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Gun Range accident


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    I always wonder how things like this can happen , this is very sad & may have been avoided with more training or experience . When I read another one of these accidents , it reminds me of the one at the range I go to , where the guy was shooting by himself ( as I do ) & he must of holstered his 40 cal in a shoulder holster & shot him self in the chest & was found Deceased .

  Tragic day for this weekend .


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Sad.  Gotta keep better control of the firearm.  I feel for the whole family, that's a pretty tragic deal and no one is going to be ok after that  


Many old boss was at the range with his early 20's something daughter last weekend. Guy in the lane next to him was rapid firing. One round didn't sound like the rest and Don turned in time to see the guy drop. From the sound of things, and what LE had to say about the video....it was intentional. Luckily he didn't take anyone else with him.  

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  On 7/4/2016 at 11:24 PM, DNP said:

Sad.  Gotta keep better control of the firearm.  I feel for the whole family, that's a pretty tragic deal and no one is going to be ok after that  


Many old boss was at the range with his early 20's something daughter last weekend. Guy in the lane next to him was rapid firing. One round didn't sound like the rest and Don turned in time to see the guy drop. From the sound of things, and what LE had to say about the video....it was intentional. Luckily he didn't take anyone else with him.  


Holy schit?!

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A word of warning to everyone here. I'm sure we all try to practice good range procedures, but we cannot really affect those around us. I welcome new shooters to the sport, but if I observe bad behavior, I politely tell them what is wrong. If that doesn't correct it, I'll tell the RO if he hasn't already seen it... and then leave. I won't be around idiots.

The unfortunate things is I'm observing more and more poor range technique recently, even at well run ranges. Two incidents happened recently at two different ranges states apart that make me leery of everyone on the range. One old fa&t and his wife were at one end of the rifle range with an AK just spraying bullets everywhere downrange. I watched as the wife turned and pointed the rifle right at her husband with a magazine in (don't know if it had rounds or not.) I immediately yelled to her "Muzzles downrange!" she caught herself and did so. A few minutes later we called a stop in the action to change targets. The rules are posted on the range for everyone to be behind the red line when shooters are down range. The old fa&t sat at the bench fiddling with his rifles. I went down to him and politely said he's got to be behind the line. He deliberately ignored me. I packed up and left as did another family that was at the range. I called the range owner that night (a friend) and told him about the incident. He assured me that man and wife will never be allowed on the range again.

At a closer to home range I had it to myself and the RO (a doddering old guy) for a while. Then two older couples/asshats showed up. Screwing around downrange, not getting targets up in a timely manner (you pay by the hour at this place) wasting my time. Then while the range is hot, one jackass decides he is going to shoot his pistol from in front of the bench! A few minutes later, the other asshat has a jam in his .22 rifle. He turns it sideways on the range so it is pointed along the firing line to clear it! I yelled at him, packed up, and left. Went into the clubhouse where the owner was and relayed the incident. He immediately went out to the line to take action.

No matter what, you have to keep your guard up, and hopefully these incidents won't turn into another tragedy.

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  On 7/5/2016 at 1:52 PM, blue109 said:

We usually go out to the desert to shoot as a group, but if I'm by myself and only plan on shooting for an hour or so I actually prefer ranges with "dickhead RSOs" anymore. 


The range I go to the RO's were very nice until a rule was broken, even then very polite but stern. Last time this wife kept sitting at the bench backward during cease fire. Which I had no issue with, he asked her twice to not sit there last time he asked her to leave. After reading the rules online I thought it was gonna suck going there but it was honestly nice to have no bull poop

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  On 7/5/2016 at 4:01 PM, MikedaddyH said:

Crickets from our resident R.O. !



  On 7/5/2016 at 4:20 PM, blue109 said:

Our resident RO only works once a month so I never get to shoot out there ?


I've been out of town but that's another story.

Finally I'm out of the VP position.  We've been seeing an influx of new members, some who will either get mandated training or receive their membership funds back and told to fuckoff.

We're all sick of the casual douchebags who have no idea what down range/finger-off-the-trigger/"I'm-a-retired-_________(fill in the blank)-and-am-so-professional-I-can-point-muzzles-everywhere" sheetstains.

Our club is private for a reason.  Yeah, we can draw from the holster, roll in the dirt, sprint-draw-shoot.  Or we can sit at a table and BS or shoot targets.

As to that link posted above, the victim's brother's attitude says it all.  To paraphrase "Dad had no idea what he was doing and killed my brother through his negligence, a sad 'accident'."

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  • 2 weeks later...

Quit going to public ranges years ago, and shoot in the desert, with known or vouched-for guests of known people.  Been running some pretty cool local run-n-gun shoots, lately.  Everyone was a badass until I showed up with the shot-timer.  Lmao...

Next up, soon, is the summertime night, long-distance shoot.  MikeDaddy, holla at me for that one.

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  On 7/17/2016 at 5:39 AM, 98Z5V said:

Quit going to public ranges years ago, and shoot in the desert, with known or vouched-for guests of known people.  Been running some pretty cool local run-n-gun shoots, lately.  Everyone was a badass until I showed up with the shot-timer.  Lmao...

Next up, soon, is the summertime night, long-distance shoot.  MikeDaddy, holla at me for that one.


Wo Woo ! I think I have 5 boxes of tracer rounds. We should have gone out this morning, it was the first warm morning in two months.

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