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Aero Precision MOD4 Handguard


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Questions on this thing.  First, does ANYONE have one of these things yet?  Somebody here HAS to have one already.   Aero has been super-slow shipping to both customers, and dealers.  Looking for info on it, to see if it's worth the hype.  It's expensive as FUK, approaching Knight's Armament territory, and scratching the surface of the Daniel Defense rail prices.  This thing is $300-ish, just for a rail. 

Here's what I'm talking about - any feedback is greatly appreciated, before I order something that will take months to get here.

FWIW, I'm still waiting on two STAG-10 receiver sets with rails, that were ordered in Jan... 

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Okay - nothing from anybody, since last Thursday.  So, I invoked THE RULE on myself in this matter.

Here is THE RULE:

"If you post, inquiring about a product, be it new or old, and no one responds with a review within 48 hours, you are hereby required to buy said product, and review that product, so that this rule doesn't apply to the next person with the same inquiry. "The Rule" shall not apply to the announcement of new or upcoming products, unless there is some context inquiring as to who will be the first to assume ownership of said product. At that point "The Rule" will once again apply to the poster, who will be obligated to be the first in the stated question.

While this shouldn't need to be stated, pictures are required, or that s*** didn't happen."

That's a hard and steadfast legality here on the board - but it gets interpreted and applied at will.  But, it is The Rule."


We'll see what happens.  I bought the damn upper - and I never buy uppers.  Always parts, and I build them myself.  Well, I just bought the second upper receiver group that I've ever bought in my entire life.  Now, I'm waiting on two Aero M4E1 PRO lower receivers.  When they'll get here, I have no idea. 


Here's the link to the upper:



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57 minutes ago, 98Z5V said:

 I bought the damn upper - and I never buy uppers.  

At least you have the option to build or buy,untill we deal with our liberal problem which are worse then cockroaches in a slum house 😠

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I'm gonna try to reverse THE RULE since none of you fuqrs even acknowledged my question in the first place.  I asked about a handguard, and nobody said shiit about anything, not even a response.  IN LIGHT OF THAT, the $300 handguard is completely out of stock everywhere, and the complete lack of response from everyone forced me to buy a $720 upper, just to get a handguard, and the upper doesn't even come with a BCG of charging handle.

So, as payment, and Reverse-Enforcement of THE RULE, all the regulars here have 48 hours to buy one of these uppers...   :thefinger:

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Now just pump the brakes a little bit there big boy. None of us forced you to go out and buy a complete upper. More or less a 700 dollar completed upper with no BCG or CH. Who do they think they are, PSA? :laffs:

Where I would normally fall on the grenade for the rest of the team. It ain't gonna be this 700 dollar grenade. I mean, it's not even an Armalite. :laffs:

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10 hours ago, Rsquared said:

Now just pump the brakes a little bit there big boy. None of us forced you to go out and buy a complete upper. More or less a 700 dollar completed upper with no BCG or CH. Who do they think they are, PSA? :laffs:

Where I would normally fall on the grenade for the rest of the team. It ain't gonna be this 700 dollar grenade. I mean, it's not even an Armalite. :laffs:

Too late for you, big boy - you should have chimed in that you have no idea about that RAIL.  It was just over a rail.  Crickets, from the whole audience.

Now, you're on the hook for either the rail, or the upper.  Pick your poison...   :banana:

Rub your credit card, and warm that fuqr up...  

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Fine, Fine you Fuker. I'll get the rail for crying out loud. I'm at work at the moment, so I'll look into ordering it when I get back to the house. It's showing back ordered for a couple weeks at the minimum through Optics Planet. Right around 250 (ish) for 15". I think I've got a couple black rain lower receivers siting around somewhere that I could build off of one of these. I suppose I could get another 18" MK12 (556) barrel and try to make it a decent mid-range distance gun. Maybe.

FUKER! :thefinger::lmao:

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It's a tough life all around right now.  All I needed was some feedback - anything like "Shiit, Bro - that rail is so new that NOBODY knows about it..."

But no, Crickets.

That's why I invented "THE REVERSE RULE..."   :lmao:

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Posted (edited)

The LACK of responses didn't cost me a $300 rail - it cost me a $720 upper...   Bastards...   :thefinger::laffs:

It will be a whole gun by tomorrow morning.  We'll shoot it at the Spring Shoot.  Badass little 14.5" with a 1~6 PA scope on it.  We'll run it to 600, and see if we can run it to 700.   :thumbup:

Edited by 98Z5V
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Well, this escalated quickly.  I'll be able to zero the optic and try it out during the Shoot.



I also have a family of quail that roost in my big tree out back.  They'll come out of the wash beside the house at dusk, walk up the wall, and get into the big tree.  When they feel like leaving in the morning, they come out of the tree, onto the wall, walk the length of the wall, and go into the wash to do whatever quail do everyday.  Pretty cool. 


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AP rail is in. Now I've got to dig through the gun boxes and find the receiver set to use. Then to decide on a barrel to use. I was looking at this Noveske barrel since a good number of the rifles that I've built have used their barrels (18"). But, of course, that's gonna be another 750. So that's not happening anytime soon. I've still got other obligations that take a higher priority at the time. But some time later this year probably. Maybe mid to late summer. Probably not in time for the fall shoot though. After all, I've gotta hump that other AR-10 SASS back out to Tom's place to get the tiger stripe paint job put on it now that the coast is clear.




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So, bottom line - this upper receiver setup from Aero is THEE SHIIT for a 14.5"!!!  

The PA 1~6 scope is perfect for what I wanted to try, and I had to make the choice between one in yards, or meters, and the meters was discounted lower.  Bought the meter scope.  No big deal, the BDC in it ranges in meters, it's setup in meters, it all works.

Took it out last weekend for the Spring Shoot, like in the pic above, and set up my zero target at 110 yards - 100 meters.  Had a confirmation target at 330 yards - 300 meters.  The typical 450 yard target - that's close enough to 400 meters.  The 608 yard target - that's close enough to 550 meters...

It rang ALL of them, once dialed in.  The scope works.  The barrel is STUPID accurate with my 75gr handloads, the Mk262 clones.  This 14.5" just WORKS.  The upper is a work of art.

SO, we roll to the SDTF on Thursday for the shoot, we're there until Sunday.  Saturday, GunPusher John sends me a text that our M4E1 PRO lower have FINALLY showed up at the shop!  Too late, already zero'd and shot the gun, as is, just to shoot it, but at least the lowers came in.

Picked up one of the lowers this morning, came home, took the recoil system off this gun, and built out the new lower.  I gotta say, Aero knocked this M4E1 PRO stuff outta the park!

This is my new favorite 14.5" 5.56 gun, for sure.

I'll cross-post this into the Spring Shoot thread...





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