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This might be my new favorite gun


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Someone once stumbled into a gun pusher, I have a member in my text contacts is an enabler and his name rhymes with bobotop……

I’ve not wanted to add another caliber to my collection, but two keep calling to me… 9mm since I love my fn502 so much I think I would also love a 509 and 300 black out only makes sense with the purchase of my cans. 

Few weeks ago I was going thru my parts and i Have a bcg, a pistol brace, charging handle etc, im thinking hey i can build a pistol in 300blk pretty “cheap”! Until I text said enabler asking what weight buffer i should get and he replies you should just order the PSA JAKL! I look it up and instantly think FML……

Ffw to tonight eveything showed up for my adult lego set and I’m the proud papa of a 8.5” .300blk pistol, on a aero lower I picked up locally 





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On 8/20/2024 at 10:29 AM, Jeff300 said:

Enjoy the hell outta that. 👍 That will be good times. Do you have a plan for the top, iron sights or red dot?

I remembered I had a vortex red dot in my closet but last night I was messing with the boresight and lining it up and it’s maxed out on down and I’m still a touch above the bore. So I ordered primary arms red dot on it with the same redicle on my ARAK21. 

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On 8/20/2024 at 11:22 AM, shepp said:

I remembered I had a vortex red dot in my closet but last night I was messing with the boresight and lining it up and it’s maxed out on down and I’m still a touch above the bore. So I ordered primary arms red dot on it with the same redicle on my ARAK21. 

How far away from whatever you were using for a target were you?   The farther you are away from the target, the more up you will move the red dot to match the boresight.  30 ft across a room is way different than 50 yards.

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On 8/21/2024 at 8:52 PM, dpete said:

How far away from whatever you were using for a target were you?   The farther you are away from the target, the more up you will move the red dot to match the boresight.  30 ft across a room is way different than 50 yards.

Yea forsure, but I’ve done it before to ball park and it’s worked pretty well

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I went with this, has the same reticle as my ARAK which is a big plus to me. Played around with it in the house yesterday afternoon and evening and really like it so far. I was leery at First because alot of reviews complained of the reticle being “to small”, maybe if you were going to run it on a full length rifle that would be a bigger issue for actually reacting out to 300+ yards, but imo I’d be running a hight magnification for long range. 

ps ignore the light set up that’s getting changed. 





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On 8/24/2024 at 3:09 PM, Armed Eye Doc said:

Pretty damn cool @shepp

Thank you sir! 

I really wanna shoot it but the mosquitos are rediculous right now. There’s a new indoor range like 10 min away but they’re only 25 yards. 

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Have fun with your new handgun. Just curious, do you plan on shooting supersonic loads or subsonics mostly? SS are easy for function, subsonics  can be an issue. I have found just one commercial subsonic that functions in mine, but reloading makes subs pretty easy. 

I like .300BLK alot! And I like the looks of arm braced handguns or SBRs. They just look right. Add a can and they still look right.

Someone mentioned flash? Maybe little to none. The cartridge is designed for fast powder that burns completely in a 9" barrel (from memory and I have CRS) and not huge amounts of it, so flash may be low, esp' with subs.

I'm very interested in reading your after range action report.

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On 8/26/2024 at 10:40 AM, BrianK said:

Just curious, do you plan on shooting supersonic loads or subsonics mostly?

Mainly subsonic that was the whole point of jumping into a new caliber. With that said I plan on having supersonic on hand due to it being a little better price point and one simply can not have enough ammo lol. 

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I suggest to folks who build HD firearms to have different colored micro red dot sights (MRDS) and lasers if they have both (best IMO). If the MRDS sight is set up correctly once the firearm is brought to the weld one will be looking through it. I suggest red for that since the eye won't need to search for it. The laser should be green. Why? If it's a different color the laser can be set to the sight and easily checked once zeroed. If it too is red which is which? Good luck! And yellow/green is where the human eye is most sensitive. So a green laser is immediately picked up "out there".

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  • 2 months later...

FINALLY got out to my buddies to shoot this, got it dialed in at 50 yards per the direction. Then went supressed on the pistol range at 10-15 yards I was expecting a miss but she was banging 8” gongs perfectly. And hitting the supressed sub sonic with not ear pro is so awesome!!! The impact is louder that the gun firing!! 

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