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1 hour ago, JJ109 said:

Shepp what is your maintenance like on your guns that you run Mobil1? Any better then running CLP?

I clean my firearms everytime i get done shooting . if i can cut down on cleaning times and potentially have a firearm that more reliable in the field then its worth it to me 

I don't shoot a ton but I don't clean every time I'm done with no stand out issue. The big one will be here at the end of fowl hunting I'll break down my 1187 and see how dirty it is, it took a bath in oil this summer after some feeding issues

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I run mobile one on all my guns the semi autos both rifle and pistols get the two week soak then when you clean them off they are very slick and I continue to clean with it throughout the guns life the stuff is amazing and bonds into the metal, a quart will last you a life time.....


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21 minutes ago, ARTrooper said:

ok, so the mobile 1, after soaking it for weeks till it has absorbed it all in the pores, you just wipe it off and don't need to add lube? or you add some more mobile 1 when shooting? Just trying to get specifics because I love the sounds of saving money. :P

How long have you been here?  Mmmwwwaaaahahahahahahahahaha!!!  :evil:

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LMFAO save money on this site? sorry run as fast as you can from this site have a priest do a exorcism on your brain so you can never find your way back cause this place is going to cost you money and lots of it lets see this site has probably cost me over 6 or 7 Grand....... yeah we have much to teach this young padawan.....:)

So yes I lube all my guns normally when I clean them with Mobile one you will see as you use it the metal will just not take more but will be slick to the touch...just keep using it....

P.S. guys lets get him going on NFA parts..... just saying....

Edited by Magwa
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