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Sig Sauer Barrels


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  On 8/10/2019 at 12:54 PM, jtallen83 said:

How much cheaper? I have a 7.62 marked barrel that may need the same length, I haven't mocked it up yet. Wishing I would have just gotten two of the 308 marked barrels so I could have all the same length......hindsight and all.


Just ordered 3. Bill is in 4 one. I have one more available. PM for details.

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ran a .062 through the .052 on the test barrel, clean punch through. have a .078 showing up any time, try that next, in the .062 hole. going to face the hole with a very small mill, surface of the barrel hard.

Got the broken mill out of the test barrel, the hole cleaned up nicely, back to the mill soon





Edited by Albroswift
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  On 8/11/2019 at 6:15 PM, Albroswift said:

Range report 16in non threaded 5.56

Shot nice groups Romeo5/ VMX 3T great combination but under gas symptoms even using lightest buffer lightest spring bcg would set the disconnect/hammer and ejected 100% nicely but not enough travel to reliably lock back or strip next round. 

I'll strip it down and take a look maybe the gas block/ gas tube not sealing. 

On another note, started cutting a comp in one of the barrels,  first slot came out nice stuck and broke bit in second slot. Learning curve. New bit ordered. Need a CNC!








Just in a general way I typically try not to say make a 3/8" slot with a 3/8" endmill....just from my experience both cnc and conventional they get upset when they are wedged into a slot, cannot think of a better way to say it :-). They will pull depending on direction of cut, if you had a 3/8 in there I'd use a 1/4 and walk it around ...if we were doing cnc we would roll out the radii on the end..manual we just make it a rectangle with really big corner fillets :-). Roughers also help  a lot, you can bury them deep and they do not start to chatter and shriek :-)...but they need a finish pass after to make things pretty.




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OK, the 16in 223 barrel needs a 5/32" gas port, mine started with a .053+/-, no feed did not strip the round from the mag at all. Drilled a 1/16" .062, fed and ejected the rounds but no LRBHO. Drilled a 5/32" .078 LRBHO has been achieved. Used Dewalt cobalt bits. the first few thou is pretty discouraging,  hard as hell, went real slow, that's where the bit may grab. Easy drilling rest of the way home. If you could dremel out the top few thousandths I think even HSS drills would cut. no mushrooms in the bore with the cobalt bits. very clean. 

2.9+/- oz buffer, Millspec? black carbine spring 



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308 12.5 in barrel does not have the same hard coating of the 223 barrels. Port was .062 opened it up to .078 soft as butter. same bit, hadn't even taken it out of the press. There is some weird $hit going on with these barrels.  Not complaining, just observing!

Installing the 308 barrel, bent the pins on my barrel wrench, went from 10 ftlbs to 80 in about 1/2 a hole, no joy on gas tube alignment. ordered a new wrench and some spacer shim washers. 

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"Don't quit your day job"

Had a good 4-5 hrs of spinning hand wheels back and fourth on an old, non DRO mill. Unlock X, spin, lock. Unlock Y, spin,  lock. Unlock X, spin the other direction + .020 backlash, lock. unlock Y, spin the other direction + .060  backlash, lock. Unlock Z, down .030, lock. Repeat the whole  process 25 times or so.  Had to stop a couple times and let the spindle bearing cool off and pump some more grease in it. (and refill the adult beverage)  Rifling and outside of barrel harder then heck. Fun project but wouldn't do it again w/o modern equipment. 


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Yes, and what a pain! Just did it after work tonight. Barrel wasn't long enough to put in the lathe, through hole too small for barrel extension.

So up through the bottom of the drill press table, spun a piece of rod in the lathe that just fit the bore to align the bore with the chuck. That worked out pretty good. Clamped everything down and put a brand new .250 cobalt bit in. Squeeled like a little girl but wouldn't cut. Set the belts to high speed as it would go, put a solid carbide 1/4" end mill in, still squealed a bit but cut nicely. deburred with the dremel and a chain sharpener bit. 

Think I mentioned before these barrels are some hard ass $hit 

I may wait on the popple holes :hornet:


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From time to time I have been wedged into a corner at work and needed to open up a hole in case hardened steel. Mouth breathing people who design stuff decide "yea lets make this part as hard as the hinges of hell for no actual reason". The one tool that might surprise you is this one.


Not the first thing on the table by any means, but when you end up "whut the eff am I gonna DO?" if you have a good setup and be careful to not over heat it (the end is brazed on and will fall right off if you get it hot enough) it will open up an existing hole in some stuff so hard that every other cutting tool ended up destroyed :-). Just line it up perfect and shoot it straight in there at maybe 750 RPM or so (just guessing). I'm guessing the barrels are Nitride and the surface is really hard (which is good).


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Shot the 308 pistol and the ported 223 this morning.

308 is a madman, really blast to shoot-- the gravel pit ain't going to know what hit it. 80% lower, 11-3/16" gas tube cut, necked, and bent from a straight rifle length tube, no name $89 upper, Seekins adjustable block, Toolcraft NiB BCG, ebay ebay CDNN. Radian Talon safety. (Splurged on the BCG and the safety!)  110% reliable, zero issues. 

Ported 223 had noticeably less recoil, quicker back on target then the non ported, even with the lighter hand guard.  Seemed like less muzzle rise as well, maybe my imagination.

AR308 pistol build    
Parts Check list    
Muzzle Device Ebay  
Sig Sauer 716 12.5" 1:10
Handguard/ Barrel Nut Ebay  
Upper Receiver
Lower Receiver 80% Lower  
Upper Receiver Parts Kit CDNN  
Lower Receiver Parts Kit/ Pistol Grip CDNN/  Ebay   
Fire Control Group CDNN  
Charging Handle CDNN  
Bolt Carrier Group
Toolcraft NiB WC Armory
Buffer Tube Pistol    
Buffer Tube Adjustible  Armalite 7-5/8"  
Buffer Tube Rifle    
Buffer Spring
Tubbs Flat Wire Spring
2-1/2" X 5.8 oz KVP EXTENDED to 3.25"
End Plate Stock  
Castle Nut Stock  
Pistol Brace SBA3  
Carbine Stock    
Rifle Stock    
Gas Tube Special
Cut and necked from a straight 15"
Gas tube 12-1/16 AR 10 Mid    
Gas Tube Rifle 15-1/8    
Gas tube Pistol 6-5/8    
Gas Tube Mid Length 11-3/4    
Gas Block Seekins  
Optic Sig Romeo5









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Excellent news :thumbup: So glad you were able to replicate the shorty results I had! Now you just need a can on that thing and a schit pile of ammo! I took my Sig 716 out this afternoon and got the crap beat out of my shoulder compared to the DI version. I am going to take both versions out tonight and see if it was just my imagination. Also noticed a good case of gas face that I don't recall with the DI version, this should be the opposite in both respects according to traditional opinion. Still gotta get this gas tube length difference figured out, hate to strip down my built shorty but really want to see the differences. @Albroswift got a picture of you gas tube end in the cut out?

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