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This is how you stop a school shooting (video)


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That defiantly takes some serious kahunas to stand their with a gun pointed at you for that long. I would like to think I would of found some kind of cover and drop the hammer on that guy. But I can always do that sitting here in my chair not knowing the full layout and if people near by.

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I lost count of how many opportunities she had to drop the hammer. What was the end result in that standoff?

Police showed up and ordered him to surrender. He failed to comply so they dispatched him.

I am not sure why she didn't shoot him either. None of the locals seamed to have a problem with her judgement though.

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That defiantly takes some serious kahunas to stand their with a gun pointed at you for that long.

No, that takes a serious dose of stupidity! In that situation I would have dropped him when he first pulled the gun! There was no cover available for the SRO in the lobby, which means no discussion in my book. If hard cover was available then dirtbag gets one warning to drop the gun. Noncompliance results in being shot!

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No, that takes a serious dose of stupidity! In that situation I would have dropped him when he first pulled the gun! There was no cover available for the SRO in the lobby, which means no discussion in my book. If hard cover was available then dirtbag gets one warning to drop the gun. Noncompliance results in being shot!

Perhaps only she knows why, but I would imagine legal fears may have stayed her hand. There are people serving lengthy prison sentences for murder who actually used a gun in self defense.

Even for me "tried by 12 VS carried by 6" is not an easy decision. But under those specific circumstances, I would have fired on him immediately for reasons I'd rather keep to myself.

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No, that takes a serious dose of stupidity! In that situation I would have dropped him when he first pulled the gun! There was no cover available for the SRO in the lobby, which means no discussion in my book. If hard cover was available then dirtbag gets one warning to drop the gun. Noncompliance results in being shot!

My line of thinking is I don't see any hard cover except when they go out of camera view and then the wacko is right on top of her and there so close to each other what are the chances that the bad guy is going is going to get a shot off if she drops the hammer first? I mean there just so damd close to each other I'm thinking if any of them shoot there both dead. I'm not in law enforcement so I don't know what I would do to come out on top on this one.

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There's an area called the 'T' zone that anyone reasonably proficient with a handgun could hit at that range. Draw a line across the eyebrows and down from the center of that to the chin. Anything in that zone is an instant stop, no muscle twitches, reflex reaction or anything, just a drop like a stone! I'm sure Tom or any of the LEO's here can verify that!

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There's an area called the 'T' zone that anyone reasonably proficient with a handgun could hit at that range. Draw a line across the eyebrows and down from the center of that to the chin. Anything in that zone is an instant stop, no muscle twitches, reflex reaction or anything, just a drop like a stone! I'm sure Tom or any of the LEO's here can verify that!

Well thanks for recalling that for me I totally forgot about the T section. The next time I get to the range I'm going to get some B27's and practice this area. Getting to used to center mass shooting.

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Centermass is great, but it's only permanently effective if you make a CNS hit.  Nothing else in the centermass zone will drop them, but it'll damn sure slow them down and make them think about it.

Remember too, lots of the currently marketed self-defense/personal-protection ammo is specifically designed to NOT over penetrate!  The video of the trauma surgeon talking about the overall ineffectiveness of ANY caliber handgun ammo should be mandatory watching for all of us.

An emerging school of thought is to aim actual center mass, i.e., into the center of the pelvic region.  Jim Cirrillo initially gave hints that this should possibly be training doctrine, reporting that on NYPD stakeout squad shootings they used to shoot the accomplices in the hip-region to prevent their escaping the store. 

Just food for thought, humans have some major artieries, veins, and nerves that fork off into the legs from the pelvic region.  Many hand-to-hand fighting forms teach taking out the base (legs) of the opponent so they can't stand anymore.




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That was a chore to watch. No way I coul dhave taken a gun being pointed at me for so long. Several times he seemed like he was posturing up for a shot. Obviously, we do not have audio. It was obvious she knew him, and it was obvious that she was trying to talk to him and she had to have had signals that he was not going to shoot. I mean come on, she is a police officer. Sure she had justification and opportunity, but obviously felt she did not have to kill him. She was right for 13 minutes. We just don't know, but definitely a bizzare stand off.

But anyway, back to the topic.... "More Guns" is not the answer!!! ;)

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