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Cutting pelican case foam


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Finally got around to this when to the hobby store and got an exacto knife and a "razer saw" I found them in the model dept. (my dad used to use bothe these tools for building model planes.

First I laid both guns out exactly where I wanted them then traced them with a metallic sharpie marker



Used the razer saw to cut all the bigger straight lines then the exacto knife to get into the curves and detailed areas




Thinking bought cutting two mags in too but idk if that would remove to much foam



Edited by shepp
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Like a twin-bladed turkey knife or a hot knife for foam?

I would assume so, I thought about using my rapala electric fillet knife bit desided this route

I ended up cutting the two mags in too, nIce thing The foam is deep enough to stack two 556 mags and you can squeeze two .308 mags in too just puts some pressure on the top foam

Edited by shepp
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Yes, that's a good price.


Shepp, I'll try to find that other thread - it would be perfect here.  I'll dig it out.


Here's some from a different thread, but there's still another thread out there...



I'm only up by one on ya.  <thumbsup>

I finally got motivated to cut some gun case foam last weekend. 




Used some heavy posterboard, a long-bladed razor utility knife, and plenty of patience.  ;D

Laid out two pieces of the posterboard and taped them together.  Put the rifle on the posterboard and traced around it.  Cut it out.  Laid the rifle on the cutout, determined that it was about 1/4" too large in every direction/measurement/trace.  Lined the cutout again, inward 1/4", and cut it out again.  Laid the rifle on that, determined the cutout was slightly smaller than the rifle (this is what I was looking for, and a tight fit). 

Before I cut a single thing, I laid everything out in the case, and positioned all the components where I wanted them.  I did further tracings/cutouts for 2 Pmags, 4 Pmags, the bipod, and the sling.  Once I had a bunch of cutouts, I laid them out on the foam together, just to check spacing. 

Laid those things out on the foam and got busy with the razor knife.  <thumbsup>

Edited by 98Z5V
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