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Florida & Alligators


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  First my deepest heart felt sympathy for the Family of the Child  that was allegedly taken buy a Alligator . I hope it happened they way the parents said so .Too many conflicting statements .

  Now for every one who comes to Florida , Alligators are freaking every where here & I don't care where you come from ,you need to know that. 

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I would hate to appear brash ,but ..... It is posted " Do Not Swim" , the parents must take a large portion of the responsibility. They put their child in a dangerous situation and as a result, Wally gator ate their child. I would assume the gators in the lake/lagoon will be captured and killed. I feel the same about the ape in the zoo and the parents there.

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  On 6/15/2016 at 9:12 PM, survivalshop said:

  First my deepest heart felt sympathy for the Family of the Child  that was allegedly taken buy a Alligator . I hope it happened they way the parents said so .Too many conflicting statements .

  Now for every one who comes to Florida , Alligators are freaking every where here & I don't care where you come from ,you need to know that. 


What confuses me is who did that gator get in to Disneyworld anyway?  Isn't there fences and such around that whole park?

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  On 6/16/2016 at 1:35 AM, GRA said:

What confuses me is who did that gator get in to Disneyworld anyway?  Isn't there fences and such around that whole park?


In Florida, where there is fresh water there are gators.  Lived there over twenty years on two tours and there were gators everywhere.  Once on a golf course in Orlando we watched a mama gator rush out of a pond and run down and catch a rabbit on a fairway.  She had a mess of babies who had recently hatched and the rabbit was dinner.  We didn't look for any golf balls in that pond!

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  On 6/16/2016 at 2:01 AM, blue109 said:

Better believe they are about to figure that out! 



Disney tries to "manage" them by having Florida Fish and Wildlife "relocate" the ones that grow to over 4-feet.  It is literally impossible to eradicate them, at one time they were protected.  They are often found in car ports, swimming pools,  ponds, decorative water features, water retention ponds and ditches, or roaming neighborhoods making local dogs and cats into meals.  They can travel long distances overland, and they run very fast.

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That's wild.  Sounds like Jurassic Park - Orlando.

I think they need to rethink the "over 4 ft. practice" of removal.  We have them here in Texas but not to that extent.  

Now Bob ... if this makes you feel any better ... (LOL) ... Once when I was in El Paso I met a man who was retired from working for the City of El Paso.  He swore from one end to the other that it wasn't long ago, the first thing he and a few other city workers had to do every morning was go to some city park there right off the Rio Grande and get the gators out of the park.

I thought he was on something when he first told me that but he explained it was common for gators to swim all the way up the Rio Grande and once in El Paso they liked hanging out in the park ... (???)

I still think it's surprising that Disney hasn't thought more about keeping them out of a place hat is built primarily for children.

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How many 0's do yall think are gonna be on that check? I'm thinking they're gonna have to forgo formalities, skipping a hand written check, and use an extra small typed font, just to fit the whole number in the box.


Last time I was in Orlando, at Disney World, I saw gators everywhere. Even saw a roadkill gator on the highway... that had to be good bounce! A lot bigger than those Texas speed bumps.

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This really surprises me because back in 2010 my wife and I drove from Jacksonville down to Tampa to see her family for 2 days then drove back north to St. Augustine for a few days.  Afterwards drove from there across the panhandle to overnight in Tallahassee.  We drove all through the National Forest there to get to St. Augustine and it was a real pretty drive.

Did not see one single gator the whole trip, dead or alive.  I was looking for them too.  Now I read about them in Disneyworld with this horror story.  



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  On 6/16/2016 at 2:46 AM, Robocop1051 said:

How many 0's do yall think are gonna be on that check? I'm thinking they're gonna have to forgo formalities, skipping a hand written check, and use an extra small typed font, just to fit the whole number in the box.


You'd think that's what Disney would do.

If there is some comptrolling lawyer in their ranks that would say "A toddler's life isn't worth __________," the negative publicity would far outweigh whatever they saved initially.

I know this is different than a theme park geared towards wholesome family goodness, but you reminded me about United Airlines after 9/11.  Someone decided that, since the crews didn't complete their final flights, all life insurance and retirement compensation was negated.  Insane.

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  Alligators in Florida are still protected , they have a few days to hunt them for some control , but they are every where . When I first moved into this house we had several in the retention Ponds ( big man made lakes to control water run off ) I had an 7-8' & some smaller ones & even some baby's , but some fool from out of town ( Shitgogo ) got spooked because it was sun bathing in the back yard where he was staying & the dumb a$$ tried to chase it away with a 2x4 & :hornet: & it chased him back into the house  & its all that was needed for them to come out & kill it .

  I worked with a guy that worked for the State to rescue & or remove them & helped him sometimes when he was busy , they are Dinosaur's , plain & simple . Their is not a water source that can no be a habitat for them , They just pulled a six footer from the beach here last week , so Sharks are not the only ones in the sea water . I have a mount from an old ten footer that we took out less then a mile from where I live ,I will take a photo & post .

 Also we have a wide verity of poisonous snakes  here , every where , I kill several yearly out back . We even have snakes that are not poisonous , but will crush you into a lunch bag for consumption .

    Disney will settle this out of court & you will never hear about it . The Parents are not completely out of the woods , I don't believe they will be charged , but from what I last heard they were a good distance from the toddler when it happened , I certainly hope not !

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  On 6/16/2016 at 4:24 PM, survivalshop said:

  Alligators in Florida are still protected , they have a few days to hunt them for some control , but they are every where . When I first moved into this house we had several in the retention Ponds ( big man made lakes to control water run off ) I had an 7-8' & some smaller ones & even some baby's , but some fool from out of town ( Shitgogo ) got spooked because it was sun bathing in the back yard where he was staying & the dumb a$$ tried to chase it away with a 2x4 & :hornet: & it chased him back into the house  & its all that was needed for them to come out & kill it .

  I worked with a guy that worked for the State to rescue & or remove them & helped him sometimes when he was busy , they are Dinosaur's , plain & simple . Their is not a water source that can no be a habitat for them , They just pulled a six footer from the beach here last week , so Sharks are not the only ones in the sea water . I have a mount from an old ten footer that we took out less then a mile from where I live ,I will take a photo & post .

 Also we have a wide verity of poisonous snakes  here , every where , I kill several yearly out back . We even have snakes that are not poisonous , but will crush you into a lunch bag for consumption .

    Disney will settle this out of court & you will never hear about it . The Parents are not completely out of the woods , I don't believe they will be charged , but from what I last heard they were a good distance from the toddler when it happened , I certainly hope not !


Don't forget the large monitors that people have release with razor sharp teeth and daggers for claws, and snakeheads in a lot of waters. 


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Lol. I was totally going to release my desert monitor (grey monitor) out in the mountains while I was mountain biking. She was old and I thought it would be nice to let her go out with some dignity. She died before I got the chance though. That little dinosaur was nothing but a prehistoric reject killing machine. Would attack the glass every time I came near. I'd let her out in the back yard and she would Chase my pothead roommates. It was so Damn funny.

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  On 6/16/2016 at 5:09 PM, blue109 said:

Lol. I was totally going to release my desert monitor (grey monitor) out in the mountains while I was mountain biking. She was old and I thought it would be nice to let her go out with some dignity. She died before I got the chance though. That little dinosaur was nothing but a prehistoric reject killing machine. Would attack the glass every time I came near. I'd let her out in the back yard and she would Chase my pothead roommates. It was so Damn funny.


Monitors are nasty!!! I got a text from a friend in fla asking me if I knew what this lizard was in her yard. She knew I was into tropical fish and stuff. I immediately told her to get away from to and keep the kids and animals away knowing it was a monitor. I text my buddy who's a reptile junky and it turned out it was a savanna I think. Your right they're nasty little killing machines, like SS said about gators, true dinosaurs. 

Mom the note of letting things go I'd never do it as a sportsman and a tropical hobbiest it goes agains what I believe is right. I've given fish away and I've culled fish I'd never release them, even knowing they wouldn't live thru winter. They can carry disease and have a huge impact. I follow a fisherman in fla who fishes exotics it's insane the poop he catches 

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I was hoping she would spawn a new species of super lizards to terrorize hikers. She was an escape artist, so when she went in the back yard I had a little vest leash thing with a tennis ball on the end. It was too big to fit in the holes she dug and too heavy for her to climb the wall. Roomies probably still jump when someone rolls a tennis ball towards them.


I did love that little beastie. Had her over 10 years which may be a record for that particular breed in captivity. She hated me every day of it and bit me Every time She caught me slippin.

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I feel for the family that lost their child, but whenever I've been to Florida, I've always operated on one assumption:

If it's not a swimming pool, assume there are alligators in it and stay the hell out of it."

So far it's kept me from being eaten, drowned, etc. by a modern-day dinosaur (or dragon, whichever you prefer).

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First time I saw a gator in the wild was at park near Ft Stewart GA. He was just lying in the shallow water near the bank with his mouth wide open. I got about ten feet away and couldn't resist throwing a dirt clod, went right in his throat. Amazing how explosive fast they are. Thought I was safe when I got on top of a picnic table but that sucker followed me right up. Lucky for me a buddies car was within a few feet, dented the hood and roof jumping up on it. The gator circled the car twice then slowly made his way back to the water and disappeared! I don't hang out at the edge of any fresh water south of the Mason-Dixon to this day.

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