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Since 2015. ATF was watching gun boards.

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Was there ever any doubt? I never thought so. That's what prompted me to say "fuq it!" and decided to start to buy unconstitutional tax stamps to get the firearms I wanted. Previous to figuring out that I was already on "the list" I didn't want to be in the registry. But in for a penny in for a pound. The answer is the same either way.

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I'm not surprised... and surprised... 

I'm not surprised that they were / are doing it... 

I am surprised that they weren't smart / corrupt enough to purge the proof of their actions in the same way that I'm guessing they have done in many other areas.  


It won't change unless folks go to prison.    The warrantless surveillance of American citizens by the American government is illegal - and the bureaucrats doing so need to be in prison. 

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2 hours ago, BigNate said:

It won't change unless folks go to prison.    The warrantless surveillance of American citizens by the American government is illegal - and the bureaucrats doing so need to be in prison. 

I agree. Lawyers fighting lawyers with OUR stolen tax dollars means nothing to these folks. But put 'em in cuffs and shackles and haul them away... that'll get their attention.

My hatred for these people grows every day and I think many Americans feel the same way today. They only have themselves to blame for that.

Last night the left clapping for the continuation of the war in Ukraine... pure evil. And that's just a part of their obvious disdain for humanity.

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