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15 minutes ago, EngrBob said:

There is a sign here in El Paso that says Beaumont 856 miles and a similar sign in Beaumont.  Texas is big and distances can be deceiving.  

Remember when my old boss had the bright idea to bid work all over Texas so we could keep busy in the winter. He just couldn't seem to understand why it took me all day to get from the Amarillo job to the Port Lavaca job, "Hell Jim, they're only a few inches apart on the map" he says..............

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2 minutes ago, mineralman55 said:

Reminds me of a dirty joke. Is that why some people don't make good engineers?

I am a civil engineer.  I can't fix STUPID but I can fix what STUPID does.  It says so on the mug that sits on my desk and on the tee shirt I occasionally wear.

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13 hours ago, jtallen83 said:

Remember when my old boss had the bright idea to bid work all over Texas so we could keep busy in the winter. He just couldn't seem to understand why it took me all day to get from the Amarillo job to the Port Lavaca job, "Hell Jim, they're only a few inches apart on the map" he says..............

Now that you mention it, that area of Texas in and around Port Lavaca is where I would be hog hunting at night using the night vision.  That is the type of terrain, I should say.  For whatever reason I just thought about putting this in here ... :cool:

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I have driven all over Texas and the US and Canada I just leave early and drive fast! The worst thing about driving in Alaska is just getting there!......go as far as the road goes, then rent a small airplane with big tires, and floats or skis depending what part of the year you.  One of my company friends ask me where I got my float plane license, and looked kind of funny when I told him in Louisiana. 

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  • 2 months later...
On November 6, 2016 at 7:07 PM, 98Z5V said:

I wouldn't move to Colorado if you paid for my move and gave me a $100k/yr job.

No way would I live there.  You can have that liberal schithole.

It's funny you should say that. I got thrown a very similar offer Wednesday. Old company I was at opened an office in Denver a few years ago. Saw the engineer running it and he needs someone to come out and head up a survey department. We didn't talk numbers and it was in no way a formal offer, but it makes us think. My wife still works for that company at the main headquarters here in SAn Diego and he would take her too for Accounting. Why Colorado? Damnit. 

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1 hour ago, DNP said:

It's funny you should say that. I got thrown a very similar offer Wednesday. Old company I was at opened an office in Denver a few years ago. Saw the engineer running it and he needs someone to come out and head up a survey department. We didn't talk numbers and it was in no way a formal offer, but it makes us think. My wife still works for that company at the main headquarters here in SAn Diego and he would take her too for Accounting. Why Colorado? Damnit. 

Lived there for a decade, and there are areas where you can get away from the liberals and have some open space.  If you don't mind snow during the winter and enjoy the outdoors, it can be a great place to live.

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hard to believe no one wants to move to Idaho, lol oh well more deer elk and fish for me along with my NFA items, and oh there are only 1million people in the whole state, and !!!!!!! Idaho is bigger than Texas but you have to pound it out flat first, Texas is already flat....... just saying.....  and CO. every scum libtard is moving there to smoke pot and get on welfare... no thanks!

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