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Let's see those M1A's


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I had mine what seems like forever, I put it into a McMillan stock 2004 or so. It's a double lugged M1A with torque screws for the action. The double lug and McMillan stock was highlight and final development for accuracy in HP matches. I have glass bedded standard receivers, rear lugged and rear lug with torque screw and double lugged. When properly done, they all shoot about the same, barrel choices is about the only thing that makes one better than the other.


The rear sight being absolutely tight without any play and still move is the most important accuracy improvement over anything else besides a good bedding job. If you can see play, any at all is like putting on a minute or more of sight adjustment without turning the knobs.


Once built correctly they shoot very well long time.



Edited by N Jensen
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I've had two SA M1As, both "loaded" models with the medium weight NM barrels (one blue, one stainless), NM trigger group and sights.  Both were great shooters!


However, I've decided if I go that route again, it will be with a LRB M25 forged receiver.


I like the design of that LRB receiver, but Ouch you pay for the good stuff.

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I like the design of that LRB receiver, but Ouch you pay for the good stuff.


Let's see...what is it that the corrupt, warning points awarding moderator likes telling everyone?


Oh yeah..."Buy once, cry once!"









































The moderator that doesn't want anyone to know it was him on the front of the motorcycle while filiming The Road Warrior.

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  • 4 months later...

I love mine. In 308, it's my go to long range rifle. All my bolt guns shoot tighter groups, but for a semi auto, it does the job. It's far from stock so that is why it shoots better. While never designed nor intended to be a super accurate rifle, it is a battle rifle that can be made to shoot better. Glass bedding by someone who knows how to do it on this rifle will tighten the groups considerably. There are also little tweaks to the gas system and trigger that will help a little more. If you can tune it to shoot 1 moa, you got yoursef a shooter. Under 1moa and you got yourself a Camp Perry winner. It can be done, but at a cost. But any rifle can be made to shoot 1/2 inches or better if you have the money or experience. Go for it! They make great hog busters, deer rifles, long range shooters and will make your friends drool when they handle it. At least mine does.

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With all the money I have recently "invested" with 40 pounds of powder, 1000 rounds of 168gr OTM cartridges, AP 20 inch assembled upper...Yada yada...yes there is more to list... I'm kinda easing back a bit. You know...pumping my brakes.

It's on my "to purchase" shortlist for this year though.

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  • 1 year later...

Guess we have a thread already, courtesy of Mr. Toolndie!

This is a Springfield M1A "loaded" with a stainless barrel. I am going to shoot it for a while before I decide whether to glass bed it. Has the medium weight match barrel, but just the standard sights for now. Best group the first day out, with 175 gr SMK BTHP's, 39.6gr RL15, M-80 Brass and Winchester primers. Been too long since I worked a peep. I had to relearn the importance of a consistent sight picture. 80 rounds later, I finally started to score some nice groups. These were the two best 3 shot groups of the day, but I was shooting at 75 yards, not 100. Need to work back up to distance shooting with iron sights, been a scope and red dot baby for too long. Just picked up a nice 1907 leather sling for it. Goes on tonight.



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RFD mailman brought my 4x18 308 BDC scope and rings form Midway also.a package from Bassett machine company in Dripping Springs Texas with a new low Picatinny mount for the M1A NM rifle. It all goes on tomorrow and to be boresighted at 50yds with the lazer.  Maybe I'll get some pictures this time. Usually a camera near me is not a good thing settings up a new project. 


Edited by mrmackc
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9 hours ago, mrmackc said:

RFD mailman brought my 4x18 308 BDC scope and rings form Midway also.a package from Bassett machine company in Dripping Springs Texas with a new low Picatinny mount for the M1A NM rifle. It all goes on tomorrow and to be boresighted at 50yds with the lazer.  Maybe I'll get some pictures this time. Usually a camera near me is not a good thing settings up a new project. 


Although I am not planning for a scope yet, I am interested how that Basset performs. They have some good press and would be on my short list. When I am at the range, a camera is usually an afterthought. Can you still use the iron sights with it?

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No, on using the irons with the Low Picatinny mounted.  Yes,  with the High Picatinny mount.

However the scope and mount can be quickly be unmounted and remounted with zero holding within one MOA. with the single screw using the unique supplied tourque wrench and action.

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