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It didn't happen conspiracy - Liberal Anti Gun Tactic?


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I keep reading and hearing that the entire Sandy Hook tragedy never happened. It's real it happened, 20 children are dead as is 6 adults. I live close enough to know people affected in same way shape or form. Do I think the state would lie about the details of the event...absolutely.

Now the believers in the "it did not happen" have been attending the hearings this week and speaking their piece about the conspiracy. Guess what? reading between the lines it is coming off as proof of the gun nut theory. It's enough of an isssue that our local gun rights group had to send out an email . Here is the last paragraph.

Testifying with any kind of assertion that there is a conspiracy of some kind going on, will mean that you will not be taken seriously, and may mean a set back for us all. Please heed this message.

I have never seen a tone like this from these good folks. That means we had two bad days of hearings.

So now to my point. Is this all a setup by the liberals to make gun owners look nuts? Because if it is, judging by some of the crap in my inbox it's working and working well.

Something to think about.

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Lots of wisdom here.  As responsible gun owners we are obligated to speak rationally about our rights and the benefits of legal, uninhibited gun ownership.  We can't allow the black helicopter crowd or the gun grabbing communists to control the conversation.  We must show the uninformed that gun owners are rational responsible people that respect the Constitution and hates tyranny.

Are liberals behind it?  I don't know, but I try to muffle the "it didn't happen" just as fast as I do "the NRA has blood on its hands" crowd.  Both are nuts in my opinion.

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Are liberals behind it? 

I don't think liberals are behind it, and it was not a setup.  However, I DO think liberal politics is 100% behind all this poop, and what we're being fed.

The American People are being treated like mushrooms - kept in the dark, and fed bullpoopy.  The liberal political agenda is very apparent.  Most of us here can see right through it.

Wonder what's gonna happen when the ME's report goes public (months after all these liberal states ram new gun control laws down their subject's throats), and we find that, for instance, all victims suffered handgun wounds.  Only. 


Now, did the federal government craft an operation to pass guns across the border, with the intention of those guns being used south of the border, just in order to have enough of a statistical advantage - to pass new gun laws?

Yes, they did, and it's already been proven.  However, nothing has been done about that.  The "multiple-longarm-purchase" laws that the Mexico-border states now have to comply with were DIRECTLY from ATFs Fast and Furious.  They used results and statistics from F&F to sign those into law. 

Makes you wonder how far the .gov is willing to go?  Agent Brian Terry was murdered before the .gov could fully exploit F&F results, and it was shut down, and blown wide open.  Is Sandy Hook a conspiracy?  I definitely think it was not.  Are the results, evidence, official reports being "delayed" at some governmental level, for the purpose of politics?  You bet your ass it is.

P.S.  I've already hidden my dog...

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What the gov. should be looking into is why these young people are doing this & how did they get that way . Movie & game industry's  are part of the problem , but they way things are changing in society , family values or lack of .

I think with Hollywood & its game industry , we are breeding these wacko's . Now could the Gov. be also breeding them or conditioning them , well , I know it can be done , but to what extent is any ones guess.

Banning any thing is not the answer , at least logically, but that has never stopped a good old gun grabber from a lie or making up there own truths.

As I said before , Join the gun organizations & buy gift memberships for family or friends . Only numbers will make these people see they have a fighting group of voters for the second amendment .

NRA has where you can buy one for a service member for $10. Be nice get some one the American riflemen, who is in the field or on duty in some god forsaken place .

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My buddy was telling me the following story.

On a family campout, his niece's kid got up.  First thing out he SLAMMED a pepsi.  He then oinked down a KING sized Snickers waiting for breakfast, which was pancakes smothered in syrup and washed down with another pepsi.  Popping open a third pepsi, the kid starts doing Tasmanian Devil circles around the campsite.

His mom says "You see why we have him on Ritalin?"

Story aside, certain aspects of societal behavior will never be addressed, so long as politicians are allowed to accept monies from Big Pharma, processed food conglomerates, allowed to appoint exectutives from those industries to positions in agencies overseeing those industries, and (finally) are allowed to accept high-paying positions with those corporations after leaving public office.

When I worked with Severly Mentally Ill, there were those individuals with whom I was convinced were having psychological issues in their youth that were pushed firmly into crazy by the meds prescribed.  Visits with doctors were usually less than 10 minutes, resulting in whole new regimens of drugs to be prescribed or adjusted.

Don't get me wrong, most were bat-poop crazy that would make the hair on your back stand up when they spoke.  But a few were trapped in a system with no hope of escape.


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Here in CT many years ago they decided that the state run mental facilities would either be shut down or not take on new clients. As the clients died they would combine and close facilities until none are left. Because nobody can take care of these people like their own families. I remember a governor spewing that. Might even have been the governor who instituted the AWB

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Parents that allow their kids to drink soda's like that and also drink these energy drinks and eat like crap are the biggest problem as they are the same parents who will back all this BS gun laws ,they probably think that they and their kids are not over weight to... in other words we are surrounded by people who have lost their way.. we as a society must get back down to earth and take control of our lives, the food we are sold is crap mostly GMO's large companies are buying up water rights so they can SELL us bottled water WTF water is free..... we pollute this planet at a rate that is so absurd it is hard to believe.

  stay grounded keep sacred what is right and wrong and be not afraid to tell the people who represent you that this insanity has to stop.... we are falling off the cliff with no chute...

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I don't know when you guys grew up.

When I was a kid everyone threw trash out the car windows, smashed bottles on the roadway, the skies were brown, and the evening news talked about which river or Great Lake caught on fire.

The people pushing the pollution line now are just control freaks.

As far as water, both Oregon and Colorado have arrested people for rain harvesting, claiming if it falls from the sky the state owns it.

I can tell you this...as soon as I was inconvenienced by a rain-caused flood, I'd sue the state for total damages, as they have already set the precedent that they own the rain.

No backing away from it into "It was an act of God" crap.  Let them fully own their blasphemy.


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