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.300 blk ammo new and used?


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Picked up some 230gn remington umc subs at the lgs 20$ per 20 ehh its on the shelf! Not familiar with their pratice or products but theese look to be remaned? Pulled pills and dented brass... Nothing on the box/packaging? Shoot it with no worries or send it back?

Thanks for your thoughts gents.


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  What its say on the Base of the case ?

  Those Bullets look like they have been Swaged to make the pointy end . I have some Nosler 155 gr. Match bullets that show signs of it , but nothing like that .

  Also looks like a Lee Factory Crimp on them , but I have seen MilSpec with the same crimp markings.

Edited by survivalshop
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  On 3/16/2016 at 7:01 PM, survivalshop said:

  What its say on the Base of the case ?

  Those Bullets look like they have been Swaged to make the pointy end . I have some Nosler 155 gr. Match bullets that show signs of it , but nothing like that .

  Also looks like a Lee Factory Crimp on them , but I have seen MilSpec with the same crimp markings.


They are hollow point. 



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Took a box to the range and asked the RO he said they will shoot but will be un balanced and defitnetly a risk of baffle strike suppresed! Fook me! Lgs is no returns on ammo.... Well i now have a ton of 300 blk brass to relode as soon as i waste the time and money to shoot it ? 

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  On 3/16/2016 at 11:31 PM, sketch said:

Took a box to the range and asked the RO he said they will shoot but will be un balanced and defitnetly a risk of baffle strike suppresed! Fook me! Lgs is no returns on ammo.... Well i now have a ton of 300 blk brass to relode as soon as i waste the time and money to shoot it ? 


I would go talk to the LGS that's BS. That or email someone with Remington 

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  Well, worse case , you have good brass to reload , as you said . Have you tried any of this fodder , how unstable can the Bullet get after it leaves the Barrel & passes through the Suppressor ? Your Suppressor is, how long ?  I don't buy that it will be that unstable , Call or Email Remington & have the Box of Ammo Handy for any details they ( Remington ) may require . They should say if its OK the Shoot it through a Suppressor or not .

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  • 1 year later...

I have to recall from memory but I let the lgs contact remmington and had to follow up myself with the lgs .. by memory,  its fine shoot it. i did not use it in the can and its been long since shot up in a 16" barrel with no qualms.. id say use this ammo with discretion of the same lot and bullet deformations.. thats all the info i have? sorry to be late on my follow up..? I hope its long gone from the lgs for others.

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