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BEER, Reviews and Opinions


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4 hours ago, jtallen83 said:

Looks like a great haul :thumbup: Found a place in St. Louis called Total Wine, unreal selection there. I will be making occasional trips there for work so I will be looking for some of your favorites.

Two more weeks and I will be home to see what is in the fridge :drool:

Total wine ain’t bad for a national store, I hit two in AZ and one in Vegas 

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Chocolate Milk Stout from 4Hands Brewing in St. Louis, MO. God damn ambrosia this is! Kind of a smokey, chocolate smell. When it first hits the mouth you could swear it is a glass of chocolate milk, creamy smooth with a little sweet. Changes to a more dark chocolate/smokey taste but still creamy smooth all the way down. I'd call this a desert beer, leaves you wanting another one!

IMG_0902.thumb.jpg.b3148a8fadd5c76465a8ef08294ca3ed.jpgIMG_0903.thumb.jpg.bc8945e45254cda887a76d35be7ce7be.jpgcouldn't tell which side was the front???

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47 minutes ago, jtallen83 said:

Chocolate Milk Stout from 4Hands Brewing in St. Louis, MO. God damn ambrosia this is! Kind of a smokey, chocolate smell. When it first hits the mouth you could swear it is a glass of chocolate milk, creamy smooth with a little sweet. Changes to a more dark chocolate/smokey taste but still creamy smooth all the way down. I'd call this a desert beer, leaves you wanting another one!

IMG_0902.thumb.jpg.b3148a8fadd5c76465a8ef08294ca3ed.jpgIMG_0903.thumb.jpg.bc8945e45254cda887a76d35be7ce7be.jpgcouldn't tell which side was the front???

They make a hell of a Pb stout that should be coming out soon, if you like Pb cup it’s a must

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Incarnation IPA from 4Hands Brewing in St. Louis, MO. Has a nice citrusy, hoppy aroma. Starts with a light, sweet, fruity taste but goes to piney orange pith with a touch of dank. Finishes with a touch of bitterness but some malty sweetness hangs in there. Pretty good as far as depth of flavors just not my favorite flavors.



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2 hours ago, jtallen83 said:

Claymore Scotch Ale from Great Divide Brewing in Denver. Malty sweet aroma, starts with a smooth caramel flavor then the alcohol shows through, finish reminds me of a good scotch whisky, maybe why they call it scotch ale? 


I’m not big on scotch but I think you just discribed a great scotch ale. I’ve had some aged in scotch barrels that get super peaty and smokie too

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Finally got home so I can dip into my Wisconsin Brothers care package :drool:  Started with a multi hop version of Dare Mighty Things IPA from the Eau Claire Brewing Project DBA The Brewing Projekt. I smell a little citrus, grapefruit came to mind. The flavor, rather flavors are all over the place, every taste I can think of that could be in an IPA seem to be here. None are overbearing, they just flow into each other. Describing it is like catching a greased hog, just when you think you have it it slips away. Hazy with a little sweet and a little bitter. I can't find the ABV rating but after a pint I'm pretty sure it is on the high end.

Thank you Brother :thumbup:


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Another one from the care package :thumbup: Terminal DIPA from that Eau Claire WI The Brewing Projekt. Has that Tropical fruit like aroma, sweet. A nice sweet orangey citrus  flavor up front. Finishes with a dry orange pith bitter, nothing overpowering just a very tasty beer. My wife says it taste like someone put orange juice in a beer. It appears those Wisconsin brewers got it going on!


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I know... but I drink summer beers all year if I can find them. lol. 

then you sit in front of a heat vent with your eyes closed. and as the warm air takes away the winter chill and the cold citrus beer passes over your taste buds, you imagine the sun warming you while you sit lakeside with a pole next to you. ☀️:cool:

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HUSTLE Pale Ale  from that Eau Claire WI The Brewing Projekt, another beer from that Wisconsin care package. Has that tropical fruit aroma. It has a ripe grapefruit flavor, sweet with a little bite, maybe some lemon like notes at the finish. I think I am tasting some malty flavor underneath, like a cream ale. Another outstanding brew from the Projekt!


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Dare Mighty Things  from that Eau Claire WI The Brewing Projekt, another beer from that Wisconsin care package. This is an Amarillo hops only version. Still has that fruity aroma and a sweet tropical fruit flavor up front but transitions to a little hoppier flavor with piney dank notes, nothing overpower. Smooth all the way through with a little of that fizzy thing at the finish. Good schit Brother!


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Gunpowder from that Eau Claire WI The Brewing Projekt, Brother, I am getting seriously jealous of people that can regularly get these fantastic beers! This is an IPA with green tea and it works. The tea is noticeable in the aroma for sure. It has a citrus, maybe grapefruit flavor up front, a little sweet but not much, not like some southern sweet tea's I have had. The green tea adds a bit of a dry finish, mild bitterness but with a tea flavor, thick and smooth. Maybe it's a good thing I can't get all this stuff that I want………


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52 minutes ago, jtallen83 said:

Gunpowder from that Eau Claire WI The Brewing Projekt, Brother, I am getting seriously jealous of people that can regularly get these fantastic beers! This is an IPA with green tea and it works. The tea is noticeable in the aroma for sure. It has a citrus, maybe grapefruit flavor up front, a little sweet but not much, not like some southern sweet tea's I have had. The green tea adds a bit of a dry finish, mild bitterness but with a tea flavor, thick and smooth. Maybe it's a good thing I can't get all this stuff that I want………


Well if it makes you feel better I can’t just go to any old beer store and the special ones only get them once twice a month

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Dorthy's New World Lager from Toppling Goliath Brewing in Decorha Iowa. Swear I can smell banana and that threw me off. Sweet and malty with a touch of a spice, a mild clove flavor in there as well as a touch of citrus. A bit of a bready taste in there as well. Goes down real easy with just a mild bitter on the finish. More of a traditional beer than I have been drinking but SO much more depth than a Budweiser! My wife actually liked this, drank half the can, for her very unusual.



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