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About 98Z5V

  • Birthday 03/01/1968

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    Barely on this side of the Border...

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  1. I HOPE SO, BROTHER!!! Governor Turd QUIT because he knew what the pressure was gonna do to him - and Good RIDDANCE, for ALL of you up there...
  2. We'll get this back on track somehow... Even if I have to pay someone to Chloroform you...
  3. Damn, we goo\tta work on your long-term memory... 12.5" 5.56 barrel, because somebody made it in 5-twist...
  4. Man, for 45/70, I'm rolling 405gr Oregon Trail laser-cast lead bullets over 50.0 grains of IMR 3031, and it's all I can hang on to...
  5. Man... I have 3 different 12.5" guns that will do 850 yards all day long. 6.5 Grendel, 6 ARC, and 22 ARC. I THINK that KAK is making this thing as a super-fast-twist in order to over-stabilize the 5.56 heavies in order to get more distance out of them. I don't know. I just found this barrel tonight. I'll call KAK in the morning about this thing, and find out what the deal is on it, why they made it. One way or another, I'll get one, and find out. Maybe it's made for 88s or 90s? We gonna know soon... 😁
  6. @blue109... So, first, brother... The Burn It Down gun ended up with a light on it. PID, you know. If you're gonna burn it down, then know your visibility range, right? So, I thought to myself - I better start looking for the NEXT barrel, because this thing isn't gonna last forever. Buy a backup NOW. Get on KAKs website, set my search criteria for their 12.5" barrels... Replacement is $119. Cool. But wait... What's THIS?!!? They have a stainless 416 barrel in a 1:5" twist?! WTF? What is THAT for? https://kakindustry.com/5-56-nato-12-5-ar15-barrel-stainless-416r-1-5/ Suffice to say - we're gonna find out...
  7. Nope - you never mentioned that in your first post, brother. Not in the least. Here's your first post in this thread:
  8. You need to finally say EXACTLY what you are building, this far into the thread. What are you building, Angel?
  9. Come out for Spring - You can shoot my Woody, while you dream about your Large-Frame version of it...
  10. ONE MILLION DOLL-HAIRS... Thanks for finally saying this was a .308 AR, after talking about AR15 shiit for so long...
  11. Just so you know - LAR-8 upper receivers are LONGER than DPMS-Based LR-308 receivers, and Armalite AR-10 receivers. The BCGs are longer, the uppers are longer, and the charging handles are longer - AND, the detachable carry handles are longer. They won't fit DPMS and Armalite based 308s... Too long. FYI...
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