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And so it begins....


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Like standard-capacity magazines, mental health is a distraction.

A woman on the radio yesterday, top of her field with doctorates in psychology and psychiatry, THE go-to person for Aspergers, stated simply "This person knew right from wrong."

And as they were discussing, I don't really care about the why.  I care about stopping the next one, by teaching as many people as possible to incapacitate the next shooter...immediately and permanently.


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Mental health has it's place in the trial of a person accused of wrong doing. I'm sorry, but I really do not give a rat's ass what their major malfunction is when they are putting bullets in an innocent child. Such a person needs to be incapacitated immediately with extreme prejudice, regardless. I'm with you on this one Jon, an ounce of prevention is worth more than all the legislation they can come up with.

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So why doesn't the ATF make their own database for anyone who has been admitted to a mental health hospital and anyone who a court has legally diaginosed as insane !

It would kick out the 4473 form question real quick.

That is a question that needs to be addressed, I know in my county, if we pick someone up for a Mental health warrant issued by the county and the subject has a pistol permit on file, the issuing agency has no knowledge of the pickup order and the firearm is left with the person... It all boils down to a failure to communicate between agencies just as this happened with intelligence sharing before 9-11 took place... It since has improved but is still flawed.. The other thing that is occuring is that todays HIPAA laws make information sharing next to impossible without consent.

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This is a long rant. Excuse me for that. I have lived through and witnessed the complete failure of the local mental health system, and seen more than one person die.

Read on, if you want the truth.

If you prefer not to read it, don't it is long and ugly and for that I apologize.

I am on many forums but this is the only place you will see this.

I worked in LE at the county level,  (S.O.) and for a few of those 25 years in the mid-nineties I was on the negotiating team for my bargaining unit (Sergeants & Lt.s).

I remember having an "off the record" conversation with someone in the auditors office who was in the know as to where the $ went.

She told me that 78% of every dollar the general fund brought in was earmarked and by law had two be spent on federal or state mandated programs, leaving the board of supervisors control over exactly 28 cents on the dollar to do everything else with.

Mental Health was not a high priority because there was not a huge cry for it.

People don't like to talk about it. The cops handle the worst, the "crisis workers" keep the thing just above sinking level, and every once in awhile one gets loose and we have a murder, a suicide, or like now, a first class tragedy.

In counties and cities everywhere there are shingles hanging on office doors for programs like this...where there is no one behind the door...lotsa phone numbers listed in the phone book for programs that go right to an answering machine that someone some place checks now and then.

This is the way it is. The states, all broke from funding the give-aways and freebies and such have pushed all the responsibilities down to the county level, but haven't sent the $. In fact, they have pulled $ back.

They say that we are borrowing about half of the money we spend at the federal level alone. Many of the states are at least as bad off, because the Fed has pushed programs down and not funded them.

Now, we have enough people dependent on these systems (sometimes multiple generations) who vote...and they will keep voting for their check no matter what.

This is what you saw in the past election.

Mental health is gonna get talked about, lots of hand wringing and lots of blow hard politicals demanding this and promising that...and nothing is gonna happen because they won't put the money where it needs to be.

Much easier to tax and ban...tax everyone who works and ban guns, so that only crazy people or other criminals can get guns.

Just like it was in the old weapons ban, when nothing changed statistically regarding gun crime.

And when the next nut or person who is just downright evil commits mass murder with a revolver or a shotgun or a Ruger 10/22 we will go through this again...and lose more of our rights.

Facing the problem is not something the .gov wants to do. They don't even want to know it exists. The concept of "responsibility begets accountability" is not something they want to face. And we don't demand that they do.

They will hide, pretend it isn't there, and "manage the risk" which to us translates to "roll the dice". They will do this at every level, city, county state and fed.

They get away with it for awhile, they get lucky. But, every once in awhile there is a real mess...like the Colorado theater deal, and now this one.

"Managing the risk" is easy to get away with until people die.

But to be honest, even when people die not much happens...5-6 years of lawsuits, a big check gets written, and they go back to business as usual.

This wasn't fun to write, I am sure it isn't fun to read. But it is the absolute God's truth, I've seen it...I've lived it,  I know it. We, the people, need to get back to the roots of what made us the country we used to be, and demand accountability from ourselves and our government. Until we do, nothing is going to change.We need to chase evil out of our lives, and begin to rebuild in our hearts and souls. Then begin sending good people to office that understand what we expect.

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And that's the bottom line MONEY,sad but true.And maybe it's my sick bain that wonders if some of these anti-gun people actually enjoy this turn of events to further their own agenda instead of getting to the root cause mental health [which would cost]and the fact that we have to arm schools to protect our children.Not only from wacko's but I feel terrorist's are waiting for us to be disarmed then the blood bath will begin in earnest. >:(  Just my 2 mags. Thanks for you're hoest assesment of the facts brother SPBCTS.

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SPBCTS, you hit the nail on the head there! Another point a friend of mine brought up and is NEVER discussed is that before psychiatric drugs came about this stuff wasn't happening. People dealt with family members with problems, but now we have kids being drugged for ADD, ADHD, and a host of other 'psych' problems. The parents are just too busy to take the time to help their kids work through issues and find it easier to just give them a pill! You will never see a government study on it, but I figure at least 90% of the people who are doing this crazy crap are either on psych meds or have been. Has there ever been a study done on the long term side effect of all these psych meds? I've never heard of one, and I suspect if one has ever been done the powers that be have never released the results.

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While these people are protecting us they should ban automobiles. Traffic fatalities in the US 2009 33,808, 2010 32,885, 2011 32,367. That is proof that cars kill people not the people in cars killing people. It was a very sad thing that happened in Newtown, CT and my sympathy goes out to everyone involved. More children in the US drown in swimming pools every year than die due to firearms.

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Not surprising,when they promote drugs on T.V. and say sucicidal tendencies could be a by product of the drug yet they are allowed to sell it WTF.The one lady said before the sixties when laws were lax and firearms out there we had none of these problems.How do we get this out to mainstream news ? How do we get the public to see this? You can be sure the pharmaceutical companies will fight tooth and nail to keep this a dirty little secret.

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Not surprising,when they promote drugs on T.V. and say sucicidal tendencies could be a by product of the drug yet they are allowed to sell it WTF.The one lady said before the sixties when laws were lax and firearms out there we had none of these problems.How do we get this out to mainstream news ? How do we get the public to see this? You can be sure the pharmaceutical companies will fight tooth and nail to keep this a dirty little secret.

When the American public finally figures it out...Massive laws suits will be levied against the pharmaceutical companies which are manufactoring the drugs which have been linked to the shootings.

I.E. the Tobacco companies and the class action suits.

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