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Happy Memorial day

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A day of reflection for all our brother's and sister's of our Armed forces.To our Veterans and our troops,American is #1 due to all of you'r sacrifices.Also to you'r families and caregivers a tremendous amout of gratitiude.To those that are no longer with us "That God has welcomed them into heaven with open arms".My family,our familes and a grateful nation sez"THANK YOU from the bottom of our hearts".Enjoy the day men.

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Thanks to all of the veterans who have given the ultimate sacrifice ! 

My family serve in WWII ,Vietnam and the Gulf War and was fortunate not to have lost any members. Many families were not so lucky and that's why we remember this day, they gave so we could enjoy life as we know it. Now people I'm this country BBQ ,watch car races and old war movies and forget why we have the holiday in the first place. Neglecting the real reason. Kids today DONT have a clue,  they just want to party and few have family in the military... Now most of our population looks down on our military and dont have pride in in our county either. Things must change soon or our history will repeat itself.


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  On 5/30/2016 at 7:06 PM, CrashOverRide.308 said:

“Our debt to the heroic men and valiant women in the service of our country can never be repaid. They have earned our undying gratitude. America will never forget their sacrifices.” — Harry S. Truman


Great man to quote on this day.  HST saved tens of thousands of American soldiers' lives by torching Hiroshima and Nagasaki.  Also served in artillery unit in WWI.  Also responsible for weeding out a bunch of fraud in WWII military contracts.  Kind of guy our soldiers need in the White House now.

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584 motorcycles in the run to the North Dakota State Veterans cemetery today.  Tyat doesn't include the people already there to honor their loved ones, nor the people who showed up later.

On helluva sight to see, that line of bikes, flags, and colors flying proudly for our veterans!

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Went to the local cemetery where my grandpa's family is buried today. Makes me swell with pride to see all the bronze memorials to the vetrans, Civil war GAR, Spanish-American war, WWI, WWII, and the  Korean War. Thankfully the families vets from the remaining wars are still with us. 

Great men provided us with a great country, God willing we can salvage some Liberty in their honor.

Sua Sponte!

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The weekend is over but the memories remain, each day of the year. I rode in Rolling Thunder once more this year and find it up-lifting to be around so many others who believe in the same cause.

My local buddies put on a big memorial celebration each year where we do drink lots and eat BBQ, but none of us forget why the day is set aside, for those who have gone before us to protect our Nation. 

Monday, I went to Quantico National cemetery to say hi to a few buddies who couldn't make it to the celebration. Seeing the flags set up at thousands of headstone cause me to break down every time.

I am grateful to be an American and will never for get their sacrifice.

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