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Hey Fellas, nice to see a cozy corner of the interenet dedicatd to the AR-10...  I bought a Ar-10 back in 94 I believe, making it a Ar10B.. as I remeber the issue with the metal magazines....  I ended up making the rifle less reliable by installing a Jewel trigger and then getting a bunch of failure to fire with surplus ammo..( light primer strikes)


I'm a noob to the whole shooting stuff, but when I find something that interests me I go full in... Well, shorlty after buying the AR10, I bought my Arsenal and Eagle arms Ar15 before the California nonsense kicked in and they took my interest away among other things. (drag racing)


Fast forward to now living in AZ. and getting back into the gun world I started building some 5.45 Ar 15s...And remembered the AR10 that is in the back of the safe with no attention given to it...


 So I pulled it out, and find on Armalite's website that there is a "upgrade" for it...  being that I now know a lil more than I used to back in the day (after build 5 AR15's from scratch)... I was wondering how needed was this upgrade and, if so, if I should just buy the parts and swap them out myself..  best way to get to know the rifle!!..



Anyway thanks for having me, sorry for the noob questions and long story..

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Have you checkd the Armalite website tech papers? I would guess they probably have a write up on the modifications. You might also leave mrraley a message. He used to work for Armalite, he knows them well.

Ps Welcome to the forum.

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Thanks for the warm welcome!!!  looking forward to learn and maybe even help someone out!


I did find the "upgrade" page for the 10Bs... But am not fully sure how "needed" or beneficial the upgrade is


When i get home tonight I will try and take some pics... Its a flatop, and heavy If i recall...lol..

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Welcome, once you go 308 the 5.56 is an expensive lego like cap gun lol. Might not hurt to update your mags and mag release that wil solve that issue. Light primer strikes on surplus ammo is 1 of 2 things. The type of ammo / primer and too light of a hammer spring not striking the primer with enough ass to ignite the primer. If light primer strikes happen on standard ammo then you will want to replace the hammer spring and its a cheap and easy fix.

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  On 2/28/2014 at 11:35 PM, safado said:


Fast forward to now living in AZ.


RIGHT ON!  Welcome from AZ - let us know where you're at.


  On 2/28/2014 at 11:51 PM, planeflyer21 said:

Welcome aboard the board from AZ safado!  The Armalite dudes will be along in awhile.


We meet here in AZ a few times a year…be nice if you can make it to one or all!


Really?  You're gonna call it "a few" times?  Eff it, I'm moving into your back yard...  <lmao>

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I'm out in the west valley.. out in buckeye.. been in az for about 5 years now...


I couldn't find my camera and my phone doesn't have a flash... I was a bit surprised that the lower is marked AR-10A4... but I believe to to be a 10B... can you guys tell from the dark pics..lol




Edited by safado
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They call it the "A" model even though it's new, because it could use the old "Waffle " mags from the original AR10's if they were available since they had been around first, they got the "a" designation. Then Knights armament and everyone else went to that standard, and developed the lineage that has led to the 308 p Mag, the 19 rd DPMS mag etc., while Armalite went to the modified M-14 mag, and when those had problems, to the Gen II mag, which is now the B model. I am guessing the "B" model will disappear in a few years.

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  On 3/1/2014 at 8:04 PM, safado said:

I think so too.. And there really is no way to update the B to the A without pretty much changing the upper and lowers corect?


Not sure if you've gotta change the upper too could be just a lower. Either way, if you get a new lower & upper, you're probably better off building that up to another rifle!


The more, the merrier!

Edited by shibiwan
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^^^^ I agree. Armalite knows that they have a following with the AR-10 B model. They're not going anywhere anytime soon. Besides....with proper maintenance, they'll last a lifetime. That....and between the piles of parts I have on hand.....mine will outlast me. And either one of my kids will still be able to rebuild them if needed.

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