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Ribs brother!

Cook ribs as low as possible, I have a four burner grill and I only turn on two burners on low. Its usually around 250° for 2hrs per rack.

Now I usually season with a dry rub consisting of cinnamon, paprika, red pepper, and black pepper. (2tbsp of paprika, 1 tbsp of cinnamon, 2 tsp of each pepper )

Next, with about ten to fifteen mins left, I'll brush on my sauce

(1 cup molasses, 1/4 cup honey, 1/4 cup of green tobasco, 2tbsp worscheshire (sp?), and brown sugar to taste.)


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Been doing alot of fish, I've got some red fish I wanna smoke, did trout and it was great. Love Slamon on the grill take a piece of foil lightly butter it, put your slab of fish on there butter it alil I normally do it enough so I can see it in the grain of the fish then top with either mcormic ground garlic salt or montreal steak seasoning. Put on grill at 350-400 till meat is less pink more white and flakey

Friend of mine in Texas has been making dr pepper pork I wanna try that too. Love to grill do it all year round hear in wi, got an electric smoker last fall starting to fall in love with that too

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Badass grill brother skeeter,I use briquets [kingsford]to get the fire started in my grill that has the fire box seperate on the front.Then I add lump coal or chunks of hickory or mesquite and try to keep 200 deg. about a handful of fire.Then I add the ribs wich has the silver skin removed.I can 3 slabs on the bottom and 2 on top tray.Flipping the ribs every 30 min..Starting with the thickest end bone side down.I let the wood and lump flavor the meat [till the last 1/2 hr. the the sauce.I cook them till you can bend them easy.Could be 3 or 4hrs depending on the amount of meat.I NEVER use fuid to start fire,I use a small propane torch.And I only could over briqutes after they are gray.I also use a digital thermometer for everything[cept fish]A lot of time the meat might look like its not done but its at temp. and and more heat and the meat just becomes dry.And a timer so you call hang out with the people and mine your cooking at the same time. ;)

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This I  do better than shootin  <laughs>

Char bought me a GMG pellet grill last summer so...heres some recipes  baby backs slather with mustard,rub,then lots of brown sugar ...refridge for 12 hours...then smoke at 185 using hickory/oak pellets for seven to eight hours


the ribs have to have a lil bite....not mushy

[img width=810 height=607]http://i1108.photobucket.com/albums/h414/washguy/IMG_0253.jpg

[img width=810 height=607]http://i1108.photobucket.com/albums/h414/washguy/IMG_0240.jpg

ribs are easy...brisket...well now that separates the men from the boyz    <laughs>  Wash

[img width=810 height=607]http://i1108.photobucket.com/albums/h414/washguy/IMG_0318.jpg

brisket and sweetpotato fries.....rub brisket with cabellas brisket rub,kc rub,bad byrons butt rub...refridge 12 hours. inject with applejuice/worcestershire..smoke at 165 for 8 hours spraying with applejuice every hour on a 10lb brisket until internal temp in meat is  165degrees then foil the brisket add half cup of applejuice and raise smoker temp to 225 and smoke until meat temp is 200 degrees then take it off leave in foil and wrap in towels and put in foam beer cooler for four hours to rest it

daaamn im gettin hungry      Wash

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That looks amazing!!!

A side I like to do is fresh veggies on the grill. Fresh brussel sprouts ( I know but trust me it you get them fresh and golf ball sized they are awesome), culiflower, carrots and red potatos.

Half and cut ends off sprouts, half and quarter potatoes, cut up cauliflower & carrots into bite size pieces.

Toss in olive oil, and spread on cookie sheet or in alm. Roasting pan and gill for 30 min at 350-400 or until browned. I normally do it in one of those tossable alm pans and stir them 3-4 times.

Then after their done I lightly salt them with sea salt

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Hi Guys  its cowboy cut Sunday!

...but ya gotta start saturday...here goes ...3lb cowboy cut bone in ribeye...put your rubs on now...refridge overnite...then on Sunday  get steak out to room temp...heat up smoker to 500 degrees....this is a reverse sear smoke job <laughs> steak is on at 500  10 mins per side then lower temp to 190 degrees monitoring internal steak temp...when it gets to 132 degrees pull off wrap in foil and let rest for 30 mins....it will be medium rare.so pics to follow <thumbsup>Wash


[img width=810 height=607]http://i1108.photobucket.com/albums/h414/washguy/IMG_0345.jpg

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Can you get your hands on Tri-tip where you're at, if so let me know, or just google "Santa Maria style tri-tip."  The most important part is that it's cooked with a good wood, oak is preffered.

Hiya Mac  tri tip is hard to find here in Texas....Costco is one of the few places to cut it....oak/hickory you are right on!    <thumbsup>  Wash


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