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Russia's Radar Jamming


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  Was not sure where to put this one , but a friend sent this to me & he was quite freaked out about it . Being I was in the Navy , he wanted to show me this . Not sure what to make of it , especially the part about some sailors wanting transfer's after this incident.

  Unless the Navy has changed & I have had several Nephews in the Navy over the years & know they wouldn't want a transfer because of something like this , but its been a very large number of years since I was in the Service , so who knows.

   Another thing , was the Aegis radar even turned on ? See what you guys have to say about this .



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One , if it happened, it shouldn't be too surprising. Aegis has been around for 20 plus years, which in technology and military competition is a long time. It is no surprise the Russians, and probably the Chinese and the Iranians have had plenty of time to observe and study it to find its weaknesses. If true the Russians did the US Navy a favor by tipping their hand and not waiting for a shooting war to show off this capability. If the Navy is smart, and they are, they will analyze how it happened and implement a patch to prevent that from happening again, and perhaps realize even the best system has countermeasures to it, if the enemy is motivated and smart enough to figure them out.

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First of all. Why would I even care what the French think or say about us? Second. Don't think for a second that we haven't Fuked with other countries throughout the years by somebody "leaking" some of our technology or intelligence to other countries abroad just to Fuk with them (read as.....feel them out). And third..................... WHY the FUK would we ever care what the French EVER think about us? am I coming across a little too strong?


After all....isn't that worrying how the burro, may look at the modern NASA launch vehicle? (not counting the most recent Wallops incident of course)



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I saw this on a different forum. This is just your usual Russian mis-information campaign. They pulled a similar story when they invaded Georgia claiming that they captured a HMMWV and cracked all NATO codes because it had a radio in it and the whole comms system would need to be re-encrypted.

Edited by FaRKle!
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    First off , its not about the French , so relax , take your med's  . <laughs>

I was more interested in the Aegis radar thing & more importantly , that some people wanted a transfer after the incident.  I find it hard to believe that any servicemen would want a transfer , because they are ( Basically ) afraid to serve on a particular duty station , because of something like this . I can see a lot of other reasons , but because the Radar System failed , nope .

  Another thing was , the ship was transiting through a major navigation route , with other Maritime vessels in close proximity , I would think the Radar ( Aegis ) would have been off , you could fry other vessels Navigation devices. Not to mention some close to shore .


    Russian Propaganda , wouldn't put it past them or us . 

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