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Deer urine banned in Virginia


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 Looks like because of the " Chronic Wasting Disease ", Virginia has banned any Deer Urine & other bodily fluids , even from Deer you have Harvested . No out of state Urine , not even possession of it , is permitted .

    I don't hunt or live in VA. You think it will help ?

  I use Doe Urine for when I piss from my tree stand & pour a little over it , doesn't seem to bother the Deer , they walk right by it & over it with out missing a beat . I've had Bucks , make scrapes & piss on it them selfs , quite a funny thing to see .  Other wise I have no use for sents of any kind .

Edited by survivalshop
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IIRC there is a belief that CRD originated from deer going to cattle stock yards and eating the ground up diseased cattle, the same cause for "mad cow" disease.

Either way, something isn't right in our food supplies.

that was the reason the ban baiting in the centeral/southern part of the state figured it would be spread by deer pooping or urinating around bait piles spreading it more.

From what I understand is Wisconsin had had the most radical reaction to it and like I said our deer population, people who farmed deer (elk, white tail and others in the deer family) took a huge hit from it. A friend of a friend had some trophy bucks he would sell semen to ranches to breed more throphy bucks, they literally became worthless over night with the restriction put on the transportation of animals or animal parts. Same with an elk farmer at the farmers market, he slaughtered all his elk because that was the only way to get anywhere near his investment back on them.


DNR= do nothing right

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farming deer ,elk or whatever big game animal needs to be outlawed period if you want  elk or deer go hunting the damn things escape and spread disease to the healthy herds or worse breed after they escape it is the worst thing I have even seen around here and it is about to be ended in Idaho !

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We've seen some of this disease here in Iowa and eastern Nebraska but we already had so many stupid rules about bait and lure that they couldn't add much. Still have a dozen that walk through my backyard every night, counted 18 one time. I come at them waving my arms and yelling but they just keep about 15-20 feet away and wait for me to tire and go back inside then it's back to the smorgasborg of my landscaping :-(

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so is a paint ball gun  OK here is how it works my 88 year old mom loves her flowers and so do the deer we have so many we do not fertalize the yard it is full of deer poop so she says mark them suckers and so we get a paint ball gun shoot the ones eating her flowers with a orange florescent ball or two and then tell all the folks living near by that these are the ones need killing first when season starts     been working pretty well ... :)

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Our problem is we now have a "town" heard. They never leave the city limits. The city spends stupid money hiring professionals to bow hunt them but they only get a few so the heard grows. I've shot them with BB guns at various power levels but they just don't give a schit, they always come back. The deer crap makes good fertilizer but I get tired of moving it all to the flower beds before I mow. I've tried repellents but they love the pepper based stuff, actually eating the plants that very night after being sprayed. There is some smelly stuff that seems to work for s few days but it makes me gag when I go outside , repels everything! Electric fence is against a city ordinance. My only real option is a tall fence but but I can buy 6 308AR's for what the materials alone would cost me...stupid fuk'n town deer........

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Our problem is we now have a "town" heard. They never leave the city limits. The city spends stupid money hiring professionals to bow hunt them but they only get a few so the heard grows. I've shot them with BB guns at various power levels but they just don't give a schit, they always come back. The deer crap makes good fertilizer but I get tired of moving it all to the flower beds before I mow. I've tried repellents but they love the pepper based stuff, actually eating the plants that very night after being sprayed. There is some smelly stuff that seems to work for s few days but it makes me gag when I go outside , repels everything! Electric fence is against a city ordinance. My only real option is a tall fence but but I can buy 6 308AR's for what the materials alone would cost me...stupid fuk'n town deer........

Give us two hours with our 308 AR's. Might be a few holes in buildings though.......Maybe evacuate the town while we are at work.

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farming deer ,elk or whatever big game animal needs to be outlawed period if you want  elk or deer go hunting the damn things escape and spread disease to the healthy herds or worse breed after they escape it is the worst thing I have even seen around here and it is about to be ended in Idaho !

Deer farms are what brought it to Wisconsin from Colorado. 

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Deer are so down in my area,I am passing on hunting them this year. Also the Federal Courts are allowing the Ojibwa to night hunt on public hunting land in Northern Wisconsin this year. So that will depress the herd even more. It is not even worth going out this year. Not to mention the safety aspect.

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Deer are so down in my area,I am passing on hunting them this year. Also the Federal Courts are allowing the Ojibwa to night hunt on public hunting land in Northern Wisconsin this year. So that will depress the herd even more. It is not even worth going out this year. Not to mention the safety aspect.

that's bullshit!!!


i won't be coming up either...

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FYI on deer lure.

1934 NY native Peter Rickard introduced " Indiana buck" ,which contained no deer urine.

4 states have banned deer based urine lures : Alaske,Arizona,Vermont,and Virginia.

$15 million annual deer-hunting scents sales.

1960 first deer - urine - based scent.Marketed by George Robbins of Robbins scents.

25 oz. amount of urine output of doe per day.

660,000 gal. of deer scent bought yearly by hunters.Enough to fill an olympic size pool.


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In addition : What $44.99 buys you : a 2 oz. bottle of Mrs. doe pee fresh doe in estrus or a 25 oz. bottle of Wild Turkey rare breed burbon.

$ 4 million was the amount Buckstop lure won in a defamation lawsuit aganist TV host Fred Frost for claiming its deer - urine actually contained cow urine.

Scents that ( alledgedly) attract deer

Beaver castor,peanut butter,tonquin (siberian) deer musk,wood smoke,vannilla extract,sassafras,and human urine.

This was from latest Outdoor Life.

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In addition : What $44.99 buys you : a 2 oz. bottle of Mrs. doe pee fresh doe in estrus or a 25 oz. bottle of Wild Turkey rare breed burbon.

$ 4 million was the amount Buckstop lure won in a defamation lawsuit aganist TV host Fred Frost for claiming its deer - urine actually contained cow urine.

Scents that ( alledgedly) attract deer

Beaver castor,peanut butter,tonquin (siberian) deer musk,wood smoke,vannilla extract,sassafras,and human urine.

This was from latest Outdoor Life.

that's some great info! Peanut butter sounds like it would work, I use a cover scent that has a lot of vanilla in it, and I know many guys who have killed deer smoking a cowboy killer 

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