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BEER, Reviews and Opinions


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 Treat American Imperial IPA from Tree House Brewing in Massachusetts. Mild fruity hop aroma, my 7 year old grandson said it smelled like oranges, nailed it his first sniff :thumbup: .  So tropical fruit comes to mind when I take a drink, but not the usual, a little more spice, Kiwi . Interesting feel, goes from a creaminess to a fizzy bitter end. That fresh green hop bite lingers for a good while, gotta be a pile of hops in this brew! More grapefruity as it warms, less of the spice. Extremely enjoyable, very drinkable and again, unique! Thank you much Brother!


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20 minutes ago, jtallen83 said:

 Treat American Imperial IPA from Tree House Brewing in Massachusetts. Mild fruity hop aroma, my 7 year old grandson said it smelled like oranges, nailed it his first sniff :thumbup: .  So tropical fruit comes to mind when I take a drink, but not the usual, a little more spice, Kiwi . Interesting feel, goes from a creaminess to a fizzy bitter end. That fresh green hop bite lingers for a good while, gotta be a pile of hops in this brew! More grapefruity as it warms, less of the spice. Extremely enjoyable, very drinkable and again, unique! Thank you much Brother!


Had the same tonight I really enjoyed it as well DCFEFD13-A926-4BFA-8DD0-FF41AD6A6866.thumb.jpeg.d756cf2dab9a2d56b9d40c882160e372.jpeg

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Also had this tonight, didn’t realize it was 17% ?? 

pours like 10w30 after 10,000 miles. Sweetness from the honey and then the molasses shines into a bite of roasty malts, as it warmed it also got boozy but surprisingly smooth for such a high ABV 




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3 minutes ago, shepp said:

Also had this tonight, didn’t realize it was 17% ?? 

pours like 10w30 after 10,000 miles. Sweetness from the honey and then the molasses shines into a bite of roasty malts, as it warmed it also got boozy but surprisingly smooth for such a high ABV 

Looks and sounds nice!

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Every Day, Once A Day, Give Yourself An IPA from Evil Twin Brewing in Connecticut. Catch a whiff of vanilla and fresh hops. Flavor up front really reminds me of another of their beers with a Pina Colada twist. Sweet kind of roasty coconut flavor, a little malt. Then you get that citrusy hop flavor, lime pith bitter near the end but it mellows quickly and leaves that coconut vibe to close. The vanilla and the sweetness come on as it warms. Good stuff, that local beer pusher is doing a great job bringing in the NE quality beer…….

but he still can't find any Tree House! 


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49 minutes ago, jtallen83 said:

Every Day, Once A Day, Give Yourself An IPA from Evil Twin Brewing in Connecticut. Catch a whiff of vanilla and fresh hops. Flavor up front really reminds me of another of their beers with a Pina Colada twist. Sweet kind of roasty coconut flavor, a little malt. Then you get that citrusy hop flavor, lime pith bitter near the end but it mellows quickly and leaves that coconut vibe to close. The vanilla and the sweetness come on as it warms. Good stuff, that local beer pusher is doing a great job bringing in the NE quality beer…….

but he still can't find any Tree House! 


Think the only way to get tree house is at the brewery ??

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Nervous Energy Milk Stout from Tree House Brewing in Massachusetts, thank you Brother! Maple and smoke is what I smelled and it wasn't real strong on aroma. My wife takes a sip an says " Chocolate, coffee………..Hmmmm………I like that!" with a big grin. I get the taste of a high end latte but a slightly smoky version. I get hints of the maple and cinnamon, all the sweet you want, in a good way. They have plenty of sweet in it but not too much. The creamy maple nugget taste comes on as it warms. A fine tuned stout, absolute pleasure to drink, ambrosia! 


300 lumen light, this schit is thick!


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Infinite Galaxy, galaxy hopped IPA by Pipeworks Brewing Co in Chicago, big thanks to my Wisconsin Brother for providing this flavor savoring opportunity! Almost a hazy, almost a classic IPA, for sure damn good. Aroma wise I get some of that fresh cut grass, citrus, as well as some basic beer aroma, malt I assume.  Taste starts with a mild grapefruit melony flavor but goes into that more bitter orange pith, dank, grassy taste, a bit of classic IPA bitter but a pretty good dose of sweet makes a great balance. Starts to pick up some resinous pine flavor and a touch more sweet as it warms. One of the more abrupt changes in flavor, very distinct changes as it goes through your mouth, almost like having two different beers. Thinner feel, easy to drink, dangerously easy to drink!


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I Can Brew For Miles is an Imperial American Porter style beer brewed by Mikerphone Brewing in Elk Grove Village, IL. Chocolate and toffee notes for a nose, taste follows but moves around. Has a smoky bitter I can't say I have seen before, not heavy on any single flavor but touches of many, toffee, caramel, coffee, fudge, dark chocolate. Starts with a creamy feel then shifts to a lighter, bitterer finish. Had the largest bubbles in the head I have seen on any beer, foamed up big on pouring but quickly dies down. Gets sweeter, thicker, with more toffee notes as it warms. A good fit for the ambrosia category! 


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Hopsmack DIPA  from Toppling Goliath Brewing in Decorha Iowa. Big tropical fruit aroma. Has a mango pineapple flavor up front, starts on the sweeter side. The tropical fruit flavor dissolves into a hoppy bitterness but not as much bite as I was expecting from the label, for me it was a pleasant, smooth transition to the hop finish, very fresh tasting. A damn fine beer, closer to a sipper than a guzzler.


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Double Shot Columbia La Piramide stout from Tree House Brewing in Massachusetts, another big thanks to my brother in Massachusetts! I get a coffee and chocolate aroma along with one I can't really pin down, sweet but spicy. Flavor is fuk'n ambrosia! Chocolate, coffee, maybe cinnamon, a sweetness similar to marshmallow but that may be because I read the label first. The feel is like a fresh homemade marshmallow melting in your mouth. Gets richer tasting as it warms but it's hard not to just suck it down before it does. It says to enjoy it on a winter day by the fire with someone you love, by myself so I have the loved one part covered and a warm spring day on the deck by the river is working just fine. One of the best beers I have ever drank, fuk'n ambrosia!:thumbup:


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Hop Nawi New England Style IPA by Energy City Brewing in Batavia IL. And thanks to my Wisconsin brother I get to try it. Some citrus and tropical fruit aroma. They nail it on the label, sweet ripe orange and passion fruit up front with a piney bite to finish. Has that resinous oily feel, super drinkable. I will buy it if I see it for sure!


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Zombie Dust Pale Ale from Three Floyds Brewing in Munster, IN, thanks to my Wisconsin Brother for giving me a chance to sample this iconic brew. Aroma is citrus and bread. Taste follows nose with some piney dank added, also a little peppery. The malty bread flavor is prevalent throughout but picks up as it warms. Unlike the Tree House Julius this one just doesn't live up to the hype for me. The hop flavor is there but not the fresh profile I would have assumed, really nothing to stand it apart from dozens of other craft brewed pale ales I've tried. Not something I would buy, not unpleasant but nothing special for me.


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Strawberry French Toast DIPA from Decadent Ales, brewed and canned by Dorchester Brewing Co. Boston Mass. for Decadent Ales. Some fruity citrus aroma, it smells sweet. The flavor is spot on the name, some strawberry but mostly a syrupy, creamy, sweet French toast. Finishes up with a little bitter hop flavor that you expect in an IPA. First sip had me thinking the french toast was just too much but as I drink the hazy IPA flavor steps up, I think I like it, yep I like it. These guys are mad scientists of flavor!


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On 4/3/2019 at 5:34 AM, edgecrusher said:

Maybe, but I think Neal would agree.


On 4/4/2019 at 6:26 AM, ARTrooper said:

Than he is a traitor to wisconsin! @shepp

I’ll give him that he lives near one of the best breweries in the nation, but “beer capital” is a bold statement 

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