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Newbie looking for advise on .308 build

Former 11H

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  On 8/22/2022 at 2:23 PM, dpete said:

Those two were already in the system and in transit when this whole schit show started.  You got lucky it seems.


I thought about that, this morning.  They were already shipped, so it seems.  One of them was a 2-day, that shipped on Thursday, and actually got to me Friday.  Bonus-Overnight.  :thumbup:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey guys, I milled out the lower some time ago and just drilled out the gas port in the barrel today. Now I’m ready to begin assembly. 

My FFL can advise me since all the machining is done, but I’m wondering if you know of any online “guide to assembly” for these platforms. 
Deer season will be here before I know it.




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Hi guys, my FFL did help me get it together, so to speak. He checked the headspace and said the bolt barely closed on the no-go piece. He was surprised because the bolt and barrel are Aero Precision and he likes their quality. He doesn’t think it’s unsafe, just a bit odd. 
I trust him. He’s a licensed firearms manufacturer and has been in business for decades. I also trust you guys. 
I haven’t fired it yet, but plan to soon unless you all scream not to. I’d love some input here. 
It’s beautiful, but boy is it heavy.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi guys, I weighed it and tuned it. Comes in at 12.6 pounds. Good thing I’ll be in a tree stand and not hiking for miles. We’ll see if the deer get the memo this year. 
Runs flawlessly, with and without the can. It was throwing brass farther than I can, so I dialed it down to where it barely spit them out, but still cycled. Then I opened it up a bit. 
Boy, does it bark!
Now to study the ballistics of my ammo. I use a ballistic calculator online. I’m not yet sure at what distance I’ll zero it for. Had my FFL level my scope today. 
Honestly, I hunt heavily wooded areas, so a 75 yard shot is probably going to be my max distance unless I find a new spot on the edge of a field somewhere. 
I’ll work on the ballistics and get back to you guys. 
Thanks to all of you that helped make this rifle a reality. The recoil is minimal. I could comfortably shoot this rifle for hours without pain in my still-recovering shoulder. 

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