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Tactical Machining Lower .308 Build/Assembly


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What to do on Labor Day Weekend? How about build a new rifle.

Finally got everything together for the assembly of my first .308, minus the BCG, which is in the mail now.

Lets start off with some photos, I know how you guys like photos  ;)


[img width=810 height=607]http://i257.photobucket.com/albums/hh225/Polaris624/DSCN4320.jpg

[img width=810 height=607]http://i257.photobucket.com/albums/hh225/Polaris624/DSCN4494.jpg

I must confess, I did assemble the lower a few weeks back as I became impatient and the fact that I had parts enough to do so. You might notice the change in color from blk to OD green. I just wish Magpul made the .308 mags in OD green.

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It seems I forgot to list parts that I used, well heres a quick list;

(modified to reflect the final parts list as assembled)

Tactical Machining stripped lower

DPMS stripped upper

BCM Mod 4 Chrg handle

20" SS barrel 1:10 twist (Brand is a Hole that is Black with Weaponry)

JP VTAC 15" handguard

JP Enterprises Bennie Cooley muzzle device

Fulton Armory LPK

Fulton Armory upper parts

DPMS chrome BCG

Magpul PRS Stock

Ergo Ambi Grip

Millett TRS-1

Warne Maxima Fixed Rings

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The reciever nut went on and lined up almost spot on, only backed it off about a gnats hair to get the gas tube to line up.

[img width=810 height=607]http://i257.photobucket.com/albums/hh225/Polaris624/DSCN4499.jpg

As you guys might remember I posted some questions about which wrench is needed for this barrel nut, well it turns out its the same one used on a standard AR15. So I took my YHM freefloat tube wrench and cut a 3/8 hole in it for the torque wrnech to fit into it and shazaam! worked like a champ. I am not sure what type steel YHM used on that wrench but let me tell you that was a pain in the rump to punch out. Took three attempts on three different machines and broke 2 bits in the process.

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Nice build, man, and good job.  <thumbsup>  You'll notice the Magpul grip leaves a little lip right at the trigger guard - that will bother you down the road, especially on a heavy round-count day.  That's easy to get rid of, and it's one of the first things I did to mine.  There are details in this thread, here:


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Went to the range and performed the barrel break in process and the gun fired flawlessly. 5 rounds, wet patch, dry patch till clean... repeat for a few boxes of ammo. Ran the PMC 10$ boxes. I didnt really care about accuracy as I dont have any optics on it yet, just point shoot and inspect how the rifle fires.

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Well, it's good to see someone else had the same idea! Now I have instructions to follow, thanks! Just waiting on my 15.5" JPE tube to finish it off and then upgrade the optic and I'll be done! I went with the CAA grip for comfiness. I have one question on the tube: could I use the railed standard gasblock on the 7.62 Oracle or do I need a low profile gas block?

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I have one question on the tube: could I use the railed standard gasblock on the 7.62 Oracle or do I need a low profile gas block?

If you are planning on having the hand-guard cover your gas block, it is more than likely you will need to get one that is low profile. Ofcourse, it really depends on the dimensions of the one you have. FWIW, The JP VTAC tube is smaller in diameter than most hand guards, which will limit what you can use. I used a standard low profile gas block and it works great.

If you choose to go with the JP VTAC, you wont be sorry about your choice, I have really enjoyed mine!  <thumbsup>

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