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Independence Day vs. July 4th

Armed Eye Doc

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I was scanning through my emails and ran across numerous advertisements for sales promotions from a wide variety of stores.  Many of them had Independence Day sales but there were quite a few that had 4th of July sales.  That deletes the meaning of what we are supposed to remember on that day.  It is, IMO, disrespectful to all those who have fought and died to gain and protect our freedom.  I was most surprised that PSA @Palmetto State Armory fell into the 4th of July side.  All that we have learned about them indicates that they are patriotic but they have fallen into the common substitution of the two terms.  So that I am not singling out PSA, a site sponsor @MoriartiArmaments sent a Happy 4th of July email.  Texas company Bond Arms is another guilty party.  I expect it from non-firearm companies like Office Depot and Lands End.  They sterilize everything through a PC filter.

It would be be similar to wishing someone a Happy January 1st.  You get the idea of the statement but it is not the same.  I may be arguing semantics, but if you don't proclaim what you're celebrating, the meaning will be lost.

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53 minutes ago, Armed Eye Doc said:

I was scanning through my emails and ran across numerous advertisements for sales promotions from a wide variety of stores.  Many of them had Independence Day sales but there were quite a few that had 4th of July sales.  That deletes the meaning of what we are supposed to remember on that day.  It is, IMO, disrespectful to all those who have fought and died to gain and protect our freedom.  I was most surprised that PSA @Palmetto State Armory fell into the 4th of July side.  All that we have learned about them indicates that they are patriotic but they have fallen into the common substitution of the two terms.  So that I am not singling out PSA, a site sponsor @MoriartiArmaments sent a Happy 4th of July email.  Texas company Bond Arms is another guilty party.  I expect it from non-firearm companies like Office Depot and Lands End.  They sterilize everything through a PC filter.

It would be be similar to wishing someone a Happy January 1st.  You get the idea of the statement but it is not the same.  I may be arguing semantics, but if you don't proclaim what you're celebrating, the meaning will be lost.

“Happy holidays”

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I don't have a problem of calling Independence Day "The Fourth of July" because I know what is really meant by either name and I reckon it has been that a-way for my whole lifetime. It ain't just firecracker day. but also Bombs Bursting in Air day



Happy Independence Day....Happy Birthday America!

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Never cared much what people call things, don't even care what they call me. Getting bent up over Christmas/ happy Holidays never made sense to me. I just assume a person or company holds certain viewpoints by what word they use and spend my money accordingly. Never imagined the 4th of July or Independence Day to be a big deal at all, thought it had more to do with ad space for the companies than anything else.

What I don't care for is word police. Liberty First!

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The patriotic holidays bother me, when people don't understand the reason for the holiday in the first place - but only see it as another couple days off work. 

That gets me.  Example, yesterday at work.  We transitioned to 4-10s for work, so we work Monday~Thursday.  Off Friday~ Sunday.  It's pretty badass.  So, yesterday, this guy comes up and says "You guys working on Wednesday?"  My reply was, "this building is closed on Wednesday, and nobody is working. It's Independence Day, man"  He says back that he will be working Wednesday, so he can have Thursday off, and make it a 4-day weekend...

Missing the whole point, dude  - and obviously, Independence Day means nothing to you...

That's the kid of stuff that get me...

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7 hours ago, Sisco said:

Guess I am with Mr. Mac. Always held “July 4th” As synonymous with “ Independance Day”.  Both terms have come to mean the celebration of our countries founding to me.

I agree with you guys also. I grew up with it all being the same, but the meaning was never lost. 

4 hours ago, 98Z5V said:

The patriotic holidays bother me, when people don't understand the reason for the holiday in the first place - but only see it as another couple days off work. 

yeah this bugs me too, especially when people tell veterans happy memorial day. first of all it isn't meant to be happy, it is meant to be a day of remembrance, not for the veterans but for those that died serving. 

We have to many stupid ass holidays that people seem to forget what the important ones mean and abuse the memory of those important days.

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My point is not whether or not we grew up knowing the difference.  We had history taught to us and American exceptionalism was not a bad thing.  Today's kids and many millennials have grow up without the same influences that we did.  The American way of life is no longer celebrated and, in many cases, it is being demonized when it is taught to kids.  This leads to young adults, and some who are not so young, who are actively trying to "fundamentally change" the very ideas that made America what it is.  A glaring example from recent news is the socialist who was selected as the candidate for US Rep in NY.  That would not have happened 30 years ago.

It may be a distinction without a difference to us, but the meaning will get lost when it is not proclaimed.

These are obviously cherry-picked clips, but still depressing.

Here is a 2011 poll about knowledge of Independence day.  I can't imagine that it has gotten any better.

http://maristpoll.marist.edu/wp-content/misc/usapolls/US110615/July 4th/Complete July 1, 2011 USA Marist Poll Release and Tables.pdf

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The Real Independence Day is March 2.......Wash



Texas Independence Day commemorates the adoption of the Texas Declaration of Independence on March 2, 1836. This event marked Texas’ independence from Mexico. Sixty delegates from all over Texas signed the declaration. Its language in many ways parallels the 1776 Declaration of Independence of the United States, which is observed on Independence Day, also known as “the fourth of July”.

The Republic of Texas was annexed to the US by joint resolution of the US Congress nine years after the Texas Declaration of Independence was signed. The US Congress then admitted Texas as a constituent state of the Union on December 29, 1845. Texas Independence Day is an official holiday in Texas. Sam Houston Day is also observed on March 2, marking the birthday of the man who led the Texans to victory over Mexican troops at the battle of San Jacinto.

someone told me that there's a war still going on and we are losing. We are being invaded by Central American troops in plainclothes taking over our government , services, and land, without a shot being fired ....can this be true?

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16 minutes ago, washguy said:

can this be true?

Unfortunately, yes this is true.  The sad part is that it is with the complicity of most of the federal government. 


19 minutes ago, washguy said:

The Real Independence Day is March 2.......Wash


Texas may need another one. 

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I don't care about all this patriotic political $hit Chuck, Just give me several hotdogs with onions cheese and mustard a Qt. of Keystone beer and tune in the baseball game on ESPN...,! Happy Birthday America, I hope Thrump don't cut off my food stamps and shut off my Obama cell fone.

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A couple of good patriotic commercials - from patriotic companies that get it.  :hail:




These videos might be more appropriate on Veteran's Day, or Memorial Day...  Or today.  Today is about Patriotism, service, and sacrifice, which all started on 19 April, 1775.  And even before.  The brutality and the abuse of "the crown" was long before that, but it reached a boiling point on 19 April, 1775, and the fight went for 14 months, until we reached a point where we could declare our Independence.  The Declaration of Independence has laid the foundation for this great nation.  There was a tough decision leading up to 19 April, 1775, and the decision wasn't really even made yet - but on that day, we could take no more.  It wasn't about taxes.  It wasn't about the Boston Tea Party.  It was about the idea of freedom from that.  What it was directly about was the escalation of violence from the other side, and tensions on both sides.  It was about British Rule deciding that it was no longer safe for "The Colonists" to have powder and ball.  They already made two massive seizures of powder and ball stores that we had.  They were attempting to make the 3rd seizure of powder and ball.  On 19 April, 1775, we decided that they weren't going to take that from us, and continue their path.  We began the fight for freedom that day, and it continued for over a year, until we were in a place to declare our own Independence...   That's what we celebrate today. 

This weekend would be a good time to sit down with your families and watch "Sons of Liberty."  It will require about 6 hours of your time to go straight through it.  It's a worthy investment of time, and it's a valuable lesson in history. 

Edited by 98Z5V
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Happy  Independence Day....and a Happy 4th.........what is bothering me is that there isn't very many illegal fireworks or gunshots going off in my hood ...even though we are right next to our neighbors at the Police station house there's still some nitwits shooting off something , today nada....how sad !  hmmmmm that gives me an idea...nah I cant squirt off a round...maybe the shotgun?....Nah my neighbors hate me..POPO would be here within seconds......I forgot to tell yall bout me beating security at the Police Station....for over a year now every station has a police officer patrol the parking lot ,or backed up to the front entrance motor running...talking bout sad...having to guard your own house...geeez what has this world come to?...So on Fathers Day Char baked up her caramel swirled brownies for the Dads at the Police Station...as I drive her car into the parking lot  I got the idea to sneak into the front door, cause the last few times the officer guarding the entrance would stop me, and take the food into the house himself. So I parked a lil bit down the lot and a row of bushes was between me and him all the way into the house...I made it into the station waving to my buddies inside...as they are coming to get the brownies the officer guarding the front came in and I told him what I had.  the inside door opened and the officer took the brownies from me while the parking lot officer asked me for ID and then wrote my DL into his notepad...he said sorry but I gotta do this...and I said how sad is it that you gotta guard your station house.... he agreed               Wash

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I worked Independence day. So I celebrated tonight. My neighbor and in-laws came over and we set off a lot of mortar fireworks. I got 48 big professional ones. I think my other neighbor is still checking his fences and looking to see if any horses got out. lol.

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