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BEER, Reviews and Opinions


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47 minutes ago, jtallen83 said:

Dorthy's New World Lager from Toppling Goliath Brewing in Decorha Iowa. Swear I can smell banana and that threw me off. Sweet and malty with a touch of a spice, a mild clove flavor in there as well as a touch of citrus. A bit of a bready taste in there as well. Goes down real easy with just a mild bitter on the finish. More of a traditional beer than I have been drinking but SO much more depth than a Budweiser! My wife actually liked this, drank half the can, for her very unusual.



A lot of the German style beers you’ll pick up banana notes in them, it’s not my thing but some really like it


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5 hours ago, washguy said:

So I go on my annual beer run for the rest of 2018/2019   and find this lovely brew...anyone tried it?   wash


Just you buddy. The RULE works on beer too...I hope you took some home so you don't have to go back. 

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5 hours ago, washguy said:

So I go on my annual beer run for the rest of 2018/2019   and find this lovely brew...anyone tried it?   wash



Brewed In Austin, gets a 3.25 rating average (lagers don’t usually rate much over a 3.50) let us know now it is 


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6 minutes ago, washguy said:

Shepp    I didn't buy any...it just didn't appeal to me....somethin bout oil and beer and guns.......Yuk   :laffs:    Wash

Get yer ass back there and get some. The Rule applies. And you're getting off pretty easy on this one. 

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34 minutes ago, Armed Eye Doc said:

I could save you from the rule, but then you'd be missing out on a pretty good lager.  I would say it is similar to the lager JT reviewed a couple of days ago. 

If its got more of a beer taste than a Bud Light I dunno whether I could handle it? :laffs:Wash

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Untitled Art Black Stout from Waunakee WI. WOW! This schit has flavors behind flavors over top of flavors! Inky black just like the can. That's a 300 lumen light put right up against the glass, maybe penetrated a 1/2 inch. The flavors I taste, molasses, brown sugar, ripe cherry, maybe raspberry or blackberry. Tastes like some coffee somewhere in there. A smoky malt flavor in the background all the way through. Some dark chocolate in there as well. Very smooth, almost syrupy, thought I tasted notes of the old school Vick's Formula 44, in a good way! Leaves a dry smoky taste in my mouth, similar to a good very dark chocolate. The stuff packs a punch as well, obviously a higher ABV than the taste led me to believe. The last of my Wisconsin care package, might have saved the best for last but then they were all so good I may have felt that way no matter which beer I tried last. :thumbup:

Thank you Brother! :hail:



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Just now, shepp said:

Something bout buttwiper light that makes me ????

Hahaa.....actually im a closet Bud Light drinker....my best bud just retired from one of the largest Miller Lite distributers in the USA and that would be right here in DFW as a senior VP....he put in many many years there....of course they had Corona Coors, and micro stuff and he would give me cases of Miller Lite....and I always had the Miller loaded in the fridge.....but I drank effin Bud light.....lol...you know why?....cause it aint got that beer taste....lol....I worked on a Bud truck every FFin summer after high school during summer break ...I weighed 129 pounds and a 28 inch waist and I was on the second largest route that Ben E Keith had...it was back breaking brutal dollie work... two days a week we would empty one truck in Dallas then take two trucks down to Ennis Tx area and empty them....us two helpers and a driver....the dik driver might hold the door open at the beer stop for you once in a while.....Weds was a fun light day....only emptied one truck in Dallas then went back to the warehouse and unloaded boxcars by hand on to pallets  for the forklift driver.....and that's why beer suks !:laffs: Wash

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Long Route Peanut Butter Porter by Empyrean Brewing Company of Lincoln, Nebraska. Smells like peanut butter toast. Tastes like Peanut butter toast. There are hints of a hop flavor but peanuts dominate. There is a touch of sweetness as well but not much. It feels pretty thin for a porter. Contrary to the advice on the bottle I thought the flavor was better as the beer warmed a bit.


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