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The Marketing of Madness


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The Marketing of Madness; The truth About Psychotropic Drugs.

I mentioned this in another thread here, but this deserves it's own attention.  I'm warning you now, this is a 3 hour video.  Take the time over several days to watch it through.

I've lived this.  Not myself, but through my own severely AD/HD son.  I've been through all this.  It wasn't until I paid up about a grand to get his "brain mapped" that I could shortcut the "drug experimental" shiit I was always going through.  Once I went through the brain mapping, I realized that he was "immune" to almost every AD/HD drug that I had him on for the previous 13 years. 

This is worth watching.  Even if it takes days.  It explains alot on what we're facing daily, right here, in the US.


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23 minutes ago, 98Z5V said:

If I disappear after this post, as of right now, the only people on my trust are my parents, and @Matt.Cross.  Good luck fighting him, you fuckers.   :box1::laffs:

John Noveske,Keith Ratliff, Aaron Swartz. You know this shiit always happens in 3s. Who you plan on taking with you?:fullauto:

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2 minutes ago, C Funnk said:

John Noveske,Keith Ratliff, Aaron Swartz. You know this shiit always happens in 3s. Who you plan on taking with you?:fullauto:

I'm on my own out here in the vast wasteland.  I'll defend myself to the end.  :thumbup:

Come pick up the pieces...  

You'll have to sift through the rubble, determine what's still useful, and wade through a MOUNTAIN of brass...

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7 minutes ago, 98Z5V said:

I'm on my own out here in the vast wasteland.  I'll defend myself to the end.  :thumbup:

Come pick up the pieces...  

You'll have to sift through the rubble, determine what's still useful, and wade through a MOUNTAIN of brass...

Much better than going like sheep to the slaughter. Meds have done more  long term damage to society than anything else IMO. Yet, you’ll never hear a bitch about that. Why?$$$$

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11 hours ago, C Funnk said:

Much better than going like sheep to the slaughter. Meds have done more  long term damage to society than anything else IMO. Yet, you’ll never hear a bitch about that. Why?$$$$

Truth. The pharmaceutical industry is not about healing people. It is about making the most money possible.

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46 minutes ago, Sisco said:

Truth. The pharmaceutical industry is not about healing people. It is about making the most money possible.

All these fucks calling out the NRA for killing kids need to open their god damn eyes and look into the pharmacy lobbyists. The money they put into political pockets makes the nra look like a lemonade stand. I know more people killed by opiodes addiction and what not than I do killed by guns. Can also make that argument for mind altering “medications” ALL the mass shouters were on. 

I know you’ve talked about your sons condition before and i believe he’s been properly diagnosed 98. But I just heard a stat this past week that 8 outta ten boys are miss diagnosed because of over preciption of adhd drugs. Also the fact that parents don’t have time or just neglect to spend time doing this with their kids after work/ school and they got them strapped to a deck 8 hours a day with little to no physical activity, these boys primal urges of being little boys and even girls isn’t being fullfilled 

When I was in school there was a kid on ridalin, he absolutely hated it, basicly turned him into a zombie. He was a troubled kid he had some issues, he would have to go to the office and take the med, often he would slip it under his tongue come to the lunch room and spit it in the garbage. 


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My son was initially diagnosed as AD/HD by a school nurse, in California, in Kindergarten.  I was deployed to the PI, and he was with his mom there.  SCHOOL NURSE.  He was already on meds (Ritalin) when she was notified of this diagnosis.  I lost my shiit...  but there wasn't anything I could do about it in the Philippines.

I got back 8 months later...  His mom couldn't handle him, and my sister stepped in, flew to Cali and took him back to Ohio.  He stayed with her, and was a handful.  Once I got back, and got him back, first thing was an appointment with the very best Behavioral Pediatrician in the US Army. Just happened by dumb luck, but she was stationed at Fort Lewis, and I was lucky...

My son was diagnosed as Severely AD/HD.  Of three main testing protocols they go off of (checklists and observances, basically), the three are all somewhat different. He hit every single item on all three lists...  All of them.  The Doc bluntly told me that he would have to find behavioral ways to deal with this, but he would also probably need mediciation assistance with it, for the rest of his life.

Boy was she right.  So, we started Ritalin.  5mg and 10mg tabs.  His metabolism would burn through a dosage that should last all day, before lunch. We eventually switched to Adderall XR (extended release). Nightmare.  It lasted a little longer, but the emotional let down when it wore off was absolutely wild. That shiit was a nightmare.  We went to Concerta XR due to the after effects of Adderall.  But the time he was 11, we had him on the max dose of Conterta that he was allowed to take. And it still wasn't doing much for him.  We changed that up a little, cut the Concerta dosage down in order to combine it with Focalin XR.  The results were alright, but far from the answer.

By the time I moved back to Phoenix, in 2013, he was 16.  He had some issues, and I found a neuro-behavioral institute that offered "brain mapping."  He was hooked up to sensors and patches all over, given a battery of tests, and they measured things I didn't know they could measure.  In the end of it, literally, I had a picture of his brain,with different colored areas on the graphics, and all kinds of data listed.  It showed functional areas of the brain, the different colors meant different things, and it showed his propensity for certain conditions (depression, etc.).  Also listed were all the drugs that would NOT work on him.  Guess what?  Ritalin, Adderall, Concerta, Focalin...  We listed as probably having no affect on him. Damn...  They were right!

We switched to Vyvanse, which was about the only drug that WOULD have an effect on him - and it worked.  Well, better than anything else before did, that's for sure.

So, moral of the story - before the technology caught up, this was a guessing game, no kidding.  Give him this, observe...  How's his behavior?  Okay, let's up the dosage a little and we'll see you in 45 days...  So, how's his behavior?  Oh, really?  Let's change to this med... See you in 45 days...

I've lived this.  It sucks.

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^^^   I hear ya.  Girls trypically don't get the "H" - they don't get the hyperactivity.  ADD for girls. That's not set in stone, but I don't know what the percentages age.  Boys are the hyper ones...  

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The Opiate companies were completely unethical the way they promoted to doctors, claiming they had “solved” the addiction issue with their products. I used to listen to them and watch their ultra aggressive behaviour to promote their products. I think the Federal government should charge them for the costs to society, which Trump, to his credit, has suggested. 98, there are good things about advances in medicine, and that brain mapping sounds like one of them. Glad for you and your son you discovered it.

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20 minutes ago, Sisco said:

I think the Federal government should charge them for the costs to society,

How about people being responsible for their own behavior? Yes big pharma misleads the masses but the masses need to learn to think about it! Our society has gotten into a groove of blaming all its problems on someone else, we need to get back to being responsible for our own bad decisions.

Should big pharma pay a price, hell yes they should but that price needs to be us waking up and not buying the lies!

Edited by jtallen83
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