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up coming trip


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well guys i am getting ready for my first international trip next Wednesday. if you are inclined to do so please pray for me and my wife to have a safe flight. i do not need prayers for a good time as this will be the trip of my lifetime.

the wife was invited to be a speaker at a library conference that is a week long in Russia. her part of the trip is paid for by the Russian consulate. i only have to pay tag along fees.

on the return trip we will finally get the honeymoon we never had after 16 years and will be spending a week in Prague.

i must say though with the f'ed up political climate in Korea it am a little worried about going abroad.

hopefully i can still access this site in Russia so i can keep up, this has become my main news source for political stuff.

Edited by cliffg
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Congratulations to your wife for receiving that invite, that is obviously a great honor!. Is it in Moscow? Maybe someone here has been there and will give you some tips....I'm sure it will be a good time......Oh I remember a couple,be sure to keep a coulpe of pens on you to fill out the customs forms etc... and most importantly CARRY YOUR OWN TOILET PAPER WITH YOU! yup.gif No BSing!! 

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  On 3/16/2013 at 1:13 PM, unforgiven said:
Don't forget to checkout the vodka.



thats what im talking about!!!!!


russia is one place i would love to go!! in 08' i went to china 2nd time ever on a plane, first time ever outta the americas i was nervous at frist to. once i got there and took everything in got a feel for everything after a day it was game on! one thing i did when i got back to my room everynight or lunch break i would pull out my lap top and type out my day so i didnt miss anything to share with my friends and family when i got back, it was a great choice because now i can go back and read the thing like i was there yesterday.


good luck man!!! you'll have a great time going places that not everyone has gone is always way better seems like everyone goes ero or to mexico, why not go out on a limb alil and go some where not many others go.

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  On 3/16/2013 at 1:13 PM, unforgiven said:
Don't forget to checkout the vodka.

Years ago I traveled across Ukraine, drinking vodka seemed to be the national passtime there. That's also the first time I witnessed true poverty, it really made me appreciate being American.

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