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Manchester concert attacked, 19 dead.

Armed Eye Doc

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"I believe the average Muslim is in agreement with the outcome of the Jihadists but not willing to support it the act publicly.  Similar to Christians who secretly don't have a problem with extremists who blow up abortion clinics and kill people in the process."

i can't believe I am seeing this thinking. Moral equivalence of Christians and Muslims. Christian extremists? Blowing up abortion clinics? Am I missing all these abortion clinic attacks? Sorry Doc but that is moronic to compare the two beliefs. You aren't gonna bring up the Crusades are you? 

The Muslim Jihadist Nazis need to be exterminated. It won't ever happen. The Jihadists are like vile locusts. Being among the birth of this vile birth of Jihadists was very disturbing. One of the main roots of the vile Muslim Jihadists Nazis movement occurred in the late 70's and early 80's when America idiotically help Jihadists fight the Soviets. We are so stupid. Moderate Muslim group? No such thing. There are Muslims that are sheep to Jihadist Nazis, but moderate Muslims.....they only cut the head half way off. The world has a serious problem. But those that lead the free world deny the problem.


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3 hours ago, The Father said:

i can't believe I am seeing this thinking. Moral equivalence of Christians and Muslims. Christian extremists? Blowing up abortion clinics? Am I missing all these abortion clinic attacks? Sorry Doc but that is moronic to compare the two beliefs. You aren't gonna bring up the Crusades are you? 


Doc wasn't equating Christians in general with Muslims as you've suggested. Furthermore, he is absolutely right. Just a few years ago not far from where I live the FBI arrested an abortion clinic bomber who had eluded them for years and never left the area. He was supported and hidden by locals that were opposed to abortion. When you've hung around us a few years, you'll get a much better understanding of our individual political perspectives, but until then refrain from personal attacks in the public forum. I'm letting it go because of the sensitivity and political nature of the discussion, but don't go calling our respected members morons.

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The sister of the bomber stated that the attack was retaliation for America bombing Syria! That right there says a LOT! These P.O.S. azzholes go do their deeds where they will encounter the least resistance, countries where the citizens are denied the right to keep and bear arms to defend themselves. Retaliate against America but do it in Great Britain? Yup, Europe's 'gun free zones' are now targets of opportunity! How's that gun free schit working out for you?

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Christians secretly harbor support for abortion clinic bombers? I don't think so. Muslim Jihadists Nazis slaughter 10's of thousands every year. But then again abortion clinics slaughter 10's of thousand children a year. There is a moral equivalent. 

Christians also don't use to church to encourage the murder of 10's of thousands. 

Mentioning an isolated "Christian" "attack" in the same paragraph as vile Jihadists Nazis slaughting little girl isn't right. 

Just my opinion. 



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One point: The majority of 9/11 terrorists were fundamental Islam Saudis. Fundamental Mullahs in Pakistan AND the US have been supported by the Saudis for years. Yet we have had Bush, Obutthead, and now Trump kissing thei Saudis arse. It is all about money, don't kid yourself. You talk about Globalists, IMO Trump, Putin, the Saudis, Sissi of Egypt, Erdogan of Turkey, Duerte, even Xi of China and a lot of others ARE the new Globalists, allying across borders to protect their autocracies and their huge wealth. I agree, smash Isis, but realize some of our "friends" are closet enemies at best, and will be our enemies next year.

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In America Christian churches loose tax exempt status if they are considered to have preached a political opinion. In America public  Christian prayer is not allowed in school. Mosques and Islamic centers preach a political agenda. Schools are starting to provide a dedicated room for Islamic prayers. Like it or not we are not far behind the Europeans in Islamic policies. The globalist agenda needs these divisions to push their policies on America, they assume they can maintain control of the chaos they are creating and end up on top. History says different, extermination of Islam where it creates problems has and will happen again. Do your homework in your community, know who and where the problems are and have a plan. Range cards men, have your range cards filled out. Maybe I was brainwashed but I truly believe in the sentiment "Kill them all, then let God sort it out".

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11 minutes ago, jtallen83 said:

Do your homework in your community, know who and where the problems are and have a plan. Range cards men, have your range cards filled out. 

Again ... I was USAF; what's a "range card" ... ??? 

Last place I left off, the "range card" was how many rounds our assigned weapons had fired and what our qualification scores were.  I sense there is actually another meaning to this with regards to your statement above.

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There are assholes everywhere we all understand that. No reason to get in a pissing match over it. We all know what's going on I'm pretty sure we can all agree people like this need to die plain and simple.



Give it a rest

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10 minutes ago, GRA said:

Again ... I was USAF; what's a "range card" ... ??? 

The links below should give you a good idea of what a range card is. If you have a good idea that a specific location would be a gathering place for people that may wish you harm it would be prudent to prepare range cards at that location, be proactive instead of reactive.




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1 hour ago, Sisco said:

One point: The majority of 9/11 terrorists were fundamental Islam Saudis. Fundamental Mullahs in Pakistan AND the US have been supported by the Saudis for years. Yet we have had Bush, Obutthead, and now Trump kissing thei Saudis arse. It is all about money, don't kid yourself. You talk about Globalists, IMO Trump, Putin, the Saudis, Sissi of Egypt, Erdogan of Turkey, Duerte, even Xi of China and a lot of others ARE the new Globalists, allying across borders to protect their autocracies and their huge wealth. I agree, smash Isis, but realize some of our "friends" are closet enemies at best, and will be our enemies next year.

  What everyone must understand , all of these countries mentioned are on the same Planet we are & no matter what or how you feel about them , we have to live with them , just like the people in your Hood , so getting along with them is actually a good thing , no matter how bad some of the people in these mentioned Countries are or will be or what some may plan or carry out acts against us . That doesn't mean they are following their Governments feelings, plans or ideology . 

  The older I get , the more I understand that just because the Barrel has some bad apples , doesn't mean the whole Barrel is bad , I would rather have these Countries work with us or help us , then stand alone against the world ,something to think about . 

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1 hour ago, jtallen83 said:

The links below should give you a good idea of what a range card is. If you have a good idea that a specific location would be a gathering place for people that may wish you harm it would be prudent to prepare range cards at that location, be proactive instead of reactive.




Very good.  Thank you.  :thumbup:

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7 hours ago, 98Z5V said:

What's with all the Nazi bullshiit, man? 

And how does a Muslim Jihadist have anything to do with a Nazi?...

They are a fascist religious cult and their form of government is very much a national socialist model. In reality the Nazis were much more understanding than any radical muslim though..............

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7 hours ago, 98Z5V said:

What's with all the Nazi bullshiit, man? 

And how does a Muslim Jihadist have anything to do with a Nazi?...

That's what liberal extremist snow flakes call everyone these days. I don't like you or agree with you your a nazi, PUNCH NAZIS!!!!

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Just now, jtallen83 said:

They have no patent on the hitler reference, heard it used many time for O'bama


I know as of latly with all these protests tho they've been really loving it, everyone's a nazi in their eyes they wave flags with shwastikas and anyone they don't agree with is a nazi

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7 hours ago, 98Z5V said:

What's with all the Nazi bullshiit, man? 

And how does a Muslim Jihadist have anything to do with a Nazi?...

Probably because the Islamists were aligned with the Nazis during WWII.  What most don't acknowledge is that the actions of the AntiFa demonstrators is identical to the para-military fascists known as the National Socialists in 1920s Germany.  Those were the Nazis. 

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I agree with JT and EngrBob.  Here's why; If you look up the definition for fascists, the first example provided is usually the Nazi Party of Germany in the 1930(s) - 1940(s).  "NAZI" is basically an acronym for the National Socialist Party, which was a fascist regime.  The underlying theme here is a fanatical dedication (and mandate) to a certain political cause / doctrine.  In essence I see it as a fanatical nationalism.  While there is nothing wrong whatsoever with loyal patriotism, we all know previous regimes of fascist type were almost always evil, namely; the NAZI Party in Germany and the Bolshevik / Communist Party in Russia/USSR.

Parallels can be seen with the Antifa, American Communist Party, Muslim Brotherhood, New Black Panthers, La Raza Unida, MalDef, and other re-conquista and globalist movements that are presently causing problems.  Although they claim to be anti-fascist, their attitudes, demeanor, and operations prove they are almost exactly like the fascists that existed in the 20th. Century.

I see underlying themes of this present in the current position of the Useless Nations (UN), although the UN is comprised of many nations.

I think what he have here in this thread is the use of the term "NAZI" being used to help identify these extreme Muslim positions.


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11 hours ago, 98Z5V said:

What's with all the Nazi bullshiit, man? 

And how does a Muslim Jihadist have anything to do with a Nazi?...

The Nazi were fanatics, they incinerated and gassed millions, the Muslim Jihadist Nazis would love to do the same. The Nazis were the most evil thing created, the Muslim Jihadist Nazis will make the German Nazis look like little kids if given the chance. The Jihadists would burn New York City down in a heart beat if they could.

So that is the bullpoopy, man.  

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1 hour ago, The Father said:

Obama and the Media throw the Nazi reference around because they have ZERO policy to provide  what middle America really needs. The Obamas, Pelosi, and other scum crowd lie and mewl their filthy garbage filled lies, they have nothing to offer. 

And so did Ronald Reagan when he told me he was going to do away with the department of education but instead puts Bill Bennett as secretary and allows him to expand the department exponentially. They ALL lie to us, just different lies. For all his bluster O'bama did far less than Reagan when it comes to infringing my second amendment rights. I don't support any of the positions they pushed on us, we have to get beyond the supposed party fights and realize they have both subjected us to a totalitarian system. Until we recognize the whole problem they will continue to divide and conquer us.

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16 minutes ago, jtallen83 said:

And so did Ronald Reagan when he told me he was going to do away with the department of education but instead puts Bill Bennett as secretary and allows him to expand the department exponentially. They ALL lie to us, just different lies. For all his bluster O'bama did far less than Reagan when it comes to infringing my second amendment rights. I don't support any of the positions they pushed on us, we have to get beyond the supposed party fights and realize they have both subjected us to a totalitarian system. Until we recognize the whole problem they will continue to divide and conquer us.

Well said. Right now I see threats to our liberties from both the extreme left and the extreme right. They are just manifesting themselves differently. The left would take our personal freedoms from us. The extreme right would take our financial freedom from us. The left, stifiling unarmed political correctness, the right, 1% having 90% of our countries wealth paying no taxes on most of it. The rest of us crippled by the cost of health care, and the loss of jobs overseas and to automation.  Neither one is acceptable to me.

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22 hours ago, survivalshop said:

  What everyone must understand , all of these countries mentioned are on the same Planet we are & no matter what or how you feel about them , we have to live with them , just like the people in your Hood , so getting along with them is actually a good thing , no matter how bad some of the people in these mentioned Countries are or will be or what some may plan or carry out acts against us . That doesn't mean they are following their Governments feelings, plans or ideology . 

  The older I get , the more I understand that just because the Barrel has some bad apples , doesn't mean the whole Barrel is bad , I would rather have these Countries work with us or help us , then stand alone against the world ,something to think about . 

Then we will treat certain Muslims differently depending on their attitude towards us. Actually that is reasonable, but always remember: the Saudis are playing both ends against the middle. They are good at it and they have always done it; going all the way back to Lawrence of Arabia. It could just as easily be Putin or Xi schmoozing with them as Trump. And the fundamental Mullahs in Pakistan still get their checks from Ridyah.

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1 hour ago, Sisco said:

Then we will treat certain Muslims differently depending on their attitude towards us. Actually that is reasonable, but always remember: the Saudis are playing both ends against the middle. They are good at it and they have always done it; going all the way back to Lawrence of Arabia. It could just as easily be Putin or Xi schmoozing with them as Trump. And the fundamental Mullahs in Pakistan still get their checks from Ridyah.

    Don't forget , we too have been playing both ends , what goes on behind scenes & what we are told , is also something to think about . It does seem that some of the Terror attacks are over looked & let to happen , I'd like to think that's a tin foil hat conspiracy theory , but when it comes out , that LE or the Government knew someone just came back from a certain Country & you know they are affiliated with bad actors , why are they not holding someone for a period of time or checking them out more intensely when they come back . Is it just the world is so wrapped up in being PC correct , we are sacrificing innocents to not offend someone of a certain religion or life style .

  They knew about this " LOSER " & he slipped between the cracks or did they let him . This also relates to the attacks in the USA . Kinda scary even to think they would let someone run around free , that was planing something like this ! 

 Are we all " Collateral Damage " because of the lefts push to be PC ?

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