull the poly bumper and cut to length then refit the bumper?  Or piss and moan to the vendor and get the correct length buffer?  (Like I had to do with a previous build.)  All over a $20 piece.


Slightly different,  Is adding weight to these commercial (inexpensive) buffers something one can do?   It would appear that  split sleeve could be fit to the buffer between the " guide ring" and the head.

I've got a complete machine shop,  anything can be made...  


Comments welcome


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22 minutes ago, Candid said:

Buffer measures 5.4 inches long

If you're really serious, and this is the length of your rifle buffer, then do me a favor - measure the INTERNAL DEPTH of your receiver extension. I don't care how long it is, from end to end, that people mistakenly measure.  OAL doesn't mean shiit.  INTERNAL DEPTH of the receiver extension is the only thing that matters- measure yours.  It either needs to be 7.000" internal, or it's 7 5/8" internal. Everything else isn't even to any "spec" out there, and it's an anomoly. 

Rifle buffers for .308ARs are 5.200" long.  Rifle buffers for AR15s are 5.900" long.  You don't have either one of those, if yours is really 5.400" long.  That's not right. 

Get ready to fire up your machine shop.  I'm just sayin'. 



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33 minutes ago, Candid said:

Messing around with the latest 308 build.  Bolt doesn't lock on the hold back manually.

Aero Precision A2 tube, spring and buffer combo.

Buffer measures 5.4 inches long.  Spec is 5.18 (I believe)  I'm betting .2" would get the catch.



Post pics of the parts that you have, put up a tape to verify. Rifle receiver extensions are 9 11/16" internal depth.  They never vary, from that. .308AR, 5.56 guns, whatever.  Rifle receiver extensions are all the same internal depth.  Always.

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Please don't tell me that you're fucking around with some Rock River LAR-8 gun here, or some of their parts, IN your gun.  The numbers you're stating match up to a LAR-8 buffer, which would be a giant fukup on your part. 

List vendors for your parts, where you got 'em, what they advertised them as.  Links (directly) to the parts you ordered will help.

You have a LAR-8 rifle buffer, if it's truly 5.4" long.  No Bueno for most of these platforms.

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17 hours ago, Candid said:

Slightly different,  Is adding weight to these commercial (inexpensive) buffers something one can do?   It would appear that  split sleeve could be fit to the buffer between the " guide ring" and the head.

Pur.tungsten and others sell the 1.5 oz weights.

A collar would add a little but change the spring compression 

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First the data


Extension tube depth  = 9.7 inches

Buffer length = 5.28 inches  from face to poly tip  calipered (roughly 😉

Buffer metal to metal length = 4.880 inches

Buffer weight = 5.43 oz = 154 grams

Buffer spring length relaxed  = 12. 5 inches

Buffer spring wire di. = 069 "  round wire.

Buffer spring coil count 37.


Now...Slap me silly and call me sunshine.....


I forgot to insert the empty P-mag....  silly me

Noticed that when it failed to lock open  with a heavy carbine buffer in place,  (short)

Works fine manually with that little detail fulfilled ....  I guess I got distracted.  Sheesh  Sorry!

  Waiting on a FSB.  

I'm all about peep sights!

But have a Redfield 3-9 bore sighted...waiting for range time.


Oh,  and the gas tube is a quarter inch short...  Should be 15.5 inches, rifle length?

    Thanks guys!


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As an observation,  I see that heavy buffers lists .308 rifle buffers up to 10 oz.  Has anyone run one? 

I'm not into rapid fire.  We have a three round burst limit at the range,  and I get better scores when I take a bit over a minute between shots.

(Rapid fire exercise shows the difference!)

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5 hours ago, Candid said:

As an observation,  I see that heavy buffers lists .308 rifle buffers up to 10 oz.  Has anyone run one? 

I'm not into rapid fire.  We have a three round burst limit at the range,  and I get better scores when I take a bit over a minute between shots.

(Rapid fire exercise shows the difference!)

I have the 10 oz buffer in mine. I mated it with a flatwire spring. I get a solid 3 o’clock eject, about 18” from my port. Soft and smooth. 

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On 10/8/2020 at 7:04 PM, Candid said:

As an observation,  I see that heavy buffers lists .308 rifle buffers up to 10 oz.  Has anyone run one? 


I'm running a 5.4 oz buffer with a 4oz weight added to the carrier - same principle.  Soft shooting.  Caliber is .308 Winchester.

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14 minutes ago, Candid said:

That sounds doable.  Would you care to share how the weight was added? 

Stuff getting loose inside would not be my idea of a good thing.

Did you do anything to "anti-tilt" the BCG? 

Tubb Carrier Weight System, with the tungsten insert.  Not made anymore, though.  We have a couple write-ups here about it.  It was a great system.

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The Tubbs set up will be no problem to reproduce.  "SS" is an option.  free machining, leaded steel is another  .  Brass will be heavier.  Wolfram would be over the top,  but I'm sure the label sells.   Lots of flexibility in size and materials from what I gather watching his video.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uGdV-KKQ-A8. 


Much like the "weight carrier piece,  I've made up a set of "fool proof safe" devices for my AR types,  that slip in through the the back hole of  BCG.             Produced from Delrin.  The piece positively locks out the hammer from striking the FP.

Absolutely kid proof unless you open the action and remove the "obstruction".  A real assistance to dry fire practice as well. 

As a base for locating an additional mass,  the design changes are simple.

(I'm making too much of the idea.  )


I'm going to need to think on the differences between a weighted BCG and a heavy buffer....  hmmm...

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An interesting consideration regarding buffers....

When The BCG gets blown back by the cartridge discharge, the first movement is opposed by the mass of the buffer and it's supporting spring.

With a buffer that includes a free moving mass internally,  There is really no way of determining the position of that internal mass.  And so,  no way of determining the initial inertial resistance. 

Mass could be added to either the BCG or the Buffer either fixed of "loose"  .  The uncertainty would continue...

Now there is an issue I never thought I needed to consider....

At this moment,  I'm having a difficult time even stating an objective.  But having brass land 18 inches from the trap door is a start!

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7 hours ago, Candid said:



At this moment,  I'm having a difficult time even stating an objective.  But having brass land 18 inches from the trap door is a start!

If you have no objective in mind why mess with it? If the objective is shorter brass throw slow the bolt down either more as$ or less gas. Recoil reduction you can play with weight of the gun also. Gotta have a reason even if it’s just wonder what happens if I do this.

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Docile brass throw,  pleasant firing cycle, reliable and predictable action would be OK.  Add long component life and simple maintenance and I would contend we have a winner!


Of course life is too short to make all the mistakes one's self.  That is why it is so important to learn from the mistakes of others.

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14 hours ago, Candid said:

Docile brass throw,  pleasant firing cycle, reliable and predictable action would be OK.  Add long component life and simple maintenance and I would contend we have a winner!


Of course life is too short to make all the mistakes one's self.  That is why it is so important to learn from the mistakes of others.

I'll get a good pic of the brass ejection pile from the Mk11 next time I take it out.  That's one of the guns that has the Tubb CWS in it.   It's a tight pile, and I can reach it from the gun.

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26 minutes ago, Candid said:

Not stating an objective is quite different from not having one.  Articulation and all that propriety....

Articulation being what it is...   - just so you know...

Stating your objective, here, on this board, helps others greatly understand what your goal is, and often short-cuts the "question and answer game" that we typically have to play with people.

Waterboarding people for information sucks.  If they'd clearly state it, up front, the process here would be alot more "smooth..."  


Propriety - here - being what it is, then I hope I articulated that clearly to you.  :thumbup:

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It's all in the timing.

2 minutes ago, 98Z5V said:

Articulation being what it is...   - just so you know...

Stating your objective, here, on this board, helps others greatly understand what your goal is, and often short-cuts the "question and answer game" that we typically have to play with people.

Waterboarding people for information sucks.  If they'd clearly state it, up front, the process here would be alot more "smooth..."  


Propriety - here - being what it is, then I hope I articulated that clearly to you.  :thumbup:

It's all in the timing


I trust you catch my meaning

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