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Plinking Pistol for the GalFriend


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Ok sportsmen, 

I’m trying to pick your Brains about a good semi-auto 9mm Pistol for my gal,

but we’re not totally against a .38special/357mag revolver.  I kind of like the Kimber k6s Target revolver... saw one in the gun shop... Her hands are smaller and a few of the semi-autos were even too heavy feeling for her... One of the ruger’s had a pretty stiff slide and the little slide release button a little tuff to work...

Any Ideas?  She doesn’t want some little purse gun, she wants something that looks cool too.


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Well, the nice thing about a revolver is that they can use downloaded ammo. That .357 can also shoot .38 wadcutters. But have you considered a .327 Fed Mag? I think that's the cartridge I don't know if you reload, but if you do a wadcutter in .32 should be a pussycat. Since it's a revolver it can also shoot full power ammo, as well as many much older cartridges with shorter brass. A few years ago the Ruger LCR was chambered in it. Others also? IDK.

There are semi autos that are EZ to chamber a round. One is the S&W EZ I think it's called. I think there are other semis that are also easy to operate. But one that's difficult, if it has an external hammer, the hammer can be manually cocked and that makes the slide much easier to operate.

But all that is just background info. Shooterrex gave the best suggestion, find a range and rent some handguns and find out what works for her. 

I would also consider a semi-auto with 2 slides, one in 9mm and the other in .22. The Browning P35 is being made again and there was a .22 slide made for them. I have smallish hands and the P35 fits me fine. It's also the handgun whose hammer I need to cock because I'm older and what I could do easily 50 years ago is becoming a bit more difficult today and I'm looking ahead. Maybe they the .22 slides are still being made? I have a SIG 938 with 2 slides and while it's a compact handgun could that also work? I don't need answers, I'm just posing questions to think about. 

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I second what @shooterrex said. Find somewhere you can rent a few. Or a gun shop with a test range.  Or friends with pistols.  You want to make sure she’s comfortable with it and that she can easily do what she needs it to do.  For 9mm, I have a HK USP Compact I bought for my wife. I think she likes the Glock 19 better, but I liked the double action and hammer/de-cocker combo on the HK for her. 

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My wife has been very happy with her Springfield Hellcat, (after I added a Hogue beaver-tail grip sleeve for about $15). Before that she thought it was a bit "flippy" and was angling for one of my similarly gripped Sigs, a P365 XL.  As has been previously noted, the key is finding something she feels comfortable shooting. In my wife's case, she got to try at least a half dozen different pistols before deciding on her EDC.  She also liked a Canik, which is one of my son-in-law's handguns, but I don't recall the model. I will say that the Hellcat has proven to be the most reliable semi-auto 9 I've ever owned, including several Sigs and a Browning Hi-Power. Zero failures with a couple thousand rounds through it.  We believe in regular practice.

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It would be helpful if there was a ceiling to what the cost would be. 

MtnMike, you mentioned Canik. They make a full size competition gun that is absolutely fantastic. I don't remember the name. One of the best triggers out of the box that I've ever felt. And it fits my small hands, but I remember it being adjustable. Yeah, it looks cool too.

There are just so many possibilities.

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1 hour ago, BrianK said:

It would be helpful if there was a ceiling to what the cost would be. 

MtnMike, you mentioned Canik.......

Wow you guys, thanks for the feedback... Shooterrex has a great idea, get out there and try before you buy.  I’ll explore that possiblility around where I live.  

As far as cost... Is say I’m willing to shell out more than what she or everybody (like my ol man) thinks is a good price. I’d say my limit is around 1200 bucks, but I’m sure they think the limit should be around 600.  Like that Kimber k6sTarget 357mag was prices around 1000 new, and one for 900 nearly new.  I will review those other models and calibers you all suggested also... Her Dad listed some of the higher end brands that there were, and he couldn’t think of it but he said the kind James Bond uses... Later that day I guessed “Barretta” and after researching I was lucky... Apparently in the first five years Bond used a Barretta, than he switched to a Walther PPK... New Bond switched again to a different Walther.

Now those little boot guns ain’t gonna Cut it for this lady.  Good brands maybe but she can take more of a kick than that!  Thanks again.  Lots of em out there to choose from

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6 hours ago, MtnMike said:

and was angling for one of my similarly gripped Sigs, a P365 XL.

I was gonna recommend this, and the Glock 43X.  @DustBuster, find a place to rent, like the guys are saying.  That's the best way to go, because in a few rounds downrange, she's gonna be able to tell if she likes it or it won't work at all.  

Find a place that has the 365 XL and the 43X, and make sure she tried them both.   I'm betting one of them is gonna be the one that she goes with.  

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1 hour ago, 98Z5V said:

I was gonna recommend this, and the Glock 43X.  @DustBuster, find a place to rent, like the guys are saying.  That's the best way to go, because in a few rounds downrange, she's gonna be able to tell if she likes it or it won't work at all.  

Find a place that has the 365 XL and the 43X, and make sure she tried them both.   I'm betting one of them is gonna be the one that she goes with.  

Okay now we’re cooking with gasoline.... I looked up the Caniks, and they look pretty good...and now I’ll look up the sigs and the glocks... those models...

I have very limited experience with semi-auto handguns.  In fact, I think I’ve only shot two of them, in the same day.  My older brother has a .40cal 1911 of some make with a laser sight.  And he had a glock of some make(9mm I think).  We shot them both at a pie plate at about 10 yards, and I was not even close to being accurate with the Glock... Was that because of my shooting abilities, open sights, or a shorter barrel?  That 1911 was dead on but I was left with a dislike of that Glocks accuracy.  I assume it was shooter error, am I wrong?

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12 minutes ago, DustBuster said:

I was not even close to being accurate with the Glock... Was that because of my shooting abilities, open sights, or a shorter barrel?  That 1911 was dead on but I was left with a dislike of that Glocks accuracy.  I assume it was shooter error, am I wrong?

Depends on what Glock it was.  All the Gen 5 Glocks have massive improvements over previous versions.  Barrel, trigger (the two most important things).  Gen 5s are different from Gens 1~4.  That 43X is a Gen 5 gun.  Don't skip that Sig 365 XL, though - make sure she tries that.  That's a badass little gun with a great grip on it.  It's just comfortable, in the hand, for large or small hands.  Same with that 43X.  

I converted to a 43X for a carry gun a couple years ago, and it's deadnuts accurate out beyond 25 yards, easily.  Installed some night sights, converted it over to the Shield Arms 15-rd metal mags, changed the mag release to the Shield Arms metal mag release.  I carry a 15-rd mag in the gun, 1 in the pipe, and a spare 15-rd mag.  31 rounds on me, in a small-ass package.  If I carry a double mag carrier on the support side, with the Shield 15s, I'm rocking 46 rounds on my person - that's enough ammo to get me to my long gun.  The 15-rd loaded mags in the gun make it better balanced, upon presentation.  Shiit just works.  Well.

But, don't NOT TRY that Sig 365 XL gun out.  She needs to shoot both of them.  I think she'll go with one of those two.  

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Thank You for that background.... Now I know a bit more to help me thru the process.  I like the prices for those guns as well... checked em on Midway.

Yes after I posed that question about Glock accuracy which I did not have with my brothers pistol, for whatever reason, I looked online about Glocks and I realized “duh”. There were tons of different models of them.  I will ask my Brother about his and quiz him about it... I bet it’s an older version.  Thanks 98, I will also be checking out those Sigs... I don’t think she will be able to get to her Long gun in time, if the ship hits the fan, haha, but hopefully there will be someone around like you in that kind of pickle.

Sounds good Tnx... lots of info from you fellas that helps.

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I switched to a Sig365 as my all the time gun in front pants pocket pistol. After I shot one and found it just works for me.

I still like my Kimber mocro 9 and before that my Diamond Back DB9.

The Sig 365 just fits my hand better and has 10+1 rounds on board w/the standard magazine. There is also 12 round magazines but that makes the grip to long to carry in the pocket.

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1 hour ago, Lonewolf McQuade said:

Where's your sense of humor Dust Bunny?

It’s there and Yes your quip was to be expected here with you hooligans...I’m just lucky it hasn’t “blown up” to anything more 🙂  I can’t get her onto this site to prove her existence..I must admit I built my 308 out in the garage and she doesn’t even know I have one.

She hunts and uses her Dads ol 30-06, I hunted by myself a few times the last two years with my 308.  It’s much better now after putting a 16” pencil barrel on it.  After I get her a semi-auto Pistol, I may show her the 308 that I brought forth to life over the last couple years.  All u married guys know what the Lady doesn’t want in the house... stays in the garage!   Anyway... on another note:

This fall I was racing up the mountain to get to the hunting spot first, with my new improved 10 round elk stopper.  This was the second day hunting with this setup with UncleMike type sling swivels.  So I threw the rifle over my shoulder behind me and entered upon the rocky trail.... 5 yards up the trail, my shoulder suddenly felt lighter and BAM... No sparks flew because it was mostly aluminum but my pride and joy lay there on the cobble.  The damn swivel screw came loose and the quick hook came out of the swivel stud of the bipod.  Luckily there was only one scratch on the side of the upper and in days hence, the scope had not been changed.  I haven’t fired a shot yet hunting with it and it still has not bagged a critter.  Maybe next year.

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For pocket carry, I still prefer my old Sig single-action P-938 in an Alabama holster. Great shooting tiny gun. Downside is only 6+1 w/ flush mag. But I am damn confident those 7 rounds will hit where intended. I prefer to carry the 365xl IWB. Very slim and comfortable in a Vedder holster than accommodates my grandpa sight. The xl  is 12+1 with flush mag. EF6990F7-B1FA-4018-A17E-88F192E8320C.thumb.jpeg.c75fba06f9abc19cf58202a950a0bcaa.jpeg66184B45-DA9C-42D9-AE3D-CE7D8A79DB3D.thumb.jpeg.7a93905f5f3de1d882a42d7d1b261f59.jpeg

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54 minutes ago, BrianK said:

DustB', FWIW, the 938 with the slightly extended mag allows 3 fingers on the grip. Despite me mentioning them earlier it's maybe too small for what you want. Smaller guns are quite a bit more difficult to use.

Ok thanks for the clarification to me.

I sure like the look of the p365xl.

I guess My brothers less accurate gun was not a Gloc.  But I’ll keep in mind 98s info on them.  Here’s what my brother said about his two pistols that I tried.

“The 1911 is a smith and Wesson PD1911 .45.  The 9mm was a Beretta but under a new name.  A company bought Berettas tooling equipment but Beretta returned back to the market or something like that. I was not as accurate with it but it could just be me and my sight picture”

That’s his words... Well, I’m getting sold on the Sig 365xl or on checking out the Gloc now, but guess what?  When the woman puts her hands on them, it could just as easily go “ I don’t like Em... Can I just get the electric Piano stand instead?”  And I’ll have to do some persuasion techniques!  She shot a Gloc before with a Work friend at some steel target and she enjoyed that.  I’ve got lots of investigating to do.  Like for instance.. I read about the 9mm headspace being set at its front edge of the casing... that might complicate reloading those things and the Crimp needs to be minimal.  I need to research that more.  Reloading Compared to other cartridges etc.

Thanks again bros for the info... 

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Correct on 9mm headspace. All straight wall cartridges that are rimless headspace there. It's not an issue though. Just turn down the expander ball (use extremely fine wet or dry paper and an electric drill but go very easy it's more polishing then metal removal) if needed, and just taper crimp enough to get rid of the bell used to get the bullet into the case. You don't want to do more than straighten the bell at the mouth. The bullet should, when properly loaded, have a "shelf" at the bottom to prevent it from going further into the case, that's why you need to fit the expander, and the bullet should have enough neck tension to prevent the bullet from moving out under recoil. It might sound difficult but it isn't. Once one buys dies they are "had" for life and I never needed to fit the expander to get it right. But that might be required. I'm trying to remember my 9mm die brand. I'd be very surprised if it isn't RCBS. That shelf that the bullet rests on... It's easily seen by eye. The case has been sized smaller so the shelf is easily seen. At least my 9mm reloads are. It's not huge, but it's there.

I'd wager everyone here loads straight wall cartridges and a question about it will get a fast response. Trust me on this, it's easy.

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7 hours ago, BrianK said:

Smaller guns are quite a bit more difficult to use.

Took me an extra pile of rounds to get my 938 and hand to cooperate well enough to be traveling partners. So far I've resisted the 365, it does feel good, they feel good I guess, lots of options now, my LGS makes sure I see them all, eventually he'll win but getting in early on the 938 taught me to give sig lots of time to get the polish on things.

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I bet the 365 and the 938 feel entirely different in the hand even with the extended mag in the 938. Never tried it though.

I'd love to have a Hellcat with a red dot mounted. But I have what I have. Maybe I'll get the M&P 9c milled for one and call it good. 

Dustbuster, we're all just playing with ourselves, or at least that's what it amounts to. You need to get the little miss out to fondle some and try some.

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