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"Strengthen" BATF


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So a (D) wants to remove all the "obstacles" to the Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco Firearms & Explosives doing their job and making arrests.


Like making gun trace information available to the public?  Removes record keeping limitations?  They want registration.  I sure don't want Bloomberg having access to my firearm information.


Edited by planeflyer21
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Remember that ATF was pumped up,  back after Lee Harvy Oswald mail ordered an Itialian Carcano  WWII surplus bolt action army rifle and used it to kill JFK? WOW! ....See how things have grown, like cabbage and corn with the Govt. being in charge? FFLs, DeFacto gun registration, AMMO, firearms, bans,  restricted import laws.  All the while criminals have shown a reluctance to obey the law, Law abiding citizens get the purple gel double ended 36" X 105 MM dildo applied as usual.......to the usual orifice.

Edited by mrmackc
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36 minutes ago, Gator Monroe said:

Yet so many of us put "Other Issues" ahead of 2A/RTKBA when we head to the polls .

Because many of us know that career politician showing off with an AR15s today will happily sign another AWB tomorrow if they are told to do so. Let's not forget our past, and the signatures that have helped put us in this position.

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Texas will be Purple in two election cycles (a million more illegals and the Sheila Jackson Lee Types getting elected in larger quantities) if Hillery gets in and with 2 to 4 SCOTUS nominees during the next administration all you free state folks can look forward to California style firearm restrictions comin your way ... 

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3 minutes ago, blue109 said:

Because many of us know that career politician showing off with an AR15s today will happily sign another AWB tomorrow if they are told to do so. Let's not forget our past, and the signatures that have helped put us in this position.

In California we KNOW that EVERY piece of Firearm restricting legislation (except Ahnold's 50 cal ban) of last 19 years has been brought forward ,rammed through committees and passed on STRICT PARTY LINE VOTE BY Democrats and on a national level you guys gotta dig back into the 20th century to Find federal Firearms Restrictions with GOP fingerprints on them . Sheesh the Antis are mostly Democrats NOT ALL mind you but MOSTLY so trying to tie Conservative Constitutional Republicans to gungrabbin is not gaining traction anymore ... 

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5 minutes ago, blue109 said:

Because republicans are running out of popular platforms to harvest votes on. They are riding that pro 2A wagon as long as they can. I'm not suggesting they aren't a better option, I'm just pointing out that many people see the podium garbage for exactly what it is. 


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42 minutes ago, blue109 said:

Because republicans are running out of popular platforms to harvest votes on. They are riding that pro 2A wagon as long as they can. I'm not suggesting they aren't a better option, I'm just pointing out that many people see the podium garbage for exactly what it is. 

I sure hope the Constitution & Open Border /Swarming illegals/millions of Visa Overstayers & Moslem Refugees ,IRS targeting of Conservatives, Overzealous LGBT & Anti Police Pro Minority Groups, creeping Socialism, Moral Decay in all its Balkanized Glory... and 2A/RTKBA remain Popular Vote Harvest Platforms of the Conservative Right (GOP)

Edited by Gator Monroe
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4 hours ago, blue109 said:

Because republicans are running out of popular platforms to harvest votes on. They are riding that pro 2A wagon as long as they can. I'm not suggesting they aren't a better option, I'm just pointing out that many people see the podium garbage for exactly what it is. 

Yep, demagogues. 

plural noun: demagogues
  1. a political leader who seeks support by appealing to popular desires and prejudices rather than by using rational argument.
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7 hours ago, EngrBob said:

Nothing wrong with a demagogue as long as they follow through with their promises. The idea is that they represent the desires of the majority. 

but it also means they prey on people's prejudices, Hitler, Mao, Pol Pot, Fidel Castro, just a few of the more popular demagogues that followed through with what they promised. "Be careful what you wish for" comes to mind. The desires of the majority are what the constitution was set up to protect the minority from.

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8 hours ago, MikedaddyH said:

What about the pandering that goes along those lines !???????!

The Hag is a master at that ! She will ever change her dialect to fit the crowdshe is speaking to.

I've always wanted to know if the audience really thinks she talks with a southern accent in private, is it an inside joke, or do they just not care how silly she makes them all look????

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On 4/14/2016 at 3:29 AM, jtallen83 said:

but it also means they prey on people's prejudices, Hitler, Mao, Pol Pot, Fidel Castro, just a few of the more popular demagogues that followed through with what they promised. "Be careful what you wish for" comes to mind. The desires of the majority are what the constitution was set up to protect the minority from.

But that is the challenge of a Democracy.  Satisfy the majority while protecting the "rights" of the minority.  The fact is we are now redefining "hate" in a way that makes it virtually impossible to not be for something without being accused of hate.  I think same sex marriage is idiotic, but I don't hate gays; however, today's definitions would say that I hate gays.  This is all simply nonsense and part of the communist propaganda machine to ensure that they have only a docile population to subjugate.  I don't think it is appropriate to say that passing laws to prevent men from using women's restrooms is akin to the Nazi gas chambers.

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My opinion of legislation is usually dependant on how it affects people in a collateral sort of way. If gay dudes want to get married, so be it, could care less. If a chick gets knocked up by some thug in the hood and wants an abortion, so be it. One less gangster 15 years from now. Probably saving 5 lives by ending that one. 

Now, if some creepy tranny has his junk out in front of my little girl in a public restroom? I'm going to prison, so I'm very much against that.

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On 4/15/2016 at 9:41 AM, EngrBob said:

But that is the challenge of a Democracy.  Satisfy the majority while protecting the "rights" of the minority.  The fact is we are now redefining "hate" in a way that makes it virtually impossible to not be for something without being accused of hate.  I think same sex marriage is idiotic, but I don't hate gays; however, today's definitions would say that I hate gays.  This is all simply nonsense and part of the communist propaganda machine to ensure that they have only a docile population to subjugate.  I don't think it is appropriate to say that passing laws to prevent men from using women's restrooms is akin to the Nazi gas chambers.

We are more of a Plutocracy than a Democracy. We haven't been a true democracy for at least 8 years.

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 For someone to even think its OK for a man dressed in woman's clothing ,to enter or use a women's rest room , to me is incomprehensible . How can someone ,gay or not , think its good for Humanity or Socially acceptable , they are the Deviates of the world & they are trying to bring us down to their level . The entertainment industry has a lot to do with this crap , they are a big part of the 4 %. 

  I do hate most of the Entertainment industry , they are a big part of the Social Engineering project . This is going to blow up soon , if it keeps up !  Probably part of their plan .

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