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Sorry Bro


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Tom have you had a chance to shoot it yet, if so how was it.

Not yet, brother - feeling guilty about that, too.  Despite last week, thinking I'd be able tp get out mid-week, it just didn't happen.  Next chance I'll get will be Monday or Tuesday.  I don't think I've ever owned a damn gun for a week, before shooting it - most of the time, I head from point-of-purchase, straight to the range... 


As soon as I blast it, I'll bring back targets, and get info in here.  <thumbsup>

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I'm pretty sure you'll love it and your going to be surprised how easy it is to handle for its size/caliber...


You nailed it, shepp.  It's fantastic!   I found out a few things with it, right away - like, in the first two 5rd mags.  I set up targets at 5 yards, 10 yards and 25 yards, and put two boxes of 230 grain through it.  No functional issues of any kind, no feed problems from the two mags it ships with it.


Grip.  This little guy is easy to hang onto, because of the deep grip treatment (XDM-type grip surfaces), but I had to adjust how I hold the thing.  On my firing hand, I had my trigger finger out, nest two fingers around the grip, and the pinky under the magwell, wrapped under the mag - necessary - and thumb straight down the side.  Non-firing hand required more tension, with tension on my thumb of my firing hand. non-firing thumb was straight out, to the end of the rail.  Again, necessary. 


Trigger follow-through - mandatory on this little guy.  Hold the trigger to the rear after firing.  First two mags, I wasn't paying attention to follow-through, and this thing does do a little jumping. Without proper follow-through, the trigger safety starts eating up my trigger finger with a quickness.  WITH proper follow-through, that all goes away, and it's an easy, easy shooter. 


Once I figured out what grip I needed, and got on the trigger, follow up shots are very quick, and right on target.  It's not just like going out with a full-size and shooting - it took a little work initially, but it was very easy to figure out.


I'll be keeping it for sure - in fact, I already have the PRP extended mag release, PRP extended safety, and PRP trigger spring kit on the way. 


Pics below:

1)  5yd target.  You can see the initial shots - low left.  Changing up grip brought them right where they needed to be, and the trigger follow-through tightened them up. 

2) 10yd target - not bad, for a .45ACP with a 3.3 inch barrel.

3) 25yd target - only one 5-round mag at that distance - it gets them there, though.

4)  Not sure what Tacti-Cat thinks of my targets - I can't read that expression well.  I'm not sure if he's disappointed, pissed, pleased (only minorly pleased), or if he just thinks I suck for not taking him to the range...





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That 25 yard target was my 3rd mag through it - 5, 10, 25.  Figured I'd run through the targets once, and realized on the 5 and 10 that something had to change.  I never went back to the 25.  I need to get back to it and see what happens, with the changes I made shooting the little fucker. 


I'll say this - it's a keeper, for sure.  There's absolutely no doubt about that.  <thumbsup>

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4)  Not sure what Tacti-Cat thinks of my targets - I can't read that expression well.  I'm not sure if he's disappointed, pissed, pleased (only minorly pleased), or if he just thinks I suck for not taking him to the range...


He's trying to approve, definitely. You can't beat two cat eyes and a bullseye all at once, there's just no trumping that.

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When I first shot mine I had a 7 round extended mag already. So I first shot it with that about the same grip, no need to hold pinky under mag well with the seven rounder. Once I got used to it I popped in the 5 anticipating it getting a lil squirrelly but it shot about the same. Glad you like it Tom, be intrested in what you have to say after you up grades

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I have been waiting for SA to put out a micro, but never thought about a 45. I have a service XD45 I love. I've pretty much made up my mind I will get one soon.


So nobody is having any problem. some folks seem to, but it usually can be attributed to operator error.

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I have been waiting for SA to put out a micro, but never thought about a 45. I have a service XD45 I love. I've pretty much made up my mind I will get one soon.

So nobody is having any problem. some folks seem to, but it usually can be attributed to operator error.

There is a great video on YouTube by military channel on the gun. I think it may be posted in the thread I started about if. The only thing I've heard is that wasn't feeding/cycling properly, it wasn't first hand but in a review. The reviewer started it was most likely due to a weak grip or limp wrist

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There is a great video on YouTube by military channel on the gun. I think it may be posted in the thread I started about if. The only thing I've heard is that wasn't feeding/cycling properly, it wasn't first hand but in a review. The reviewer started it was most likely due to a weak grip or limp wrist


Go over to XD Talk and it is quite a problem. But of course it's the web and a few vocal problems does not mean the vast majority of silent owners have any. But SA has put out releases making it quite clear how to "properly" shoot the gun. So they are getting some flak over it. Does not mean I will not get one. I'm no expert, but I have to know for myself... most everyone else loves the thing.

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Well nobody has to renounce their citizenship...but here you go. :)




XD Talk has been around since they were HS2000s. It has become a pretty big site. The place for info on XD. Whole room for XDs


They have an AR section too, but the only thing they knew about 308 was to send me here... they were spot on. :D

Edited by Powerman
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When I got my XDm I checked them out.Then I found this spot and it's a one stop spot. <thumbsup>  So here I be. ::)


Well it is a specific site about XDs.... but I certainly agree... you guys got a nice little slice of the web here. Great forum for sure.

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